hair loss???

hi all - can I join in - don’t know if I’ll be having chemo or not yet…I’m 43 with 2 kids - boy 10 and girl 15 - diagnosed this week after noticing a “dent” or dimple in one boob when I got out of shower before last period…thought I could then feel soft rubbery lump but have the joys of lumpy bumpy boobs etc anyway - hubby couldn’t really agree and gp said he wasn’t sure but sent me anyway…just as well - thought I have sort of talked myself into thinking it might be a problem but still knocked for six when he told me after about 30secs of niceties including lets have a look then that he thought it was a little breast cancer , stuck a needle in jabbed it around etc and sent it off - I would have prefered a little cake or something tastier but there you go…so off I went for a mammo etc thinking hey I’m coping, I’ll manage etc. We have it all in one stop here so after long wait we headed back into office to be told…suppose I still hoped some little place he’d got it wrong but no…he says its small - 1.5cm - sounds big enough to me…he also said BC is treatable and beatable…so I have spent quite a while thinking about Lionel (the lump), a leftie lump and have told him not to get comfy as he’s going on 28th - I got my pre-op assessment letter for 20th this morning and had a panic - makes it all so real doesn’t it…really odd thing though - my best (nearly said breast then - not that I’m fixated or anything) friend from school sent me a NY greeting message on facebook - whilst I was waiting for my appt at clinic to come through saying she was off sick having chemo for breast cancer - weird - both of us diagnosed within 8 wks of each other! We met up last weekend and went camping in my trailer tent…she’s having chemo first then surgery…

Hi Jac so is there a connection between breast and cervical ( I guess there is ?)
how far are you in treatment??? and what chemo you having? are you ok on it ? my last lot was a bit of a nightmare when they put it in ! xxxxx

KittenKat corse youe welcome !
Some good news for you then yours is small mine is 11cm by 9cm well it’s just shrunk to 9cm by 7 cm now . so with yours they might be able to do a lumpectomy?
when will you find out if your having chemo?
you will have your surgery first then like alot of other women on this thread . But some of us have to have chemo first to try and shrink them ( in my case them ) 4 in all 2 in breast and 2 in lymph nodes.
Glad you have got yours so early xxxxxxx love caron xx

Hi guys,

I’ve just cleaned the bathroom - how good am I? Can I now watch Diagnosis Murder and eat a cadburys cream egg???

Caron - not sure of link between bc and cc. I think there is a link between bc and ovarian cancer, especially for us hormone girls. I wonder wther the website has any info will have a look. I would have thought still possible just like we all have for her to get it, but it does reduce her chances. Although I lost my Nan (83) and Mum (60s …diagnosed too too late) to bc, they acually don’t think mine is hereditary…although as Mum’s wasn’t caught early… I wonder if it is and have asked for genetic testing.
Hi jackie. Let’s hope the chemo gets everything lurking…I’m behind on my cervical checks by years!!! Silly me!
Hi Kitten Kat. Sorry you’ve had to join us, but welcome to our chitchat. Your lump IS small!!! So that’s a good thing. Mine is 5cm and I’m having chemo first to shrink it (although it isn’t). The one stop shop for screening is good, but it’s just such a devestating shock when you go thinking it isn’t bc (as I did). Your life just goes upside down in the space of minutes…better than waiting for results I guess though.
It’s weird how many people you discover with this dreadful disease…especially young ones. So scary! Camping though??? In this weather!!! I put my tent in bin at a festival about 10 years ago and haven’t been in one since!!! Sign of getting old I suspect!!!


Hi Kittenkat

Welcome. I think I have sent you a message on your previous thread but you are more than welcome to join us here. Most of us on this thread are in the position that we are having chemo before surgery with larger lumps than yours appears to be… Ours need to be shrunk a bit before surgery. The fear and panic are the same though.

