hair loss???


I lost my hair on AC chemo and my eyelashes and eyebrows thinned out a lot. Now I am on tax they have more or less gone completely. The eyebrows I have devised a way of drawing in with a really good eyebrow pencil made by Benefit. I’m not normally a great one for a lot of makeup but I felt really invisible so I persevered.I also wear eyeliner now most of the time. Not as good as mascara but it does define the eyes.

Andie xx

The nurse tol me if you wear eyeliner it protects your eyes ???
dunno why?

hello all i am writing here from hospital bed in st thomas’s ~ woke up well from surgery but looks like complications as may need skin graft on flap but wont know until monday. It took me ages to log on here. Pleased your first chemo is over caron and that you have felt well enough to write shelly. Take care bright x

aww Brightlight hope you are ok ???
was it bad? been thinking about you hope to speak soon do you know when you will be out?
love Caronxx

Hi there bright.

I hope you recover well and get out of hospital real soon. I have been thinking of you and Muv, hope shes ok too.

Take care and get plenty of rest.

Much love



If any of you feel sick after the chemo, try wearing seabands all the time. I had chemo for 5 months last year, took the anti-sickness tablets they gave me and went to Superdrug for the bands. Wore them on both wrists for 5 months and wasn’t sick once - yipee !!! Might have been psychological but I’m convinced they worked. They cost about 6.99 a pair and are the ones used for sea sickness & morning sickness. I’d read in the paper that they were trialling them at Christies and all my consultants and nurses were happy for me to use them.

Good luck, Liz

good idea if anyone is sickI did hear of it but after mychemoI am feeling ok so far ( touch wood ! )
love caron x

Hi Mjje,
It was actually Shelly who read your thread and noticed you were starting chemo the same day as me ( I think your having the same FEC( or EC ) and TAX 4x4.

When I had my chemo I was dead worried as I didn’t know what to expect , anyway it was very cold going in ! but I never felt drunk at all my face was a bit flushed and I felt flushed too, As soon as I went home we had tea as I felt ok then but I felt a bit sick later and woke up in the night feeling sick but I wasn’t.
The headache is the worse thing I have had it now since the night of the chemo ( although it went a bit last night it’s back now ! ).
Never heard of the ice - cream headache whats that all about???
Also I have had a bit of indigestion ( has any one else had this ???).
I have been cleaning my teeth 3 times a day and I am gonna try and keepit up ( as my gums have already got gum disease ! ).
I have got dressed today as I am going for my fitting or ar least to see some wigs today ?
I am still feeling off not at all right but not too bad ,
Are all the Chemo’s the same will no;2 be the same as n0;1???
I don’t know I just know it’s got to be done,
have you any any kids ?? I have got 4 , 1 is left home now my youngest is 13 called Owen then I have a girl 15 called Chloe the a boy ( he’s a giant ! 6,3 and still growing he’s 16 ) then Jamie he’s 19 and living with his gf .
Write back the more the merrier I say !! as not everyone is on at the same time KEEP POSTING ! LOVE CARON XXXXXXXXXX

Shelly this is for you !!!
I have been having some pains in my breast ( different from before ) so maybe it is the chemo attacking the cancer ??? ( god I hope so ! )
Love Caronxx

Hi everyone,
Keep trying to read and my PC keeps losing the internet …grrrrrr… Hope everyone is feeling well today.

Kai and I are sat here watching Bob the Builder still in our PJs! He keeps playing with his willy all the time…right in front of me!!!. Men!!! They start early don’t they!!! (For those who don’t know…don’t worry…Kai is only 3 !!!)
Caron you are doing so well with the chemo. I felt better this time (2nd lot of FEC), probably helped by not having a cold.
Loved the seabands tip - will def buy some.
Went to see counsellor yesterday and found it very useful. He was very nice (and I got chocolate cake!!!). It felt so good talking to someone. Have to keep lots inside with hubbie, as I know I think about lots of horrible things (like not being here etc), but could let it all out with the counsellor. He doesn’t think I’m too much of a nutter either (I held back!!!), which is great and hopefully I can continue to avoid Onc putting me on antidepressants. Seeing him every few weeks. Almost feel sorry for him! My Mum died of BC (they found it when it was already very very spread), so feel the need to talk as the memories of what she went through are haunting me. Funny thing is ONC doesn’t think there is necessarily a family connection as she was over 60…!!!

Dreading next week though. Biopsy for the extra lump on Monday (hate them…hate hospitals), then bloods taken and then onc appointment (no more bad news please) and chemo on Tuesday (with coldcap…persevering with it…but there for about 4 hours…). Am hoping I will feel Ok for Christmas day. Normally I’m a mess 2 days after chemo…sigh!!!

