hair loss???

Hi everyone
Feeling much better today… sickness has gone and anti nausea tablets are working! Horray. Next time they say they will put me on a pump infusion to stop it starting… probably said that last message but have pickled brain so can’t remember what I’ve written!!

Off to GP for Bone Marrow injection to pep up white blood cells as they were border line at last chemo and they say I will end up in hospital for Christmas otherwise. Not looking forward to it as meant to make bones hurt…

Our doggie is still in the vet… she could have gone to Dubai 1st class for Christmas for the amount it will cost…still we would do anything for her.

Mum is on her way over to do my ironing… a job I hate at the best of times… her way of helping.
Caron- I get dizzy alot… take things slowly!
Have a good day everyone and NO rushing!

hI bethy,
still feel dizzy ! Jam has just been he’s going to North Yorkshire to pick up some car seats ( from ebay ! ) I said it’s a long way to go ! he wanted the sat nav but Steve has took it cos tomorrown Jordan and his friend are going to Manchester to the NEC ( I think ) to go watch THE MIGHTY BOOSH !!! , wish I was going it is hilarious !
So Steve is picking them up to bring them home again ! ( what a palava ! ).
I could tell you loads of stories about my moggies ! Marble ( FAT & LAZY ONE ) came back with aswollen pawg we took het to the vets anyway the vet said the only thing he had ever seen like that is a snake bite ( he thought it was a adder ) she had 2 puncture holes in her paw anyway he thought it was . then there was the time she ( marble again ! ) came back covered in non dry paint someone had thrown it all over her ! ( my next door neighbour ) so she had to be washed & washed & washed , then there was the time ( last summer ) when All 3 of my moggies were covered in non dry paint all over their paws , that was deffo her ( the old bag ) cos she had painted the top of her fence cos she didn’t want my moggies walking on it !!!.
So what did I do back ??? you might ask, I had to try and get as much off the cats as I could ( bearing in mind we have a cream leather sofa ! )
Then I got all my kids armed with them metal scourers and copious amounts of washing up liquid ! then we went a scrubbbing !!!
The old bag didn’t like that I can tell you ! She kept saying " GET DOWN NOW " I said " NO " kept scrubbing till it was all off ! It took ages but it was worth it !

Bearing in mind this as well she put chicken wire upon her fence so I was sick of it so I erected my own fence right next to hers ! ( might be silly but I was sick of hearing MY FENCE , balh blah blah .
I just ignore her now ( well I try to ).

Can I ask this has anyone gone spotty at all???
I am not a spotty person and now I have spots sprouting all over my face & my neck !!!
great eh write soon love caron xx

I have a headache today as well Caron.

Glad your feeling better Bethy, hope the dog gets better soon too…I hate ironing… do you think your mum would do mine…lol.

Talking of pets… Last night about 9.30pm i let the dog out for a wee,she wouldn’t come back in so i went out to see what she was up to. She was trying to kill a rat… I shouted at her to come away but she picked it up in her mouth,then she started yelping and flung the rat across the garden…I got her in and she had blood on her chops(shes a boxer dog)dam rat had bitten her. I rung the vet and shes going to be ok because she has had her injections,thank god…
I went outside with my torch after the incident to see if the rat was still there,it was,half dead…I had to cover it over with a pottery plant pot to stop her getting to it later.
The rat is dead and my hubby has moved it…Yuck. Fizz,the dog is ok this morning as well.

Hope all the other ladies are ok today.


Aww thats the trouble a cat is much more warey and knows how to hold a rat , Was it a big one???
Binny & marble get rats all the time ( only baby ones though ).

My chemo nurse has rung up today she wanted to see how I am getting on … I told her I felt dizzy she said it might be my blood pressure ??
She asked who was doing the Dinner ( xmas ) I started laughing and said NOT HIM !! ( we want to eat it ! ).
Lovw Caron xx

Caron, Steve could always cook you sausage,chips ans beans for Christmas lunch…LOL…

Yes it was a big rat,as big as our guinea pig.

I get breathless, if i do anything like walk up stairs or make the bed i have to sit down and catch my breath before i can carry on, i feel like an old lady at times, its so frustrating…

My chemo nurses never ring me.

