hair loss???

OHH JO i’m really sorry but I nearly wet mesen reading yours !!! ( so did Steve ) havn’t had a good laugh like that in ages ! ( SORRY ! ),
SHELL I do think the salon has got a cheek ! why didn’t they say there & then ? have you had a massage when you had BC there before now ???

ANDIE the surgeon who said it didn’t matter about the boob was right ( thats the easy part ) because my surgeon was alot more concerned about my lymph nodes even though them 2 are loads smaller than the breast one .
I got the impression that the breast one didn’t matter , when I first joined on here I think I mentioned him ( surgeon ) not being worried about the breast ( if you read back ).
Has your shrunk at all ??? mine hasn’t but it’s still early days yet .

I was really cheesed off this morning I always do the irish lotto so if u get 1 number u get £6.50p if u get 2 numbers u get £ £ 57.00 ( I think it is ) and if u get 3 numbers u win £ 600 !!!
so there I am cheaking my numbers YES I got 3 !!! NO they r all singles !!! so i won £ 19.50p BUMMER !!!

Well I have to go to my mothers ( great ! ) now for my lovely tar warmed in the microwave coffee !! ( yum not )

GEMdancer yes you have 1 teaspoon I think it is a day but I havn’t got any yet I know my mother has got some (wonder if she will give me hers??? NO chance ! )
Andie if ur down write on here thats wot were all here for ! then we can cheer you up !!!

love Caron xxx


Good luck at your mums caron drinking the lovely coffee…Pity your numbers didn’t come up on the lotto,you could be in a far away land by now…Dreams,
Yes i have had treatment before at the salon,iv had a sauna and a mud massage with a rain forest shower…

Thanks Lucy and JJane123 for your advice.I feel better knowing that…

Gemdancer you can take a spoonful a day or drink it with some hot water and lemon, i do it like that,its yummy.I have heard that you can put it on wounds as well its supposed to have healing elements.

Andie - sorry to hear your not feeling too good,but write away on here,like Caron says were all here to help each other through this long journey…
I hope my surgeon will operate on me as my tumor isn’t shrinking at all,if they don’t do something now i feel it will take over my whole chest…,.,What day are you seeing the surgeon next week and what hospital are you going to?

I’m feeling tired today but hubby is looking after me, kids are playing me up and driving me mad,roll on school on Tuesday…

Speak to you later.


hi again

The district nurse has been to visit today to watch Simon give me my injection. He did really well,felt no pain and no bleeding unlike the nurses effort yesterday.

Getting a bit anxious about seeing surgeon tomorrow. Silly things keep going through my mind like…“what kind of night wear should i wear” when i have my op…“does it need to be a button shirt nightie?” Will i manage with pyjamas or is a nightie best…I think I’m going crazy…Should i be worrying about the boob I’m going to lose???I should be but i’m not…I think once the boob has gone i can try and get my life back on track…Does that sound crazy???

I think i will take a sleeping pill tonight as i don’t think I’ll get much sleep.

Much love


Gemdancer - manuka honey on toast for me in the morning as I didn’t like to take a spoonful and don’t like it in water, plus somewhere I’ve read it’s not as effective in hot water as the heat can destroy some of the ‘good’ properties or something.

Shell - good luck tomorrow. I can’t imagine how you must be feeling with the chemo not shrinking the tumour. Hopefully it will have got rid of any stray cells and the surgery will get rid of the tumour. I had button front pyjamas for hospital (seemed most sensible, never having been in before for anything never mind major surgery !) and they were deffo best. Easiest to take off or open down front when everyone needs to come prodding and poking ! I had a mx and full anc clearance plus some muscle/chest wall tissue removed and have a 9 inch scar from centre of ribcage to under arm. I can honestly say the scar is brill (1st class surgeon) and all the other medical folk who’ve seen it always admire it even a year on (had my op Weds Jan 9th 08). Only needed paracetamol while in hospital for 3 days. Really hope all goes well for you.

