hair loss???


Its 11.30pm and i cant sleep…
Iv just made myself a cup of tea and am enjoying it with some biscuits.
My hubby should be home about midnight so he will be surprised that i am still awake. Over the last few days i have felt agitated and restless when i come to bed,not even the sleeping pills are helping.I don’t know why I’m like this perhaps its just subconsciously in worrying…I keep getting a sharp stabbing pain in my boob,it really makes me jump at times.Its so hot tonight i think i will put a cold flannel on it for a while…

Caron - That song we sing is from the radio,every morning when i take the boys to school they sing it,its usually around 08.30 you should try and catch it. Practically every local area radio stations play it every Christmas…

Bright - Good to here your resting.Try not to worry too much about your results, you may not have any spread,try and enjoy your Christmas with your tasty goose.

Jo = Glad your feeling a bit better. I think i will be dodging the camera too over the festive season,don’t want any pics with my baldy head…My periods stopped this month. I think they will come back though after the chemo has finished.

Hubby has just arrived so night,night


Oh so where are we all today then ??? busy I expect ( like me i have been running around like a headless chicken today !)
this is the only day we could go shopping cos Steve at work and stuff so starts getting ready who turns up ? Jamie bought them car wants them putting in !
Today I says we are busy ( only picks the busiest day in the year ! ), dont want to dissappoint him so Steve sends him home and tells him well be round later ! All day we have had texts off him WHERE ARE YOU ARE YOU COMING ?, HAVE YOU FORGOTTEN ?? !
No Jamie we are just in Tesco the only shop in Grimsby to run out of the 2 things i wanted !! TABOO & ASTI !
So then I was mad cos Steve went down dock to pay his bills ( and i told him the shops would run out of stuff ! ) so then he ( Steve says " I’ll take you to Asda’s but i’m thinking Asda will be worse than Tesco’s and wont have any either so then we decide to go to Sainsbury’s ! which is just across the road from Tesco’s so off we went anyway I managed to get my taboo & Asti in the end then Jam still kept texting are you coming ? ( ME yes were on our way LIE ! ) I had to go home unpack all the shopping find Jam’s presents wrap Steve’s mam’s birthday present ( TODAY ! ).
We finally make it to Jamie’s Steve looked at his car seats ( Jamie came in left Steve outside he said to me who is he talking to ? I said I dunno? he said " he’s talking to MY neighbour ! "
Anyway Jamie went out he said to Steve Stop talking to my neighbours THEY ARE MY NEIGHBOURS LOL ! ( cos his neighbour hasn’t spoken to Jam b4 !!! LOL )

Anyway tell you about the sausage roll fiasco ( CHLOE ! ) I had to go visiting Steve’s mum ( Nancy ) to take her BD present & xmas so Chloe says to me " do you want me to start the sausage rolls?( I told you earlier that I do a party 4 my kids upstairs every xmas eve ( they love it )) so I said " ok then just before I was going to Nancy’s I went in the kitchen ( you know the puff pastry? that you divide into 3 ) well Chloe had got 1 3rd of the pastry and ( god knows how she had done it ? but it was like a flag when she had finished !! ) she had rolled it out so much then folded it 3 times over ??? It was ginormas I said " Oh Chloe what have you done ?" you don’t do sausage rolls like that !! anyway I made her do it all again when I did go see Nancy I was telling her about Chloe’s sausage rolls ! I said I’d better go and resue the sausage rolls < good job I did I walked in smelt burning I said " whats happend ?"nothing Chloe says ! looked at the oven Sausage rolls black as buggery !! she’d only put the grill on ,instead of the oven !!! ( grilled sausage rolls NICE ! ), poor Chloe was nearly crying I just called her BLONDE !.
So thats been my day hectic to say the least the kids are having their party now we are going to have a curry ( if i have the energy?)

Just tell you this I have just complained to ofcom !
Ian Beale ( Eastenders ) said " quote she’s like a cancer you think you have got rid only it comes back bigger and stronger "
It offended me thinking ? is my cancer gonna come back bigger & stronger then ? ( get my point ) anyway I am moaning about it !! LOL love Caron x


What a busy day iv had today,shopping and preparing food and had my bloods done at the hospital ready for my chemo on boxing day…
Caron i too was not impressed by Ian Beales comments on cancer…

We have just eaten a take away Indian meal,mmm lovely. Saved me cooking.