Kai and I are going to make Christmas cards today (better late than never) and may go shopping. have to enjoy my last few days of feeling normal before chemo!!
Much Love,

Hi Gail,
I know that the older you get the more chance of BC getting you, I would say there is a link ( DEFFO ). just because she was older than you now ,you don’t know how old she was when she got it ( she might have had it years ??.
I don’t think I could talk to a councillor ( well I know I wouldn’t be able to ! ) but everyone is different arnt they.
I went to the docs second week and he put me on antidepressants !! ( good I say ! ).
I am glad I had my cold before chemo as well ! Steve keeps giving vitimin pills !
Where is your extra lump Gail??? ( on ur breast or arm pit?).
I didn’t think the biopsy was too bad, ( like you all say it’s the not knowing what they are going to do is the scary part ).
I now hate hospitals too !!!
whats the cold cap like ?? don’t think I could be doing with the freezing head ! Has anyof your hair fallen yet?
Keep positive all of you !!! love Caron I will write after I have been to see about the wiggy ! ( not going till 1pm ) xxxxxxxx caron

Hi Girls

My mum died of breast cancer as well. Again it was well spread before it was found. In her brain actually. Also her sister - my aunt died of breast cancer and then last year her daughter - my cousin. For some years I attended a Family history clinic locally but then got to an age when they said if I got breast cancer is would not be genetic, just one of those things. I Have mixed feelings about all this but know that the speed that my cancer appeared and spread attending a clinic once a year prpbably would not have made any difference.

Caron it sounds as if you are ccoping well with the chemo. Good for you. I am struggling a bit this time but am trying to function as near normal as I can. Had a cooking session this morning, but tiredness has kicked in now so the armchair is calling again!

Gail I know what you mean about Hate Hospitals. I think I have spent more time at the hospital in the last 4 months than I have spent there in the rest of my life. They are very good were I go but it is just the constant reminder of what we are dealing with.

Keep positive Bright they will look after you and do what is for the best.

LOL Andie xx


Sounds like every one is coping ok today, just a little tired perhaps…
I took the boys to school this morning and i popped into work to see some friends. It always makes me upset when i leave work and come home as i miss my friends and work. I get a bit lonely at home alone when hubby is at work and kids at school especially when I’m really tired as i have no motivation.
Good job iv got you guys to write to.

Gail - …I know what you mean about your little boy playing with his lilly… I have 3 boys and they can be so embarrassing at times…

Caron - The pain in my boob is still aggravating me so lets hope it is the chemo doing its stuff…About time i say!!!

Andie - Sorry to hear so many of your family members have died from breast cancer,you must be devastated…
Anyway you rest and when the armchair calls you jump into it and snooze…Hope you start to feel a bit better soon…

I wore sea bands when i was on my AC chemo but they didn’t work for me, i did try them when i was pregnant for sickness and they didn’t work then. I drink lucozade when i feel sick, it seems to help but i love it anyway…

Hope your a little better today Bright, you’ll soon be back on your feet…

Take care((((hugs))))

Hi all been to see about my wiggy !
I don’t know why I was crying when I was going to hospital and also when I walked in and when I saw the woman !.
Anyway she said my hair was expresso or Cappachino ( all coffee anyway ! ) she showed me a wig but it was much too thin for me ( my hair is really thick ) so she is ordering me 2 they will be here in 2 weeks on 2nd Jan ( the same date as my original appointment only at a later time at 1pm instead of 11;30 am cos my scan is on that date at 10;30, so that will be all day then at hospital !
I am tired but can not sleep much ? aw well speak soon love Caronxx

Hi, I have just spent the last wee while reading your posts. I was in the same boat 3 years ago in January (I was 37). I had a mastectomy, chemo (4 FEC then 4 Taxoter, I think it was), 4 weeks of radiotherapy, a year of herceptin, and am now on tamoxofen. Lost the hair as well which was bloody awful, hated that !!!

You probably have a long way to go with your treatment but I hope you are lucky like I was, I didnt have much side effects at all, apart from not being able to taste anything which was a real bummer as I do love food, lol. I am now doing well, although I am due for a yearly check up in January and I cant say I am looking forward to that, it just brings it all home again !

Anyway, best wishes for the future I hope all goes well for you X


thanks for your well wishes Jackie ( hopefully we will all come out the other side ?) love Caronx

Hi everyone…you seems a lively crowd!

Lying in bed having had my second Chemo(FEC) earlier today… feel very wierd. On the first I used the cold cap but sadly before the second chemo I was already half bald! Still, have 2 lovely wigs and once I get confidence will be ok.At the moment I am wearing a little cotton cap which is soft-my scalp is very sore.
Have been sent home armed with lots of anti sickness injections( which my friend will give me if I need) and suppositories . I was so sick last time and ended up with 3 visits to GP for injections…it was horrendous. Still fingers crossed this time otherwise the oncologist said they will take me in for 24hrs and give antisickness intravenously.