3 more sleeps to go…


awW ( TOLD YOU i GET SPECIAL TREATMENT ! lol ) yes your right we might be having sausage chips & beans ! ( LOL good u remembered! )
I havn’t had a sleep just sitting down ( done 1 lot of washing and I did hoover the stairs but then I felt quite ill ).
So I am sitting down again wondering who is gonna peel the spuds ??? ( ME ) probably !!
Aw well better get to it … Love Caron ( see I can write LOVE and not LOVW ) xx

Well listen to this then !
Told you I went to my brothers yesterday didn’t I well his wife ( Davina apparentlry knew my hair is short don’t know who told her ? ) anyway Davina said " that was a nice wig Caron had on wasn’t it ?" Anyway Our Paul said " that was her own hair " !! ( caused a bit of a tiff LOL ).
Oh if only funny though don’t u think xxxx

Hello all,

I think I overdid things today: first day out of hospital and I was out from 10am to 17.30. First was a trip to the hospital to collect five day’s worth of antibiotics and to visit the ladies who were on my ward. Two had been moved to isolation as they had gone down with the sickness bug found in hospitals - so all I could do was to say hello from the doorway. We then went for lunch in the hospital cafe (chicken peri peri if interested). The cafe in St Thomas’, Waterloo is a real find - subsidised food available from 7am-11.30pm - and it tastes quite good. I would certainly go there if I needed to eat in that area and did not want to spend too much money. As I have not yet been given a prosthesis yet - I stuffed two soft scarves in my bra cup - and kept wondering if people were looking at me … did I look strange etc? But no one did. I find the moulded type bras are best for now as they have a pre-defined shape. I was not afraid to look at the mastectomy site - it is not completely flat as have expander fitted (probably A cup) - and the horrendous purple bruising (outlined by purple pen from the surgeon still - seems indelible!) is now fading to a reddish shade. There is a thin line of tape covering the stiches about halfway down the breast - but not under the arm - so think they must have sucked the nodes out somehow.

I still had a bit of energy after lunch: and driven by the desire to make a roller blind to finish our newly refurbished kitchen, I decided to brave the 20 minute train journey to Kingston and a walk through the very busy streets of the shopping epicentre. I kept my arm up to shield myself from any knocks (fortunately there were none) - and spent anout half an hour in John Lewis’s chosing fabric, thread, buttons and things for the blind. I have never made a blind before, and going on first principles, and tomorrow morning will be the big sewing session.

I was really getting tired after a final shop in Waitrose for the ingredients for another chicken and mushroom pie (it was good last time) and had to stop for a cup of tea before finally taking the train back home again. Now resting before making supper. I feel more revived, still a little mentally tired - an probably took on too much.

Loved reading about the moggies and the dog. I have a cat called Felix - who is a moggie also, but we have him trained to walk on a lead as we live on a busy street. He loves to jump on to the kitchen table in the mornings to have his lead put on, and then runs to the door and puts up his paw to try to open it… whoever said cats are stupid.

Take care everyone.

Bright xx

Blimey Bright you have been busy, where did all that energy come from… I’ll have whatever you’ve had for breakfast.Lol.
When will you get your prosthesis? I thought the hospital gave you a soft cotton boob (something like that) to come home with and to use first because of the scar?? Good luck with making your blind, i wish i was a bit better with sewing. My limit is buttons and name tags…Glad your on the mend…xxx

Caron did you yell your brother it was a wig? or did you let them have their tiff.Lol…

take care ladies.

No I never said anything !!!LOL
I never knew till today till my sis told me !
I dont know about you but Bright you should be taking it more easy !! ( & thats a telling OFF !!! ),
You will be jaggled tomoz !!
I thought they would have given you a soft boob and all ? cos surely you can’t have owt against the scar ?

Talk about your chicken pie < Steve got me another skate today ( It was nice but if I have it too much I will get fed up of it ( shall I tell him now?))
watching eastenders then back to corri ! ( such is life while Steve is working out in the cold BURRRR ! )
love Caronxx

Hi guys,

Good to read all the lovely chatting today and catch up with the adventures of brave rat killing dogs etc!! Bright - you sound so perky and active!!! Glad you feel so well. I can’t think about surgery at the moment, because it terrifies me. have had to put it away in a box…to think about later!!

Had biopsy today and it was fine - not as painful as last time… feeling like a baby after hearing what Bright and others have been through!! Def another lump and probably another tumour…but very small. I think they want to find out about it in case I had wanted breast conserving surgery…but for some reason I’ve always thought about a masectomy anyway.