Liz x

Thanks Liz

I worry over silly things.Thanks for the pj tips.
Are you having reconstruction at any time?



Thanks for the honey tips. Will def invest as will do anything to avoid hospital stay for this stupid blood count thing again. Might help my throat too. Feel like never venturing out again as have heard tax (my next chemo) lowers your immunity quicker…yikes!!!

Liz - good to hear a positive story. Thanks.

Shell - good luck. I hate my boob at the moment - feels like it just doesn’t belong to me anymore. So I get where you are coming from. (Def think baggy dark coloured PJs are best for hospital - they were pratical and comfortable…button down ones were good too!)
I’ve been talking about a mast like it’s no big thing. People look at me like I’m mad. The horror for them is losing the boob, but we all know that’s not the big horror!! I think there will be a time when we all do think more about it perhaps … but for many of us the thought of having the damn nasty cut away is just the most important thing. I think it is psychologically (long word for a brain not working) difficult to have chemo first and live with the damn thing and harder still to see it not shrink. I think you have been amazingly strong Shell. You aren’t crazy…well… no more than the rest of us… (hmmm…)Get some good sleep tonight sweetie and get your strength for tomorrow.
Much love,
PS…Caron…just microwaved some milk for Kai and thought of your coffee!!!


No, don’t want reconstruction but it wasn’t offered anyway !!! I’m actually thinking about asking for the other breast to be removed just in case. My mum had it on left side like me but her identical twin had it on her right side if you see where I’m coming from. Looks like genetics as mum’s other sister has just had it and so has their cousin although all were much older than me - I was 42 at diagnosis and am 44 now. Have a few things to sort at mo but may ask at next mammogram at end of Jan.

Good luck again x

Gemdancer - the manuka should help your throat as well. I use SBC propolis gel on my throat/neck area each day and am sure it has helped - get it from QVC. I had 4 lots of taxol mixed with gemcitabine after 4 lots of EC but I was already having a neulasta the day after each chemo and my bloods stayed ok. I did get aching legs a couple of days after the chemo for a couple of days and was just careful to avoid mixing with infectious people ! It was ok although the tiredness inevitably increased each time. I haven’t been at work since diagnosis so that helped.

Liz x

Thanks for the advice Liz - am making notes!! Have been dreading tax after reading some of the stories. Plus I get Herceptin next time too. Fear factor is just growing again.

I’ve been thinking about both boobs going, although I haven’t voiced this to anyone yet. I know they say statistically we are more likely to get it back elsewhere (great!)…and only have the same likelihood of a new primary as anyone else…but I already feel buggered by statistics (('m 42 too). Don’t we automatically get offered reconstruction then???


Hi Liz and Gail,

If either of you need to talk to someone in confidence about what you are having to deal with at the moment, please do phone the helpline and have a chat with one of the nurses here who I am sure will help support you through your decision making. Calls to the helpline are free, open Mon - Fri 9am - 5pm and Sat 9am - 2pm 0808 800 6000.

Hope this helps. Kind regards,
Jo, Facilitator

Gail - don’t think I was offered reconstruction because of the amount they had to take away and what’s left !! Actually having read stuff on here, I seem to be on my own in not being offered it which feels a bit odd but no worries as I didn’t want it.

Jo - Thanks for that reminder - daft though it sounds I never thought of ringing the helpline (must be part of chemo brain still !) yet don’t want to be a pain with the bcn even though she knows family history and along with consultants is really nice and approachable. Was discussing with partner’s ex-wife today and she is thinking along the same lines so will mention to her as well.

Regards, Liz

Hi Gail,
when I first met the onc he just said " you will have chemo , surgery, rads" ( dont know if thats the right way round? ) then tablets( again I think he said for 5 years ) and he said we are lucky in our area as we have it here ( not every area has it he said ) I think it was herceptin . and he said " you will have reconstruction either at same time as op or later on " But if I have a choice I will have it as same time as there is NO WAY I would choose to go under the knife ( no matter what it was for )!

Hi to Liz also, I am having EC now only had 1 lot though have next on Wednesday.
now for some exciting news ( yes I did say exciting ! ( well for me anyway )) MY LUMP IS DEFFO alot softer !!! I know it’s still there but before you could feel a solid lump , even Chloe ( daughter ) said " it’s gone !! , I wish .

Shelly when you do go for your surgery I would wear some pj’s ( if i were you ) imagine having to lift up a nightie !!!
Hope you find out when they are doing your surgery ???

kids back at school tomorrow and Jordan is back at college today so my house will be quiter tomorrow !
love to all Love Caron x

Hi Caron,

Good to hear your tumour has shrunk already - I noticed mine started to shrink befoe the 2nd dose as well and became softer. By the end of my 4th lot it had shrunk by about 50% but the ultrasound they did then showed it was actually 2 tumours. Mine wasn’t positive for herceptin though so I’m on hormone therapy which is driving me nuts but if it’s doing the job and keeping the cancer under control, I’ll have to put up with it as lesser of 2 evils !!! Enjoy the peace and quiet from tomorrow !

Liz x

Hiya Liz,
I have 4 tumors in all well 2 in breast and 2 in nodes, I have just heard from my chemo nurse I had a CT scan last Thursday and she has just told ( MORE GOOD NEWS ! ) that my scan was absolutely fine !!! ( PHEW !! ).
I told her that my tumor has gone softer I said I would see her tomorrow, Ive got bloods to do and to see her as well .
How big was yours when you found out ? my biggest one was 41mm I dont know about the other one cos they never tested that one cos I had already had 7 core biopsy’s but the other 2 are 13mm and 8mm.
I also dont know about this positive for hormones either cos I havn’t been told but it must be pos as I am having hormone therepy ?
GOOD NEWS DAY TODAY !!! love caron x

Hi Caron,

Indeed it is good news day for you - and big relief day as well ! You kid yourself you’re calm about it all don’t you ?? Although, I’m actually much calmer about these major things - it’s the little evryday stresses that freak me out !!

My tumour was just over 70mm x 50mm at first. They knew from day 1 without waiting for the biopsy results that it was cancer and not a cyst so started making appts for a bone and liver scan - I’ve never had a CT scan. They also knew some lymph nodes would be affected but worked on the basis that the chemo would blast those as well. After the surgery, they tested the 22 lymph taken and 12 still had cancer in them so it was a good job I’d had chemo anyway and they’d done the extensive surgery. A bone scan also showed signs of cancer in spine and ribs but they’re stable and are responding to treatment.

There are different types of hormone therapy depending on whether you are positive to the herceptin one - I’m not.

I’m off to London to stay at my sister’s at the end of the month and am going to have my first post-treatment haircut at a posh salon I used to go to twice a year so I’m really looking forward to that and also meeting some friends I haven’t seen in about 5 yrs. Should be a good few days !!!

Hope your bloods are ok tomorrow. Mine always held up even if it was only just on a couple of occasions, but it was the actually getting of the blood that was the problem as I had bad veins to start with and the chemo made them worse - the nurses were fab though and I was marked ! I have to go once a month for a drip for my bones and it’s always run warm water over my hands plus have a heat pad on them and fingers crossed we get a vein after a couple of goes !!! Usually get a brew while I’m there so that’s quite social !

Liz x

Yeah I have just heard from Di who Steve knows who has now got BC and is starting her chemo on Wednesday and she only lives 5 minutes away from me !
So she might join here I hope she does it’s good to talk !!!
All out trimmings are down now apart from the ones on the roof ! ( steve’s job you might have known ! ) ans the water butt is still not fitted ! (Steve again ! )
I was really mad last night as I was gonna put some washing on only there was already wet washing in it which peeved me off !!
You can’t trust these men to do owt they make out they do stuff but really it’s always put on the todo list !!!
love Caron x

Hi Liz ,
They are amazing arn’t they ! finding out so quick !
They knew mine was as well I went to breast clinic 1 minute and 2 ( if that ! ) I was told it was cancer !!
It’s all so quick luckily in Grimsby we have a state of the arc breast suite here as they were fundraising for ages but I don’t think it has been open long.
So it means your not waiting for results and you can have all the tests in 1 day and find out there and then ! which is good but it’s alot to take in for the patient , but I wouldn’t want to have waited a week or 2 to find out that would be worse.
My mam was saying " they can’t be sure if you don’t have the biopsy results " I tried to explain to her that they see this everyday and they know how it looks and feels and they are experts, they are not gonna tell me it’s cancer if they are not sure !.
Anyway I think she has accepted it now ! ( now Ive had chemo and have no hair LOL ).
I asked when they told me I had them in the lymph nodes which came first the breast or the nodes ( from somewhere else ! ) she said the breast.

So dont you know how many nodes were included? and why I wanted to know how long i’d had it I don’t know but it’s really weirred cos just before I found out I bought new Pj’s new slippers knitted myself a wolly hat ( which I wear in bed now ! ) and finished a wollen patch work blanket I was knitting ! and we have been on holiday every year for years and when we came of the last one ( 1st September ) I said dont book a holiday for next year ! and I don’t know why but I had been thinking to myself it wouldn’t matter if I am not here !!! it’s as if I knew ???

The nurses are fab yes and I too have probs with my veins ! in fact one nurse came and put the warm pad on then went off then another nurse came and she said " I can see why you have left this one ! " LOL she tried twice on my right hand then gave up on that one then tried my left one ! and won !! I had a warm blanket thing on my hand all the time and it seemed to work so she said you can have that on every time you have it .
Hope you have a fab time in London !!! ( wish I was coming with you ! ) love Caron x

Hi Shell where are you how did you get on ?

Dear all,

I have just come out of hospital to have revision surgery on mastectomy and reconstruction with implant expander that went wrong. This time all went fine, and I have normal healing tissue and there was enough of my own to mean that I did not need a skin graft. So it was another five days in hospital all told, and that end of it I was feeling just a little institutionalised - especially when it came to the early morning starts: 6.30am with observations, and the food - they do try but after a while it tastes the same. Vegetables overcooked, and the sense of most dishes tasting like they have been made in a pressure cooker. Though the views of London, the Eye, river, houses of parliament were amazing - with wonderful sunsets and sunrises. I met some lovely people during my stay including some women who had been through all their treatment, were in remission and just having final reconstructive surgery. So meeting survivors some with quite advanced cases was inspiring.

I will read all your posts and write more later - but feeling a bit sick and very tired so need to rest now. First apt with oncologist tomorrow so that delight to look forward to, but at least I pick up me wig on Thursday.

Shell - hope your apt went well.

Bright xx


Liz - hope you have a fab time in London,take it easy…

Bright- Glad your out of hospital and are at home.I’m glad your surgery went well too…

Gail - i hope you get to grips with the honey,i find it a bit sweet taking it on a spoon…

Caron - so glad your lump has softened and your scan was clear,its so good to here positive things…

Well i saw the plastics onc yesterday and i am borderline for surgery,meaning a mastectomy with skin/muscle from my back to close up the wound.I will also have all my lymph nodes taken out as they contain cancer(not sure how many)…
The tumor has not shrunk and the chemo has failed. I will be having my op in the Marsden any time after 19th Jan,if the surgeon can get an operating theatre in Surrey i will be operated on there.
I am worried as i am triple negative and my chemo has failed,i mentioned this to surgeon and she says if the cancer has spread or i get a secondary chemo will probably be no good as it has already failed,does that mean i will die,are there no other treatments for triple negative cancers???

Thinking of you all.

Forgot to add, i asked the surgeon to remove my other breast as i am at high risk of getting a secondary and its not the breast they are worried about…its my internal organs…(GULP)…