Caron I am telling you about my Tax side effects because you have asked but bear in mind that everyone is different and I have even found that 2 different lots of tax chemo can be different. I had 4 x AC to start with. By the evening of chemo I would be feeling strange. Just not right and on one occassion very ill although hard to put my finger on what was wrong. I felt tense, headachy and a bit out of it. By the next day tiredness began to creep up on me and all I wanted to do was sit in a room with my OH for company and keep my eyes closed. The sickness wasn’t too bad because my treatment people gave me anti sickness tablets to take whether I needed them or not. I got very constipated and generally sorry for myself. The taste in my mouth was awful and I developed a creamy coloured coating on my tongue. The effects lasted from chemo day as day one for about a week. On tax again they gave me sickness tablets which I took regardless but I felt no nausea at all. For the first couple of days I felt OK and really thought that all the horror stories about tax were exagerated.Then the aches and pains in my legs and hips started. They affected me walking to the point that I didn’t venture out of the house and they kept me awake at night. I was given injections to give myself at home to help with the blood levels but unfortunately the side effects of the injections are also aches and pains so moving around was difficult. The taste in my mouth goes very quickly(24 hours after) and nothing tastes right. I assume some people lose weight at this stage but for me I keep walking around the house looking at food and other edibles thinking I wonder if that tastes right and I eat anything trying to find something to enjoy.The taste situation has got worse with each lot of tax and last time I had about 3 days of things tasting normal before the next session was due. The aches and pains seem to peak around 5/6 days after tax and then gradually improve. The tiredness has got worse with each session. I have never been a person to sleep during the daytime but I have had no choice I seem to reach a point that I know if I don’t give in and sleep then I will just stop functioning. The tiredness eases off after about 10/12 days.My hands and feet feel strange- sort of pins and needles and slightly numb, and the skin on my feet is peeling rather badly. My oncologist says that this is normal and will get better after the chemo is finished but it could take a few months. Also my finger nails and toe nails hurt, it is not unknown for them to come off. Again they will grow back. I have read on this site that some people find that painting their nails very dark helps sometimes(something to do with light sensitivity) so my nails are permanently painted dark brown at the moment. It may help but it certainly won’t hurt. Please don’t let all this worry you. It is hard but it is doable. We have to get on with it and fight. If a few months of discomfort helps beat this then it is worth it.I shed bucket loads of tears before I started tax in fear. It is not easy - I have one more lot to have- I am not looking forward to it but know it has to be done. Then I can move onto the next stage. You will too.

One good thing that has happened since I started on tax- my hair is beginning to grow again. Nothing to shout home about but I can deffinately see hair.

Andie xx

Well, don’t think there’s a strong connection - after all this breast thingy has taken 35 years to show up after the cervical cancer I had. Very small lump Kitten, mine was 6 cm - don’t ask me how I didn’t find it before the mammogram did! Actually it was 2 lumps - and the length from one to the other was 6 cms, they reckon the tissue in between was nothing, but I have found that I’ve been told a few ‘porkies’ along this road I’m on - probably just to stop me from going hysterical in the consultations! Had a mastectomy and recon from the back in November and started chemo last Monday. Then have to have full lymph node clearance 'cos 5 out of 5 they took out at time of mastectomy were all cancerous, then radiotherapy, then drugs … phew - can’t wait! The only (big ‘only’ though) good bit of news I’ve had is that the bone and cat scans were clear! So that’s something! Yeah, I didn’t get the camping thing either, Gail?! x Jackie x

Thanks for the info. I am getting relaly stressed about next week. Allday in hospital Monday with herceptin a nd then nearly all day with tax (and coldcap). Dreading it so so much. Useful to know when things might kick in though. Whole different routine isn’t it!!! Makes me think I should get Kai into nursery a bit more to help…as he is rather bouncy and lively at the moment. Going to get him early today so that we can have smoothies and chocolate cake on the way home!! Got to do this stiff while I can.

Ate the cadburys cream egg…it kind of fell into my mouth in a freak accident. If I’m going to lose my taste…I should eat these things while I can enjoy them though surely???


Hi all
I love camping ( not in this weather though !)
The most thing I was concerned about the Tax was feeling sick ! I felt really sick last time it was only from when I had the chemo about 10 am until the next morning I still felt a bit sick but not much ! I know it’s not a long time but when your trying to stop yourself being sick it seems like forever!
Also I was wondering about this ??/ If I felt sick and was sick would the sickness go away ? maybe it would be better to be sick ??

Jac I am having node clearance as well and I can’t believe I have been so stupid and not noticed my lump well I did but just thought my boobs were getting younger !
silly me !.
All you girls missing your cervical smears GO MAKE A APPOINTMENT !!!
When I went for a smear ( no sorry actually it was to have a coil fitted ! ) but my doc is that dumb he didn’t tell me to go whilst on my period and he couldn’t fit it and made me bleed another 10 days ! after I had just finished my period.
Anyway he was asking me if I had ever had laser treatment ? dont know why I said no he said are you sure ? ( I think I would know DOC ! ).
Also my womb is tilted backwards so it’s hard for her to do the smear , I know they are awful but it must be done !

Gail did they tell you if your measurments was the core of it or all of it ???
as I was lead to believe mine was only ( I say only ) 41mm then I find out its much bigger than than that and it’s 110mm more than double , and I only found out from my chemo nurse who accidentially slipped up ! or probably thought I knew maybe ?

Steve is making tea again I have told him not to do chips again ! I don’t want to end uplooking like a spud ! so he’s doing southern fried chicken ( roasted ) and cheesy mashbo and beans ( yum ) hope it’s better than his burnt toast this morning ???
Love caronx xx

Jo I bet you are upset today about your hair ,I know I was it makes it even more real , to be totally honest you should be getting the baldy patches anyday now !
I keep just touching it and its coming out every time ! and the big bald patch at the back feels really odd really smooth and a bit sore .
I have heard from my mate Di who has just found out she has BC but I think she wont come on here I think she doesn’t want to know ? but I know they have had to do another biopsy on her other breast now cos they have found a cyst in that one with a lump underneath that , so I am really hoping it turns out to be nothing ( fingers crossed XX and toes XX , Love Caron
Shelly where are you today ???

I am new to the site although I have been reading for a few weeks now I haven’t actually posted anything until now. I was diagnosed 6 Nov, had a wide local excision on 20 Nov and had a passport fitted to my left arm on 18 Dec. Started Chemo on 29 Dec. I am having FEC x 8 and then radiotherapy but they haven’t confirmed exactly how many sessions of that yet. I thought I was coping incredibly well following diagnosis but now that it has come to the point of actually losing my hair any day and waiting for it to happen (it hasn’t started to go yet but I am told with the FEC that it will) I am struggling this week and have been very tearful.
Can anyone tell me what it feels like when it falls out and whether there are any signs of it happening?
I have ordered a couple of wigs and I am going for fitting and styling with the hairdresser next thursday so I am hoping it will stay until then!
Finally, I aren’t sure whether I want to see myself bald. I am probably just a bit frightened but aren’t sure I want to keep that lasting memory. Is this a bit silly?
Thanks Lynsey

Hi Girls

I have just remembered a tip I was given by an aquaintance who has had BC and come out the other end. Don’t wear your favourite perfume while you are on chemo. Evidently your smell can be affected and it could permanently make you hate your favourite. I know that the smell of the soap we usually use in the bathroom now has a permanent link to BC and I hate it. We have changed to items with no smell attached.

Gail I havn’t given in and bought creme eggs yet but I know what you mean. The purple quality street have a life of their own and just love my mouth.

Andie xx

Hi Lynsey

I started chemo with 4 x AC and my hair held on for just over 2 weeks. To start with I noticed that the texture seemed to have changed - it went very brittle. Then I noticed that as I touched my hair, and when you are waiting for something to happen you touch it a lot,it came away on my hands. Mine did not come out in one go it became thinner and thinner until I was embarrased by it. At that point I took my husbands clippers to it. I was alone in the house at the time because I decided it was a very private thing to be doing. My hair has never been my crowing glory but I was sad to see it go. I was pleasantly surprised that without hair I looked better than I expected. No one other than my OH has seen me bald and I intend keeping it that way. I have actually got used to having no hair now and wearing either a wig. a buff or a scarf. I find it difficult having no eyebrows and eyelashes. They seem to define me and I use make up every day now to disguise myself.

It will grow back slowly and I hope these few short bald months will become a distant memory.

Love and Hugs

Andie xx

Hi ladies

I have been snoozing on and off all day,just got no motivation,i have an appetite though…A BIG ONE…i must start dieting…i managed to sleep 6 hours last night with a little help from Temazepam…
Bright- I had a call from the Marsden today and my pre op assessment on Monday will last about 3/4 hours because i have to have bloods,x-rays and Ecg + stuff. I haven’t got a date for op but she said it may be a short notice thing as they want to see me asap. All my treatment has now moved to the Marsden which i am very happy about…

Andie- I have been shopping for my nightwear for hospital,i got some lovely cotton button front shirt nighties and some pink slippers.Also i got half a dressing gown LOL…well its waist length and you can wear it in bed if you feel chilly,bit like a cardigan but soft fleece…

Jo- Its very upsetting losing your hair,i cried every time i saw some on the towel.once it had all gone though i forgot about it and stopped fretting. Bet your new boots are cheering you up no end…LOL…

Gail- When i wear my wig i cant wait to get it off too,its ok to begin with then after a couple of hours i start to itch and it feels most uncomfortable.I usually stick to scarves now as they are a lot easier to slip off and on…

Muv - Glad to have you back… Do you know when you will start chemo???
What is cording???

Kittenkat- welcome, i wish you well with your surgery and hope you recover fast…xx

Lynsey- Welcome, when i started to lose my hair the top of my head became really sore and itchy,almost like little shocks running through it when you put your hands through your hair.Once i gave it the number zero all over it was a lot better…

Caron- Hope you enjoyed your tea OH cooked…We had an Indian take away…I read that Turmeric is supposed to ward off cancer cells so I’m going to see if they do them in tablet form.Worth a try…
Hope your feeling better as the day/night progresses.

Sorry if its a bit long, i didn’t want to miss any one out…hope i havnt…

Speak to you in the morning…(hubby is 44 tomorrow) !!!



Happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday stud muffin happy birthday to you … Kings & Queens & bishops too want to wish there best to you
so wish day wash day wot do ya say ?? happy birthday to you … for he’s a jolly good fellow for he’s a jolly good fellow he’s a jolly good fellow and so say all of us and so say all of us for he’s a jolly good feeeellllooow and so say all of us … roll out the barrel roll out the barrel tonight roll out the barrel roll out the barrel tonight…

phew !! well firstly to lynsey I found it really hard loosing my hair ( it was 31 inches long ) took me years to grow it ! and then to loose it all like that !!
I was also told I would deffo loose my hair so after a couple of weeks before I had my chemo I cut it really short then I had my chemo and about just over 2 weeks it was going patchy and I promised mysen that I would shave it as soon as it did that so thats what I did, now I hardly have any left at all and the little bit I have is falling out everytime I rub it or put my hand to it,
It is very hard to loose your hair I ordered some wigs off ebay they are very cheap and I got one from the hospital too but I have only worn them twice !!!
I use a wooly hat at night ( as your head gets cold ) and if I go out I use scarfs like Shelly does .
You will get used to it in the end you were diagnosed before me but I have to have chemo first then surgery .
I bet you had a lovely new years starting on 29th DEC !! ( NOT ).
Take care keep us informed on how ya doing we are all quite helpful as were all at different stages so I am sure someone can help you !!! xx

Shelly I am really glad you have your appointment so soon at least they are gonna get you sorted ! ( thank god I know it was driving you mad ! ) all that worry will be over and then when you have rads it will sort it XXX

What is a passport as well ??? and cording ???
love caron xx
ps tea was edible put it that way ( I like my own cooking though ! )

Just checking in before bed. hello to new people.

Had such fun with my little kai this afternoon - just like the old times when i was happy Mummy. We popped into Peacocks on the way home (I know how to live!!!) to buy gloves (got so cold here) and he said in a very loud voice “Mummy - I want to buy you some knickers” which amused many people. Where do they get this stuff from?? (for those new…kai is 3 3/4). I do wear knickers honest!!!

Caron - not sure about measurement. It’s what she(Onc) finds with her measurement gadget. The measurement from my MRI is smaller…so maybe that is the core??
Andie - Glad to hear you have problems with aggressive chocolate too. I’m hiding from chocolate caramels at the moment. They are so sneaky. Can’t stop eating at the moment. And…re: smells …I’ve got a real thing about a brand of deodrant I was using during first 2 chemos. Have had to change because the smell makes me think of bc. How weird!

Re hair…mine got brittle, frizzy and my head was sore. I still have some left as I wore cold cap though. Wigs just make me feel a bit glam and they give me the hair I always wanted. Just feel a bit wiggy though (ie big hair) and the itching is so annoying. I can’t seem to make scarves look nice on me…feel like I’m in some sort of religious sect! Tips anyone?? Caron - which websites did you get your wigs from?

I cooked dinner again tonight. It’s a miracle. Sausage surprise. That and the cleaning - I need to rest now. I think I’m trying to be energetic before the tax gets me. Have to take kai to birthday party tomorrow - 40 4 year olds in one room. Hmmm…maybe I’m not really well enough…maybe Daddy has to take him…!!! Maybe the chocolate caramels will weigh me down too much to move.

I don’t know about passport or cording either…

Night night…
PS…According to my anticancer book… green tea and garlic (not together) are big things to ward off the C. I’m going to try hard to work on my diet, but it’s so hard when the appetite is up and down isn’t it? I really long for a lovely big glass of wine, but when I sniff it…I don’t want it. Sigh!

Dear all,

I was feeling quite happy today (new or modified happy in this new scary world of bc) - until I got home this evening and there was a letter from the hospital asking me to go for a whole body bone scan. I was sure oncologist said he was only sending me for a CT scan (which took place on the 7th) and the letter inviting for the bone scan was dated the 8th… my mind is racing overtime thinking… did radiologist find something so awful on the CT i.e that it has gone everywhere - that now he wants to check my bones as well… In desperation I posted a separate question on this site and I’ve had a couple of reassuring replies - saying unlikely they could have analysed the CT results that fast - and to rush a bone scan because organ one is more important… nevertheless I am still a bit petrified. Have you all had scans? And now I am thinking about the results … do they always tell you beforehand if they are good… and if I don’t hear - will it be because they are so bad… just thought I had the CT 2 days ago… and not heard yet…

Gail - so you are persisting with the coldcap - do you think it has been worth it so far? I plan to do this too - my hair is currently 28 inches - cannot get over Caron how you have got over so quickly losing your 31 inch locks… are you going to re-grow? My wig is about that length but going to trim back a little…

Well apart from the scans - today I did some work in the morning and then went for a quiet afternoon break to Petts Wood near Bromley, Kent. It is a quiet sleepy kind of 1930s mini-town with old-fashioned shops above which are period flats with herringbone bricks. We had lunch in a pub and I was really good and didn’t have something with chips (partner did though - brie and bacon burger) and then discovered ‘Morrisons’. I have never been into the food chain before and was suitably impressed. They have a special aisle called the marketplace, and seem to lay out produce quite artistically.

In Petts Wood High Street - I popped into Boots and bought a self-warming knee heat pack to place on my arm where I’ve had a drip in which caused a vein to go phlebotic. I really want to see if I can cure it before chemo starts on the 23rd. Just wondering how do you all try to keep you veins healthy? I would do anything to keep mine happy and refrain from the need to have some sort of central line or port fitted (think this is what passport might be?). I have looked at diagrams and these lines go so near the heart that there must be the occasional mistake and the organ gets pierced at the very least occasionally.

When I got home I phoned the wig fitter who is coming to my home to trim the wig I bought and to trim the lace cap to fit my head . Apparently the wig is designed to be worn for a month continuously before being taken off by the fitter - and is kept in place with glue to the scalp. The lace cap is breathable and supposedly comfortable enough for long term use, but too difficult to take on and off each day.

Caron - are you planning on regrowing your 31 inch locks? Mine currently reach 28 inches - and want to regrow but will be too old in in 4 years to have long hair - though could always wear it up all the time…

Shell - I am worried about gaining weight - but know it is inevitable - like losing the hair… … do let me know your dates - and I will visit

Gail - I admire your continuing use of cold cap… I am going to try too - do you think it is proving be worth it?

Jackie lovely to read from you here - this is where I mainly write…

Kittencat - welcome

Love Bright xxx

well I can vouch that garlic doesn’twork then ! I eat tons of the stuff ! mind you The only cold I have had was just before crimbo and the one before that must have been 2 years ago !! .
I am a real lover of chilli and garlic ( yum ) mind you I havn’t had any chilli with this heartburn ! ( sigh me too ).
I got the wigs from but I ordered them from hongkong they only took about 10 days to come and was really cheap they are as good as the ones you get from the hospital , infact someone else gave me one from Italy and he thought the wig I had on was his and it wasn’t it was from ebay !
They work out about £15.00 each - £ 20.00 each so they are cheap enough.
The scarfs I wear are big like a shawl and do them into a triangle then put the flat straight bit to your head and I tie mine down the side ( so it sort of looks like a pony tail) and then I tuck the bit of triangle underneath at the back ( hey presto ! ) just keep trying but you do need like a shawl like scarf .
Yes I do think that will be the core of it too . but mine was more than double the core ( yikes )!!!
my hair is coming out fast now ( bald patches all over the joint ! ).

Dont you go eating all them caramels ! ( save some for me ! YUMMY )
night night xxx
ps hope Shelly reads the song I did for STUD MUFFIN !!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY XX

Oh my gosh, r u all on steroids or wot?, specially Caron, it’s all I can do string a sentance never mind songs on here! But Yes many happy returns Shelly’s husband, my husband is also 44 next week!!

Welcome Lynsey and kittnkat, your situation is similer to mine. Had wide local excision late Oct but unfortunately didn’t get clear margin so Nov had wider excision and thankfully got it all but not before it had spread to lymph nodes. 3 out of 27 affected so all nodes in left arm removed. what is passport? do you mean the minging drain thing which after surgery I referred to as my siamese twin??? now about 10 weeks post op and seroma seems to have settled down a lot, cording not really a prob and seems to be impoving.

(caron) Cording is, they think, muscle fibres that just stretch then snap, something to do with nerves and surgery and sometimes i stretch my arm out and can feel a pull in armpit then something snaps under my wrist and it all frees up nicely, weird hey!

I’ve now got to have 3 x FEC/ 3 X Taxotere chemo then Radiotheraphy then 5 years tamoxifin. Just had my 2nd FEC last mon and am as bald as coot! Welcome to the /club, everyone on here really lovely and will pick you up when you feel low!

Shell, can’t find it now and brain a bit fuddled and BB back on so must go, but did you say you were going to Marsden on Mon for pre op assesment, I’m there /tues and weds next week so let me know if you go in that quickly!

Take care all
Jo X

Jo oh you do make me laugh my sox off !
Me Steroids are you crackers ??? ( LOL )
I just finished my last one tonight LOL
When is your next lot of FEC my EC ( which I think is more or less the same as FEC , cos at first they told me I was having FEC then changed it to EC )
Mine is on Wednesday ( again ) 28th Jan ! ( Ohh so looking forward to that ( NOT ) not after the reaction I had last time ).
Are you as bald as a coot then ??? I am more or less now and we started the same day , so I guess you are like me ?

They are all the songs we sing to each other on birthdays but instead of saying king and queens and bishops too ( Owen used to think it was kings & queens & fish hooks too !! made us all laugh he was so adamant he was right till I explained to him they were all top PPL )LOL Bless him !
Ive got to hurry up cos BB is nearly finishe so maybe you will have a look see if I wrote back LOVE CARONxx

Morning ladies.

Caron - The “Stud muffin” says thank you for the songs,it made us laugh this morning and thank you Jo.
The kids bought him a remote controlled rat…he is well chuffed…LOL. He will have fun with that when people come visiting!!!

Bright- I had to have a bone scan before chemo,its to measure how healthy your bone marrow is and then after chemo they test you again to see if the chemo has damaged any of it… Hope that puts your mind to rest a little bit.

Jo- I will let you know when i go into hospital, you do go to the one in London don’t you??? Mind you if they have a space in Surrey they want me to travel there…

Got to go now as its time for brekkie…

Will write back later today.


Hi all,
Third time trying to post - my silly PC.

Well… my period arrived last night. Explains all my probs with naughty chocs. Thought they were meant to stop during chemo??? (Periods not chocs!!)

Bright - worth trying coldcap. I have some hair left. I think I would have more if I had thicker hair or more of it. It isn’t very nice looking hair, but I can wear hats etc and look OK. It did come out mostly when i combed it and you can see I am a bit thin (or like Grandad to quote kai) on top. Have wigs though for going out as they make me feel more dressed up!! Your wig sounds very posh and realistic. Make sure you look after your real hair carefully. Perhaps cut it a bit shorter (!!!) and don’t wash it as much (gentle products…no hair dryer!!!). By the way, I had a CT scan, MRI bone scan and MRI breast scan (latter test happens a few times if you have chemo first)… I think it is quite normal. Scary…but normal. Results took about a week I think. Hated them and hated waiting for results. So don’t panic!!! I think sometimes they forget to tell you how many tests etc you will have as routine.
Like the sound of the pretty town you went to. I need more trips out I think…there are so many pretty places around oxfordshire. Not been in a Morrisons ever…but when I went in Waitrose the other day …thought I was in heaven… have you seen their tarts???

My chemo arm still hurts when I stretch it out. I have been using hot water bottle on it and I’m told inbuprofen might help. Like the idea of those heat pads though - will try them. I am going to persevere, as I don’t really want a line yet (suspect inevitable). Have heard some types of line better than others though??

Steroids make me go a bit peculiar too. Notice more when am I off them as I turn into Mrs Droopy and usually come on here telling you all how depressed I am!!! At the moment I am on sugar high though… so all good!

Happy Bday Mr Muffin!!!