IAbit about me… I am 44 ,married for 24yrs to a hubby that is absolutely fantastic. Have 4 children 23, 22 (lives with his girlfriend and 2 babies- we were horrified but what can you do …they are great parents but its hard…) 20 & 17. The girls oldest and youngest are fantastic but the boys find it harder Caron can totally relate to your son)
I have invasive lobular with extensive lymph node spread. I have had a segmentectomy and sentinel noded but it was decided to start 6 sessions of chemo and come back to removal of lymph in April 09 then radiotherapy.

Best wishes to you all
Bethy x

Thanks Caron for inviting me in, hi everyone, hope you don’t mind me gate crashing! Let me introduce myself.

I’m 37, married to a saint and have 3 beauutiful kids a 2 year old girl, and 2 boys aged 4 and 6, (who, by the way Gail, are both always playing with their willies too, thought that might have stopped by 6 but hey ho!) I’m extremely lucky. Life was just peachy until this Summer when i found the dreaded lump!

Saw breast surgeon who gave me all clear beginning of Aug, told me nothing to worry about, It’s a cyst,don’t loose any sleep, he said! So I didn’t, in fact quite the opposite, got pregnent instead!!! Oh joy, months of throwing up again, but hey it’s all in a good cause! not to be, then got a letter for a follow up appointment, just to check if cyst had dispurssed by itself. I must admit it was so so tiny and I am a bit squeemish so i didn’t really look for it. So to my horror it was still there so breast surgeon (diff one) said no I agree not worried about this one but as you’re here will get the nurse to stick a needle in to pop it! It was at this point that the nurse, not a surgeon said she wasn’t happy about it so could she send off a sample. This obviously came back dodge and had to have a core biopsy and needle bi-op of armpit.

lump bi-op came back as deffo cancer but armpit looked clear, so original surgeon said, don’t worry, you can continue with pregnency, lump is so small we’ll nip it out under local and take a few lymph nodes just to be sure but not expecting any probs. Preggy sickness in full swing now and starting to look fat, then came back 2 weeks later to be told, oh dear sorry didn’t achieve clear margins and found the big C in 2 of the 8 sample nodes in armpit.

Then had to terminate, which after having 2 miscarraiges (1 of which was very late) and an ectopic, i found very difficult. So 3 days after termination then had to go back into hospital to have wider excision, including removal of nipple, nice!, and rest of lymph nodes removed. Took quite a while to recover and wouldn’t let me home till drain removed.

so just started 1st of 3 X FEC/3 X T on Weds of this week with rad due after and then 5 years tomoxifen.

Lost count how much money i’ve spent on my hair, It was very long, so went shoulder length 7 weeks ago, then short Bob 3 weeks ago, and Posh Becks this afternoon, bought two wiggy’s and several headscarfs, this flammin illness is costing me a fortune! even looked into eyebrow tattoos but thought nearly £400 was taking the Wotsit a bit!

Sorry this message so long, it’s just the initial get it off my chest one, and next time I won’t waffle so much, I promise!

Thanks to everyone though for being so welcoming and supportive, guess that’s what get’s us all thru this rubbish time of our lives!

\beth , so are you on hospital now?
Luckily I havn’t been sick ( yet ? )
So your having 6 ? I heard of the injections ( I would be too scared incase I got a bubble in one , or is that just a myth ??)
How long was it before your hair started falling ?
I hope your ok 4 xmas? ( I hope I am I want to cook the dinner !)
I still dont know what my cancer is yet ? I forgot my cancer book when I went for my chemo !!
funny thing was Steve kept saying "I feel like Ive forgot something "! when we got there I realised what it was then I was in panic mode thinking there not gonna give me it now ! but they did the nurses were laughing " oh it’s on the coffee table " Love Caron xx

Hi Beth
Sorry to here your feeling sick after your chemo,hope you pick up soon. I didn’t know you could get anti sickness injections, where are you from??

Jo - Sorry to here all the trouble you had to go through to get your cancer finalised (so to speak) as if cancer isn’t enough to deal with then having to terminate your pregnancy. I myself have suffered 3 ectopic pregnancies and 7 miscarriages. My thoughts are with you…

I am sure you will get lots of help and support from all the ladies on this site, they are a great bunch.

Caron - So your hair is a cup of coffee,nice. I’m glad your managing to keep your side effects at bay.

I too have lost count on the amount of money i have spent on hats,scarves,headbands and wigs… At least i have saved money on the shampoo…Lol…
Before i lost my hair i used to wear headbands,scarves and hats to go into town so when i did lose my hair people wouldn’t stare at me. It got me used to wearing something on my head too.
When i wear my wig i feel people are looking at me but when i wear a scarf i feel much better. Losing my hair was a big thing for me…

Hope all you ladies are all fine.