Went to ThomasLand (near Tamworth) on Sunday and Kai loved it so so much. I don’t think he could believe his eyes…it was just such fun and i almost forgot bc for a little while. Wore my “piece” as steve calls my wigs all day with a sparkly hat. Kai stared at my head and asked me what I’d done. I told him I’d styled my hair!!! He wasn’t convinced, but it stopped him shouting wig all day!! Or…pulling my hair to test it!!

Have chemo tomorrow if everything Ok with bloods. Am still feeling a bit crap for some reason, but I suspect it’s all the activity after weeks of sitting on my bottom feeling depressed. I just get nervous when I go in case the oncologist has found yet another peice of bad news! Caron - I felt a bit dizzy last time for a few days and although didn’t happen first time round…I am spotty this time. have heard that from people a lot!!

Right off to bed now … hubbie has footie on TV…

Love to all,

I would happily swap a large piece of the pie I made for your skate Caron! I still sem to have some energy, but going to bed soon. I am doing things to take my mind off going for my results on new years eve. Also think I may have found another lump - not sure but it feels like a small one on one of my ribs a few inches below mx site. I canot change anything of course- but will tell consultant when I see him.

I love the castle at Tamworth Gail - when I was there - the grounds were full of pretty spring bulbs.

I asked about prosthesis - but was told it was the other hospital that did them and can get one on the 31st. Scar is still under tape and not made sore by the scars - so okay for now.

Take care everyone.

Bright xx

Hi to all,

GAIL - Glad you had a great time at Thomas land and glad you forgot about BC for a while,it seems to be a vicious circle doesn’t it???Hope your ok for your chemo today.

Bright -Do you think that lump might be swelling or scar tissue after your op?? When do you see your oncologist next?
I hope its nothing to worry about just scar tissue, fingers crossed…

I have been to town today and bought a rat trap,hopefully it will stop the dog from chasing them,that’s if there are any more about…
My hubby is going to work at 2pm so i think the boys and i will chill with a movie and eat junk food…Yahoo.

Have my bloods done tomorrow ready for chemo on Boxing day… BUMMER!!!


have a great Christmas all. Thinking of you all…

Hi All ,
my havn’t I been quiet today ?
I had a lovely surprise whe I went to bed last night ! The bed was soaking wet ! So I had to change the whole lot even had to wash my nasa matress thingy ! anyway did that changed all the bed luckily for me I have the small matress thingy and it had got on there as well as my duvet & pillow ! , I washed the nasa matress and left it over the bath luckily it isnt a thick one , so get up this morning to sheets duvets all over , so decided to wash my duvet only it wouldn’t fit in washer ! so Owen & Chloe went to the launderette ( costs a fortune could have bought another duvet ! ) so while I was washing my duvet cover and sheets I decided to do the whole lot !
So thats where I have been today doing washing ,
I never really found out where it had ( puddle ) come from but I suspect !!! ( Jordan !!! < he cleaned out BOB FOSILL ( Guinea pig ) and I think he must have put him on my bed !!
Other than that it was Poppy ( moggy ) who I can’t really see it being her she wasn’t trapped in and she has never done it before < My money is on Jordan ! )

Had to get up this morning cos Jordan was going to Manchester with his mate Sam ( boy ) and they are going to see the Mighty Boosh !
Wish I was going !

Shelly why do you keep saying 2 more sleeps to go , do u have that many sleeps a day or is it some code for chemo ?

Gail at least I know I am not the only spotty one then ! ( bald ( nearly ) and spotty )

I agree with Shell Bright about your new lump it might be summats they have done while you were asleep? (hope so )

Love Caron ( Chloe & Owen are off to get my quilt back soon tell you this when they took it they then went to a nearby petshop they got thrown out the petshop ( probably cos they wern’t buying ? ) then went back to bagwash !!
" Is the quilt ready Yet !"??? The bloke just laughed come back at 4 !!

Well it actually cost ( in the end 9.50p ) which I didn’t think was that bad you should see how white it is !!!
Just been to Boyes cos it’s Steve’s mum’s BD tomoz ( can’t pick an ordinary day ! ) I got her a new nightie ( seen as she’s never out of one ! ) and I got Owen a new Alpachino painting ( he love’s Alpachino SAY HELLO TO MY LITTLE FRIEND ! ) he’s already got one but I couldn’t resist it !
Love Caron ( ps I had a friend ring uptoday asking if I’m ok ) xxxxxxxxx

LOL… I’m pissing my pants Caron…

2 more sleeps to go,2 more sleeps till Santa
2 more sleeps till the big fat fella comes down your chimney and leaves you presents and drinks your beer,
2 more sleeps till Santa…