Hope you all have a great day tomorrow…

One more sleep to go,
One more sleep till Santa,
One more sleep till the big fat fella comes down your chimney and leaves you presents and drinks your beer,
One more sleep till Santa…

((((((Hugs)))))) to everyone…


Comeon you gotta tell me all the lyrics now !!!
Just had lovely madras & pashwri ( prob spelt wrong?) bread ( pilau rice lovely ( yum yum )
Have a fantastic day tomoz ( don’t know if I’ll have time tomoz ? ) so have a lovely family day ( what christmas is for ! ) talk soon LOTS OF LOVE CARON XXX

Hi Girls
Just wanted to wish you all a happy christmas.
Like everyone else today has been manic. Plans to go to our girls for some of the christmas meals seem to have gone out the window because they have all gone down with colds. i have been coping with a really bad cold as well as chemo side effects but other than a permanently runny nose I seem to be OK now,
Good Luck with the chemo on Boxing Day Shelly. Caron - All I can say having been reading all your chatty posts just lately is good luck with everything!! You sound like such a true family.
LOL Andie

thanks Andie,
Ijust hope u have got some turkey ( or goose orwhatever) for ur dinner tomoz ? Hope u dont starve to death ! LOL come round here there’s plenty LOVE CARON X


ps ( you might wonder what I am doing on here on this fine christmas morn??? , WAITING FOR THE BLOODY KIDS TO GET UP !!! )LOL

Happy Christmas too…

Just spent 4 fours in A and E getting my dressings changed - one or to areas may have died, but still staving off a skin graft. Not much pain though having a rest now. We’ve had sandwiches rather thn goose!

Caron -I love Peshwari Naan too - combination of almonds and coconut…!

Bright xx

Oh Bright, what a disaster of a day. What will happen to your wound if the skin dies off. Will you have to have another graft? and where do they take the skin from?Will you be able to cook your goose tomorrow and have a Christmas dinner on Boxing day?? My thoughts are with you…xx

Andie - sorry to here you have been well and what a shame you cant go for your Christmas dinner with your girls… I hope you managed to cook a Christmas dinner and enjoy yourself today…
I’m not looking forward to chemo tomorrow mind you who does???
Then its off to the in-laws for dinner so i can chill out all day…

Hope the kids got up in time Caron or did you have to wake them?Lol.

Merry Christmas to one and all,

(((( much love)))

I haven’t had skin graft yet - so far enough of the skin has survived - but am told still not out of danger. Risky areas are essentially the line of incision. If that skin dies off then apparenly there is enough other skin for new to grow up and from the sides. If large area does die then I would need a graft - which I am told is relatively straightforward (there are exceptions of course). I am sure chemo will be worse, but personally I feel if I can get through this phase I can deal with anything (or nearly anything as do not want to tempt faith). I have to go to have dressings changed on Monday. But the scary part is not knowing what is going on under the bandage.

I think they take a small patch of skin if needed from top of the leg - which they can then expand before applying to the area. Yes we are going to have Christmas meal today.

Bright xx

Morning ladies

Bright - i hope your skin does survive so you don’t have to have another op…I hope you enjoy your goose today and have a chillin day…

I have been up since 3am i just can’t sleep.I have been tossing and turning since about 2am,thought i better get up because hubby hasn’t been sleeping well with his man flu…he keeps coughing and wheezing.
I don’t know whats wrong with me,maybe its because i see the oncologist today and have chemo, i don’t know.I just fell so agitated and restless,my legs are very restless in bed they keep fidgeting…Also my boob is very hot and it’s throbbing,i feel like i want to squeeze it like a big boil just to relieve some pressure.Arrrggghhh…I also have a headache… can it get any worse???

Were having dinner at the mother in laws after chemo so i wont have to do much today, just relax and chill…

Hope your all ok and had a great time yesterday.

Going to make a cuppa now,any one want one???
If only…

much love

Yea I’ll have a cuppa !!
Poor Bright you are going through it … I hope your skin lives I wouldn’t fancy another op ( if I were you ) but I suppose you fancy it either !!!

I hope everything goes ok for you Shell today , do you think the onc will tell you anything today ???
I haven’t slept good either we were up early yesterday ( waiting for the kids to get up , they got up at 8am in the end ) but the day before I took some senna and syrup of fig ! wow that stuff works too well thats the trouble Ive been up and down to the loo all night !

Yesterday I didn’t give Steve his main present ( a cross & chain ) I gave him all the others and I put his present in his cracker !
he didn’t have a clue ! ( mind you he is a bloke !
well sausages in gravy again for brekfast ( yum ) keep well & sane !! LOve caron xx

Been shopping today bought a massive 42" telly !!!
feeling ok felt a bit dizzy in the shop though feel ok now Steve just gone to get the wall mounting for it as you have to buy that seperate !
And Jam is coming with his car later but I don’t know if Steve will do owt cos it’s dark now ???
love to all love Caron x

Hi girls,
Belated Happy Christmas!! Hope you all had great times!!! Sorry to go quiet, but has been lovely catching up with your posts and family adventures (Caron - you cheer me up so so much!!). Bright and Shelly - hope you’re both OK. Had chemo on Tues and oncologist a bit negative with me. Big lump has not shrink…would have been nice to hear it had as a Christmas pressie. Anyway, felt really bad on chemo this time and was pretty sick and very nauseous. Just coming out of it now really, but have cold symptoms again. Just the three of us for Christmas, but my Kai ill and we ended up at 24 hr Doc service Christmas night…getting him checked out. Typical!!! Anyway, antibiotics seem to have worked a treat…just hoping I don’t get it. He hasn’t been sleeping well, so we have just watched TV and snuggled really over Christmas…not much of excitement to report! Everyone ill and hubbie knackered!!! Longing to feel better for a glass of festive wine!! Starting to want chocolate so things must be getting better!!! Steve bought the wrong size PJs for me for pressie , but they fit!! The vomit chemo diet has worked then!!!
Love to all!!! Gailxxxx

Hello all,

Another stint at the hospital for me today. I have an appointment at the dressings clinic on Monday, but really could not wait until then. In the end I saw the plastics registrar who works in my consultant’s team and he said I would need to come in next week for revision surgery. He thinks there is enough living skin to mean that I won’t need a graft, but it is simply taking out dead tissue cleaning and sewing up again. All quite scary really thinking I have this decaying tissue as part of me t the moment and that it is a kind of gangrene - actually it is the stuff of nightmares! Also the arm where I had my drip is very sore - because the vein is slightly inflammed as a result of the cannula. It is called phlebitis - which my father suffers badly with the veins in his legs.

I felt quite tired after the appointment and did not sleep well last night - woke up at one point hyperventiliating. I cannot believe how long the treatment plan is for this disease - and that is if lucky enough to go into remission at the end of it.

I have had quite a restful evening - Jason cooked most of the supper all ready made things from M&S - though will probably make some kind of effort tomorrow. We also ate our Christmas pudding tonight - all we have left are the crackers to pull!

Caron - hope the TV has a good resolution and that you manage to secure it the bracket.
Gail - so sorry about tumour not shrinking - do you know how many cycles you go through with a result like that - is in not better to try a different drug next time?

Hope everyone is feeling better this evening.

Bright xx


Just popped on this thread to say I did answer your thread re your wound. Sounds like you will get faster treatment for your leakage/wound (I have been having wound issues since my first lot of chemo at the end of October about 3/4 weeks post my mx and am still not healed but getting there!), have a look at your thread but if you need any advice I might be able to help and if not can give moral support to having wound issues and chemo when most people have got past one before having the other! I hope your revision surgery goes well and you heal well - a small tip - if you are not already try eating manuka honey, a tsp a day, as its brilliant at keeping immunity at a good level and helping with healing (I am also having it on my wound to dissolve dead tissue and its been brilliant - god bless bees!!!)

Best of luck to all you ladies on this thread, I always read your thread but have other ones on which I post and am fortunate enough not to be having chemo before surgery, love to you all, xxx

Hi there.

Well i didn’t have my chemo on Friday as my white blood count was too low. After spending half a day at the hospital on Boxing Day and having no treatment i was a little MAD.I have to go back tomorrow and try again.

Anyway saw my onc and she examined me,my tumor is very inflamed at the moment looks like its getting bigger and i have blood coming out of the inverted nipple,its that inverted now you can hardly see it.Its so hot and painful that my Onc has suggested i take Tramadol regular,there quite a strong pain killer and make my head all fuzzy wussy like I’m out of it.Any one else taken these tablets,you can get addicted to them as they are Morphine based…

She also said i needed a mastectomy and extensive surgery to my boob.
The surgeon i see is not able to carry out this procedure so i will have to go back to The Royal Marsden in London to see a plastic surgeon and have my op there. I will ring them tomorrow. Thats 2 and 1/2 hours on the train so hubby wont be able to see me every day…Bummer…

I hope every one is ok today and you have all had a good Christmas.
Lets hope the new year brings us all better results

((((much love))))

So sorry to read your news Shelly - if you are going to London for your surgery, sounds like reconstruction may be offer? I hope so - or you can always have this later. What has happened to me is very unlucky - around 15 - 20% only. And the Marsden of course has an excellent name. If you do not have any friends or family in London, I could visit you if you like - as I live in London. Apart from the prospect of day surgery sometime next week - I have definitely found another lump (only one) in rib area on same side as mastectomy site - I think just below site Caron mentioned. I do not know whether this will be removed in another operation or consultant will want me to start chemo first. Personally I just want to have it removed… but not down to me of course. It doesn’t seem to be attached to the rib, but feels just like my enlarged lymph node did - so I am certain it is C. But I cannot find anywhere - anyone else mentioning such spread.

It is really cold in London today - which curtailed the walk we had planned. In the end we just went to a cafe for lunch (jacket potato with cheese for Jason - and tuna sandwich for me), then went to a few shops. I bought a new scarf and gloves - purple and very fluffy!

Ostrich thanks very much for posting here - just going to reply on other strand.

Love Bright xx

Thanks Bright
It would be lovely to meet you when i go into hospital.Only if you feel up to it and have the energy.
I don’t know any one in London as my family are from Shropshire, I’m in Lincolnshire so they are already 150 miles away.
Your lump could be an enlarged node couldn’t it?. Lets hope its just scar tissue.
Let us know how you get on next week at the hospital.

Purple is the new black this season…so im told.

Take care