hair loss???

Oh Gail Gail Gail,
I am getting really worried about you !! ( cream eggs , tarts chocolate ect LOL )
I still feel really tired today ( mind you I shouldn’t have gone to bed at 1/2 1 !!!.
I always click summats on my pc ( still dont know what button it is ? ) and everything is gone it’s so annoying ! but if you do loose any work or stuff try pressing
z and ctrl sometimes it gets it back ! ( magic ).
I have had 2 crossants for my brekkie this morning ( yum ) better than the burnt toast yesterday,
I need to get moving before Monday cos my Mam said she will sit with me ALL day if I am still laid down ! ( not being funny but I would rather be left alone ) sorry mum.
God knows where Steve has gone ? he took Chloe to the optitians over a hour ago and he’s still not back?
hope you all have more energy than me today ?
Shelly glad he liked my silly songs see ya later love caron x

When you are on Tax I know your nails get sensitive and crack and the only way I can grow my nails is to constantly paint them with nail varnish , so when my BC nurse said about the nails I said well if you paint them it should make some difference ? and the nurse agreed that she has also heard this , so I will just paint them even more ,dont know about the darker the better though ??
I usually have bright red / orange colour .
There is also the diamond clear nail varnish that strengthens your nails that is dead good stuff too.
love Caron x

Hi Caron

Although i only had 2 x Tax, 2 of my toe nails lifted. I painted my finger nails black,purple and any other dark colour,they have grown very nicely,hubby says too long…My hair started to grow back on tax too…

Gail- glad your feeling perkier today. My periods didn’t stop till my 4th chemo,its great…i still get the chocky,sugar cravings though…

I’m still in my PJ’s,me ,hubby and boys are having a relaxing day, Ashley the eldest (13) has made a gluten free b-day cake for dad today and its been edible…My hubby is a Coeliac
Ashley is going to make fajitas for tea as well, he had a cook book for Christmas and now we are sampling the delights, he loves cooking.

speak to you later.


Hi All,
I ve just comeout the bath ( early ) cos Lily ( hamster ) had a cyst ( or summats probably sympathy with me ? ) anyway it burst today so it was oanic stations !
Steve bathed her , she was alright didn’t seem to be in pain but we said we had better ring the vets up , which we did and they said it would be £32.00 just to look at her ! and another £32.00 if she had to be put down !! ( bloody hell I can buy another hamster for £5.00 !( sorry chloe ) anyway she said all they would do is bathe her and see how she went or if she was in any pain probably put her down ( boo hoo ) She is 2 years old now ( very old for hamper ! ), so we sais well we’ll see how she is and we have already bathed her and wrapped her in a towel and now shes gone to sleep !( poor thing ).
Anyway been trying to get hold of this manuka honey ! crickey it’s like finding rocking horse poo !!!
Steve has now gone up town to Holland & Barrett ( we rung them first to make sure they had it ) she said there are all different strenghs of it so I hope he doesn’t come back with the cheepest one ! ( you know what men are like )
I will keep you informed on Lily’s progress . XXX

New tresses have just arrived, and - even though I only just popped it on quick - doesn’t look too bad at all. My youngest bought me a black, sequinned beret, and I just plonked that on top of the wig, and now I think I might be able to go out and earn a shilling!

Lol are you having the glued one ( or just the normal type wig? ) mine is the normal one one’s that you cake on & off easily .
Well the hamper is still ok ( fingers crossed X ).
I got my manuka honey ( that is lovely stuff ) I will be deffo having that every day ! cost 9 squid but hey ho we need some luxuries !
I have been to bed this afternoon the kids was playing a playstation game amd all I could hear was ( welcome to the circus of value ! ) does my head in so I went to bed and managed to nod off ! now Steve is going to do me a kebab ( chicken I don;t like that fattening donner meat ) so I may even have some chilli & garlic !!! xx

Ooooh Ive just had chicken and garlic…Yum…

Ashley cooked us Mexican fajitas, they were lovely.I helped him but he did really well.The birthday cake he made has all gone,every one had a piece or two…

I hope your hamster pulls through Caron…
I am still in my pjs, i couldn’t be bothered to get dressed today,no motivation.

Boys are watching “The Mummy” and I’m off for a bath…


So girls, the only problem with a wig that is easy to put on and off is that it is indeed easy to come off…especially at a 4 year old’s birthday party. Narrowly avoided a couple of grabs at the party. had to do a very quick rearrangement!!! But when I looked in the mirror when I came home, wiggy had kind of moved up my head. Told hubbie to keep an eye on it and he said he thought it looked OK. OK!!! !!! It’s like the time he said my makeup was fine and I looked like the bride of Frankenstein with mascara down my face. Do men have eyes … that is the question!!!

I have bought dark purple nail varnish…hopeless at putting the stuff on though. Will probably get it everywhere but the nail!

Kai is running around playing guitar (that’s my boy). I used to tell people his real Dad was Jon Bon Jovi, until I realised they were appalled by my humour. Anyway, grooming him for rock stardom!!! (he’ll probably be an accountant!!!)

Hope hamster is feeling better Caron and thanks for the tips about the computer. I think I do press something…so annoying!!

My nasty feels really huge today. Am hoping it’s all psychological… !!! Maybe I need one of my happy pills? Had half a glass of wine though today… what a devil!!!

So my psycho doc tells me I have to do fun things and plan them in. Tried to get hubbie to do something fun tomorrow with Kai, but apparently he has to do the skirting boards. Does that count as fun??? Hmmmmmmm… perhaps if kai and I help!

Feel like I’m just talking rubbish, so will sign off …

Much Love,
PS… Another cream egg crept up on me today …!

Gail maybe you didn’t righten the tags on the wig ? (mind you they do move easily ).
I can think of nothing more boring than doing skirting boards !!

I tried to measure my nasty today but I wished i’d not bothered just convinced mysen that it’s even longer ( sob )…
The hamper is going great guns ! ( she probably feels loads better now all that gunge is out of her ? ) mind you I don’t think she will last much longer she;s 2 and they only usually live to be 1 1/2 so shes doing well !

About the wine thing ! I am tempted to have a G & T but I will probably end up having more than is good for me so I won’t bother ! ( evenmore sobs )
Watch out for them cream eggs ( they aredangerous you know , they sneak up behind you and plop in your mouth to try and choke on them the only way to get your own back is to munch and crunch and all there insides fall out ! ( it’s a bit messy but it has to be done ))

Shelly I have stayed in my pj’s too ( again ) today
and the mummy is one of my favourite films ! especially when Brendan opens his mouth to copy the mummies and he goe’s ahah ( as if to say no no ) love that bit X
Love caron x

Have you girls tried Sainsbury’s for the manuka honey??they sell it in my local ones and it’s usually in the special diets area (with all the non-gluten stuff etc)…

Hello all,

I hope you are surviving this long cold snap. We woke up with lots of grand plans this morning: Jason suggested Brighton; me the exhibition on Babylon in the British Museum - but when we set foot outside the front door - it was just so cold that we got on the bus and went for the ten minute journey to Streatham. Jason is very keen on DIY and is a compulsive shopper - and believes in making multiple purchases for ‘stocks’ and for ‘just in case’ - that it is why we always seem to be taking deliveries for 500 sets of rubber gloves; 50 bottles of fairy liquid foam cleaner (which Jason says is excellent but it has been discontinued) … and today he made us go into nearly every hardware store - because he woke up this morning with the notion that we needed a new bucket (we already have ten)… in the end he settled for a nice red one. (We have three rooms in our house which we cannot properly use as they just function as store rooms for the purchases).

I love Creme Eggs, but just allow myself the small kit kats for a treat. So scared of the weight gain on top of everything else… It has taken me ages to shift the 15 pounds - and can see it all going on again, as well as losing at least a significant amount of hair. (Having written about being good - just gone into the kitchen and eaten a trifle sponge - a bit dry but it was cake and another 79 calories). I know weight doesn’t matter when we have to fight the illness - but I am only 5ft so every pound really shows…

Last night I slept on my side where I had the surgery for the first time, and the first thing i thought about this morning was that i hoped I hadn’t opened up the stitches (I hadn’t) but the implant certainly looked dented for a while after I got up but returned to normal shape after an hour of so. The inflation of it will start I think in the next month or so.

On the wig front - I know you can buy special wig tape designed to stick to the wig base and the other side to the hair… so no need to ever suffer the risk of it being tugged off. i am sure the kind I’ve purchased (stays in place with glue for a month) will be a bit strange at first - but I imagine I will get used to it along with everything else the illness dictates about our lives.

Just been watching Final Destination 3: I have never been on a roller coaster (too scared) - and after seeing this - never will do in the future…

Take care all. Narnia - thanks for saying about Sainsbury’s selling the honey - will go and buy some tomorrow and put it on my toast for breakfast.

Love to all.

Bright xxxx

wished I hadn’t looked at that site now ! made mysen worry even more !
I don’t yet know Shell if it’s the same as yours?? but I no either if its her 2 negative ( as well ) then no herceptin like you and agressive and fast growing and even on the other side if it’s her2 positive it’s still fast growing and agressive .
Have to be bloody different dont I can’t have a common one oh no thats not me at all ( never has been! ).
So now I don’t know what to wish for ?? the other 2 are negative ( I know that much , but maybe they are holding something back from me ? )

Hope you had a nice day Shelly xx
cake sounds ;lovely

What site you been looking at Caron???
I didn’t know my HER2 status until my chemo had failed and they didn’t know what treatment to give me next.I had 3 biopsies until they finally got a big enough sample to test…Sometimes they don’t test you until your op because your chemo is shrinking the cancer and working…

I only knew my hormones were negative,then when my HER2 came back negative it made my cancer triple negative…So after my op there will be no tablets for me to take over a 5 year period.I wish there was so it would keep the cancer at bay…
I feel so isolated knowing my treatment choices are running out…

I have had a crappy nights sleep again,I’m so fidgety and restless,i feel i could just keep screaming…My boob keeps giving me sharp stabbing lightening pains,it makes me jump they are that painful,is this normal??? My boob is so hot it could easily defrost a frozen leg of lamb in minutes!!!

I cant wait to get tomorrow over with and get a date for surgery.At least then i will have something to focus on and maybe stop fretting so much…

Glad the hamster is doing ok now…

Bright- my hubby sounds like yours,not only does he collect “just in case” things he never throws anything away “just in case”… our garage is full to the brim of useless crap “just in case”…

Gail - a glass or two of wine will be ok,i have some now and then.The chemo nurses used to say, “a glass of wine in one hand is ok with a glass of water in the other”…I’m not too keen on creme eggs though,i find the middle a bit sickly,but flakes have no escape from accidentally falling into my mouth…lol

Thinking of you all


Well well well ,
I can’t find that site now( typical)
I am so tired still , I went back to bed yesterday afternoon as well and I thought I won’t sleep ! but I did had some strange dreams .
I managed to get out of going to my mams for her cold coffee !!!
I was still asleep so Steve rung & said I wasn’t going !

Good news the hamper is still alright !! and I have hardly any roon here cos poppy ( moggy ) is sitting with me and she is queen !!!
Mind you all my moggies are queen ( apart from Binny & he’s king ! ) not when Poppy is around though ! she’s boss ( mind you she was here first >
I hope Steve gets everything ready for tomoz ( school ) cos at this rate I might not get up ! ( yawn still tired when will this go off ??? )
love caron x

Hi all,
thanks for your replies yesterday. My hair has started to come out at the back of my neck when I touch it now so I’ll have to see how long it takes before it needs to be shaved. I have asked my friend to do it for me. I aren’t sure I could do it myself and I don’t want my hubby to do it.
The passport that I mentioned is a piece of metal and silicon under the skin on my left arm that they use to administer the chemo. I had a small op for it to be fitted and the vein is always open. My doc said that because I have to have x8 chemo and my right arm can’t be used because of nodes being removed that it was the best option to help cause as little damage as poss to the vein. It has been really sore, in fact more so that the removal of the tumour and nodes but is beginning to heal now. The worst thing is that I have picked up an infection from it and have cellulitis so am now back on antibiotics to clear that up. If it’s not one thing, its another!!!

Aww poor you as if you need a infection as well ! ( don’t do things by halfs eh ! ).
My hair started to come out the back first too, you know when you see a baby and it has a bald patch at the back of the head well it’s the same place isn’t it ?
My hubby did some of my hair ( the bits that I couldn’t reach ) it is dishearting but you’ll be ok after the shock of it and then you get used to it !
I can have my chemo in any arm cos I ain’t had surgey yet ( thats if they can find my crummy veins at all ! )
Ah well looking forward to my roast beef & yorkshire puds ! ( yum ) take care love Caron x

Just been to sainsbury’s and the Manuka honey is Manuka +5 (?) and is £8 for a largish pot

Hello ladies,

I hope you are all enjoying at least some aspect of Sunday.

My energy levels seem to be restoring themselves post surgery - and only remaining tell-tell sign of post operative fatigue was the half hour nap I had this afternoon after we came in from shopping. I am doing everything I can to be in the best health possible for the first cycle of chemo (3 FEC 3 Tax) which commences a week on Friday. I have to say, the nearer the start date gets, the more nervous I am becoming. At least with surgery it is over with quickly, not like the chem which will linger on for 18 weeks. And all those potential side-effects including the scary ones of catching infections, losing teeth, and I suppose the drugs not doing what they should be doing. I like you will be glad if and when this is all over.

I woke up early this morning and saw the most incredible sunrise at around 7.15 - the sky was lit up in glowing streaks of orange and red lights which framed the roof-tops of houses opposite. I thought then just how beautiful the world is, and that I want to be around to see it, for too many sunsets to count.

I did not do anything splendid or particularly exciting today - but it was just nice to feel more well for a change. After the early start we went out to another local area of London we have seen in the AZ but never ventured to before - the small suburb of Croydon called Thornton Heath. The Heath though swallowed up in urban development long ago and is only remembered in the name. There is an old clock tower in the centre, a real transport caff for lorry drivers, two gothic looking Victorian pubs and one of the only large branches of Tescos in the London vicinity (or at least only one large branches we have come across). I looked for the Manuka by the way - and didn’t see it. I must go to Sainsburys…But there was an absolute mountain of different kinds of creme eggs…

Thornton Heath in the 18thC was known for its connections with crime and particularly the highway man Jack Turpin who lived near there. It was also the site of public gallows which was built by Thornton Heath Pond which was filled in several decades ago. I love everything to do with historical crime - and tried to find the site of the gallows…not even a plaque was there

In London the weather was much warmer today and I just went out in my coat and new furry lilac coloured scarf (looks more expensive than the four pounds or so I paid for it in Primark) - with no need for my Russian fur hat with ear warmers - that I’ve taken to wearing in the cold snap. The highlight of our trip was to go into some of the hair and wigshops in the area (I have become an addict to these shops) and the West Indian bakeries in the area - selling giant cakes and biscuits - including ginger spiced rock cakes embedded with glace cherries and coconut. (We bought one to share with a cup of tea when we got home today).

Write later. (Sorry no personal comments here - I need to go back and read a page but laptop is freezing and want to post this before I lose it).

Love and light Bright xx

Hi girls,

Had fun today!! Bought lots of new furniture (in sale…so felt extra good) for our “in process” house…then went to posh garden centre in Bicester which has lots of shops and good chocolate cake. Looked at the rabbits in the pet store and think that kai might get one for his birthday (I can’t give him abrother or sister anymore…so next best thing???). Then Steve cooked lovely cottage pie…yummy warm comfort food! kai has been singing all day and has been lovely and cuddly…a good day! Before my horrible 2 days…not sure how to get through 6 hours in hospital tomorrow… Steve is downloading some films onto my PC. Then chemo Tuesday… I just dread the chemo fog coming back…feel like I lose me.

Bright… I LOVE Brighton. the shops are very me. I get over excited though and overwhelmed by the amount of glittery tat or chunky silver jewellery i could buy!!! Babylon also sounds great. My Steve would not go to something like that with me. So easy for us to get to London too. He doesn’t understand my fascination with “runis” etc… Will investigate tape. Final destinaion 3 - gory…love horror films…was brought up on them!!! When I was in hospital, the dietician came to see me. She gave me a reciple booklet for smoothies…some were made with Mars Bars and all with full fat stuff!!! I was amazed…all about keeping strength up…but I had to explain…I’m eating for 3 anyway!!! IJust read your last post - love your days out - you have such fun times…all so interesting!

Shell - wish I could give you a big hug. Surgery and rads will take the crap away. Focus on that for the time being. I heard that sometimes the nasty can put pressure on nerves etc and that can cause pain sometimes…might not be true and can’t remember where i read it…but it sounds vaguely logical??? Good to know the odd glass of wine is OK. My chemo nurse just frowned when I mentioned it. I now can’t get thoughts of flakes out of my head!!!

I got manuka honey +15 from Sainsburys in the normal honey section! About £11. Spreading it on my rice cakes and pretending it’s yummy!!!

Well… it’s bedtime for me as hubbie is playing his “kill em all” game and I need my TV fix.

Much love to you all,

Ah I am glad you wrote about the honey cos I was thinking +6 for £9.00 can’t be that bad ! but I think I may gat the + 11 next time?
I ended up doing 1/2 the Sunday dinner ( Steve just can’t be trusted with yorkshires !).
Anyway I watched cbb then went to sleep ( or tried ! ) Steve was watching most haunted live downstairs and I said " Don’t wake me up when you come to bed "
Of course he did ! not to mention Jordan starts tidying his bedroom ( at god knows what time ! )

If you love historical sites ( not crime though) we went to Ephisis the other year ( we have been there twice now ) once we had a guide and the other time we did our own thing , but we were just going in and we had forgotten our hats ( I have got polymorphic light eruption as well ) so I needed one and this bloke says " buy my hat so we were humming and haring cos the price he was asking was too expensive ) so he says " a woman died yesterday going round , she collapsed in the sun !"
don’t know if he was joking but we bought his hats ! LOL.
There was another time when my eldest son Jamie went with Jordan down the street and everyday we walked past this bloke saying “SHOE SHINE SIR " we walked past everyday it was the same! when Jamie came back he said " oh god that bloke did me a shoe shine” , I said u never had any money " he says I know he wanted to know where we were staying "!
I said " Oh you never told him did you ? "
Jam said " I couldn’t think of anything to say " so for the next few days everytime somebody knocked on the door " we said Jamie thats for you SHOESHINE SIR ! !
Arn’t we awful !! it was funnt though , wouldn’t have minded he had scruffy trainers on !!!

Bright you will finish youe chemo before me ! ( just though )

Shelly good luck for today XXXXXXXXXXX

Jo hows your hair ??? ( or not )
my period came as well this morning ( I thought oh NO ! ).
right off to tidy up now Steve back at work today and I am left on my own ( yipeee ) love Caron xx