Don’t tell me you haven’t been singing the Christmas countdown???
I thought every one knew that song…

Much love

Hello all,

I went back to the hospital today to collect some flowers that some friends had sent me - seems like I am never out of the place now, as went back yesterday to collect antibiotics. It was then a short trip to TkMax to purchase a red vegetable peeler (Jason loves the colour red - especially for kitchen utensils and tools). Taking the advice from chums on the forum I decided to rest a bit after that, so rather than taking the train to Balham to do the big Christmas food shop, I stayed at Clapham Junction - and went to the small waitrose there instead. I really wanted to buy a goose - (thinking well who knows this may be my last Xmas…), and I was quite happy to buy one of two remaining ones - but partner said at £53 - it really was a bit over the top cost-wise. So in the end I relented - and we opted for a free range duck instead, though I am still going to make the apple sauce (bought three lovely bramleys), that normally accompanies a goose. I got home early - around 15.30, sat on the sofa, drank a cup of tea, had a nap and then watched the festive edition of Deal or No Deal (I love that programme).

I am worried about my results, and know instinctively that it has spread - but just hoping the drugs will do something miraculous as I haven’t tried anything yet. The lump I found is not in the breast but a few inches below - in the skin and above a rib. I also have a tingling sensation in the area, though don’t think it is in the rib itself, seems in the skin - that sensation though may well be to do with the surgery.

I like your rhyme Shelly, and I love reading about your day Caron.

Bright xx

AWw Shell I am pissing my pants at u an all !! LOL ( NO I don’t know it Serious my parents were real shit heads like I said LOL ! )

I know Im a card ( as Owen says arnt I )

Bright well seious now you know the lump that you said is nr your ribs well that is exactley the same place as mine is and that is classed as your lymph node !!
Did they tell you your lymph node was invovled???

Tell you what I was surprised at how far down they class the lymph node too but if I wore a underwired bra the lump would be more or less in the same place.
I only know 1 is actually in my arm pit and 1 is where I say but I only knew that cos of where she ( nurse ) drew on me when I went for my biopsy.
So don’t worry unnecessaraly ( prob spelt wrong? )

And I also have 2 in my breast as well ( not going too good for me eh ! ) ( talk about spraeding like wildfire !)

We just had a right panic on me &Owen I gave Owen my keys when we went to Boyes just going to lock the door where are they ???

Anyway poor Owen went all the way back to Boyes ( in the dark on his own BLESS ) while I was searching the house top 2 bottom where was they ???
Only on the sofa ! ( god what am I like ? ).
Love Caron

Blimey haven’t checked in for a day as wasn’t feeling great, now i’m exhausted at everyones escapades!

Yes i’m spotty to, all round my neck, don’t think I even got that as a teenager, Yuk! And I’m dizzy, even more than usual. Apart from tiredness, dizzyness, spottyness is there anything else that your girls are suffering with?

I’ve got the most horrific flashes of pain in my leg this evening, and i’m thinking wot now? Is this a thrombosis, that’s one of the side effects isn’t it or did i make that one up for extra sympathy?!! I also swing from constipation one minute to the trottski’s the next, maybe that’s one too many dorito’s and dip?!

Quite pleased with myself as got my period today, 1st since the termination! Probably be last one I get though as Onc said if chemo doesn’t knock them out then I’ll have to have an injection in stomach to bring on the menopause! ummm can’t wait, Laugh a minute this BC isn’t it?

Day 6 and posh crop seems to be hanging on in there, think i’ll still keep out of way of camera over xmas though as it’s not really a me look!!!

Ooh goody, one more sleep to go!!!

Bye for now

OH OH OH please tell me the song !!!

Me and Owen have just been in stitches at you lot !!!

Thrombosis isnt a side effect ( I dont think ) but you can get it easier ??? ( dont quote me though ).
I didn’t know about the jab in the belly sounds horrible !
they told me that the periods will get fewer and fewer then stop.

I havn’t been to the loo much either ( only twice since chemo ) ill be building up now nicely !!
Right off to bed now I just text Steve that I have brought the turkey in ( not alive btw ) from the shed as it’s too warm in the shed and my poor kids have already had salmonella once ( not something i want to repeat ! ) poor kids thats another story but it involves me cooking pancakes ( not for long enough mind you the egg was at fault !! ) ( NOT ME thats my story and imsticking to it ! ) LOL xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx