hair loss???

Any would be writers out there go to Bury St Edmunds thread

Hi Ladies,

I have been busy today, Ashley’s had his cookery book out again.We made maple syrup pancakes for dinner and a gluten free chocolate brownie cake, Ash also chopped up all the veg in preparation for dinner tonight.We always have a hotpot when Hubby is working 6 till 6…I don’t like it when hes on a 12 hour shift my day seems to drag…

I have just got out of the bath… Before i could get 1 foot into the water my 5year old was stripped naked and was ready to get into the bath himself, no relaxing soak for me…

Caron- I have started having nightmares, last night i dreamt i was going in for surgery and they took the wrong boob off and to get home i had to go through a maze on a boat full of blood!!! I woke up in a sweat i can tell you… I’M frightened about my op next week…I’M frightened of what I’m going to look like after the op.

Jo- I cant pass a boxer dog by without stroking it or getting one of the boys to do it so i can…

Andie- You seem to be doing all the right things to preserve your hair, i hope you get great results.

Gail- its nice to hear your starting to feel better, hope it continues for you.

Bright- Five hours out and about the day or so after your chemo!!! I used to be in bed for at least 4 days as i was so sick and weak,glad to hear your well.

Talking of having a tipple… i used to have a glass of wine or two when on chemo but always had lots of water to drink after it…

((((((hugs to you all))))))


Dear all,

Hope everyone is okay this evening.

Andie - your wig must be very impressive - and thanks for the insight into what I may have instore in nine weeks time when I start Tax

Caron - you seem to have recovered from your dog experiences, wish I could, but now whenever I walk up a new road, or encounter any park land - I just have these visions of giant black dogs coming to get me… I am traumatised - but nothing will shift it. What did you cook for supper tonight?

Shell - maple syrup pancakes sound wonderful - just a week to go now until your big day…

I had a bad night’s sleep last night, no dreams, but just restless and got up quite a few times just to stand on the landing. Also decided to groom my wig in the night - took it off in the end as it was too much to have on my head - with all my own hair underneath, though would be fine without that. Just facing up to the fact that it could all be gone in 12 days, just read someone used the cold cap and lost their hair in fifteen days. But still once it is gone it is gone. It will be so strange though - even though wigs look convincing, but I have always had long hair and just cannot imagine it not being their anymore - will take six years to grow down again.

It was pouring with rain today in London - and not particularly inviting to step out in. But I have to be really ill to spend a whole day inside - so we took the bus to East Dulwich (a different part though from Saturday). We went to an old pub for lunch with stained glass windows with patterns of grapes on. OH ordered a breakfast bap, and I ate about a quarter of a really nice chilli con carne with rice. It included bell peppers and other vegetables. Any more than that though and I would have been sick. Also mixed up anti sickness pills today and took too many of one and too few of another. Seem to have some kind of block when it comes to managing my medication. We then walked up to the giant Sainsburys on the hill via a walk through a park (no dogs allowed off leads) - and yes Caron - it was more shopping. I bought the ingredients for chicken chasseur and a green bead bracelet from the TU range.

Then came home by taxi as I felt really tired - before watching the Railway Children. I love E. Nesbit stories - so old fashioned and magical. Especially liked the Incredible Mr Blunden. Just on the line of children’s stories. Does anyone remember the haunting book and 1970s adaptation of the Owl Service by Alan Garner? Compelling story and quite scary.

This evening - Dancing on Ice is my compulsive viewing - before turning on my work laptop for a bit - to catch up with some work as very behind.

Have a good evening.

Bright xx

Caron Just to say, thanks Caron for good wishes tomorrow. Am dreading it because I,m feeling so awful after 2nd FEC, I,m wondering if my bloods will be ok for tomorrow’s 3rd and final hit of FEC? I’ll wish you well for Weds in case I’m spewing into bucket for next 2 days and don’t get a chance to post. Do you then go over to TAX after Weds?

Bright, I’m going to contact the wig people that you very kindly gave me info for sometime during the week. We’ve been out today for lunch at Hampton court to meet sister inlaw and her family and i spent the whole meal looking around as I felt everyone was staring at my syrup. I to, am used to having very long hair and I’m finding this whole baldness thing impossible to deal with. I’ve never had a fringe before and I simply cannot cope with it, I can’t see where Im going half the time and keep triping up pavements etc!!! I like the sound of yours as i think you said it has no fringe and a line of baby hairs, and that’s definately what I need! Will let u know how i get on with it!

Hope everyone was watching dancing on ice this evening, best laugh I’ve had for ages was watching Tucker Jenkins skating off behind the scenes because he couldn’t stop!!! How funny!

Night night everyone!
Jo X

Hi all,

Had a lovely day yesterday. Hubbie decided we needed to get out, so we went for a walk. I live in a 1930s style estate (built for the Rover car workers originally), at the foot of a nice green wooded bit. We walked by “The Kilns” which is the house CS Lewis lived in and round the pond next to it (which was meant to have inspired Narnia… ) and then we’re in woods. Kai turned into a power ranger as usual and sticks turned into weapons of mass destruction. I was huffing and puffing, but thought i did quite well really.
Then we came.back with sweeties and hubbie cooked roast beef…yummy!

Bright - you are doing so well on your chemo!! And I loved Alan Garner books as a child and Susan Cooper who wrote the Dark is Rising stuff. have you (gulp) thought about having your own hair trimmed at all??? Might be less heavy and last longer. I still have my witch hair left…haven’t (touchwood) lost much more this chemo round.

Shell - I have the same problem with Kai. I haven’t had a bath to myself for so so long!!! They are funny.

I had a glass of red wine last night and I think it knocked me out!!! No dreaming for me and my brain actually switched off.

Kai and I are off together again today and going to Monkey Music in a min.

Take care all


Hi Girls
I hope I have found the right thread on the new look web site
Yesterday was my birthday. Despite feeling rubbish from chemo we went out and the sun was shining and the day turned out much better than I expected.

I now have a date for surgery - 26th Feburyary. Pre Op checks to be done on the 9th. My operation is evening time. I didn’t realise that they used the operating theartes during the evenings. I had a long chat with the Breast cancer nurse on Monday and she has sent me a load of leaflets about surgery which I will wade my way through later. As Lymph nodes are to be removed she has also sent me a whole set of exercises which are recommended for 2 years. That seems an awful long time.

I hope everyone has had a good few days. I found it really strange not to be able to access this site to see what people have been up to.

Love for now



EEk - not sure about this new format. Can’t see all the posts as well. Hope this ends up in the right place. How are you all?? I’m OK. Got a bit sad yesterday as i watched some of the Mummy Diaries online. Bad move!! It was lovely and very moving, but I think I shouldn’t watch or read sad stuff as I tend to write myself off!!!Poor Kai got so many kisses when he came home from nursery. He is having his first sleepover on Sat night and Steve and I could go out. We haven’t been out just the two of us for about about 6 mths!!!
Feeling OK othrwise. Just cold symptoms. Mouth OK. Aches gone. Toe nails still acting suspiciously. Second lot of Tax and Herceptin next week so will have to see if it gets worse…
Hope you are all OK. have missed the chatting!!

Hi all this is Caron !!! what a palava ! it won’t recognise AyoJoy1
It wont let me register again !!as it won’t send the validation email to me I have tried different email accounts too so I am using Steves log in now !

Anyway just to tell you this Shelly is having problems with her pc andshe wanted me to let you all know that shes ok andshe’s thinking of us ALL.

Had m chemo today it was loads better than last time they took it out the fridge and put the saline & chemo in slower so that was ok.
I don’t feel sick yet ( just slightly ) but I can cope with that , I only have 1 MORE EC to go !!! then it’s onto tax ( boo hoo )

I wonder if they know there is a problem with allthis signing in ???
I will have to try again but I wanted my own name caron cos I tried to register it now says it’s taken !! it’s soo anoying !!
Anyway I will keep trying MODERATOR THERE IS A PROBLEM !!!
love caron x

god I dont like this new forum it’s hard to get signed in now they lost me altogether ! caron

Hello ladies,

Just a quick note from me tonight, as really feeling the after effects of going into work. Chemo was last Friday and still feeling a little queasy and tired. Still I am trying to make it mind over matter.

Caron/Drago Slayer glad you logged on at last. This new site is really confusing - not sure how we can access the different discussion strands. Just hope everyone can find us!

Love Bright x

Hi all,
No I don’t like this format at all ! I hope everyone can find us too !
ANDIE T like your pic ( very nice ) are you worried about your op ?
HAPPY BIRTHDAY WISHES for the other day too!
It’s our wedding anniversary today 15 years ( ohh im getting old ! )
Shelly must still be having probs with her pc , either that or she can’t find us !
and I am still on Steve’s as I still havn’t recieved a email off them yet ??? I have sent 2 to them but no reply ? wonder if others are having trouble logging in ???

Bright hope you are ok today & not still feeling queasy?
JO hope you are alright too?
and everyone else love Caron xxxxxxxxxxx

Hi Caron

Glad you found our thread. What a performance.

When you go into some of the threads lots of people are having problems. I feel a bit as if my friends have all been taken away and can’t find their way back.

Part of me is concerned at the thought of going into hospital although I am told it will only be for a few days and then a team come out to me at home. Part of me will be really glad to finally get any remnants of the cancer removed - it was DX last August and that feels like a lifetime ago. As you are in a similar position you will know exactly how I feel. Next week I have an MRI and Ultra sound so they know exactly what they are dealing with.

After 3 lots of tax I was hoping to have avoided the numb fingers and toes that get reported but no I was not that lucky. The tips of my fingers feel really strange, as if they have been burnt and the top layer of skin is not mine. I needed to get the sewing machine out today to do some mending and I keep dropping the pins.

Happy Anniversary. 15 years is quite something. Are you celebrating at all? I bet you have made something really special for dinner.



Gemdancer is having trouble finding us as well !
I am not feeling too bad today Steve wouldn’t let me get dressed but when he went out I got dressed and tidied up a bit and hung some washing out ! I just feel a bit dizzy from time to time but no heart burn yet ( touch wood ) Hope everyone is ok I still havn’t had a email from Bcc yet where is the moderator ? they must know I’m having trouble !! love Caronx

Hi girls,

OK…getting a bit more used to this now!

Caron - congrats!!! Hope you manage to celebrate properly!
Andie - so good to know what you look like!!!

Know what you mean about facing the surgery. I seem to be getting very anxious about everything again and am focussing on negatives. Lumpy is not shrinking and it’s making me depressed and I’m getting a bit obsessed about it. Can’t face seeing my oncologist looking all negative again on Tuesday!!! Feel like I’m doomed at the moment. Feel like big lump means no hope!! Must be time to phone the poor old breast cancer nurse for an ear bending!! Just so so miss looking forward to things and planning things. Being normal. Sigh!!!
Sorry - am grumpy girl today. Cough kept me up lots last and am prob knackered!!!

Got new furniture delivered yesterday which is good …at last can get CDs out of garage and we also got quote for new boiler (lots of money and not that exciting!! Could go on really great holiday for that money!!)

Meant to be seeing pal this afternoon…so need to transform myself. People keep telling me I look well…it’s the wigs!!!

Much love all,

Hi Andie glad you found us all !
No I’m not doing anything special today but we are going for a meal when I am more up to it I am even going to wear my best wig ! so I will look like tha old me again !
But because I havn’t been out I didn’t get Steve a present but I did get him a really special card I made online ( not moon pig ) another site and I put our picture on the front and I wrote in it

At times the days seem so long
I thought i’d never make it through ,
then suddenly out of a dream
came wonderful you ,
when times turned rough and lonely
and despair fell upon my face
you comforted me and kept me there
in that loving special place.

so that was my card to him I felt awful cos I forgot my mums & dads anniversary ( again ) and she always remembers ours she said she’d let me off cos I had just found out I had BC .

you were diagnosed 3 months before me then I found out at the end of November.the exercises do seem a long time for 2 years ! ( I never exercise I know I should though ! )
love Caron x

Caron - your poem made me cry!!! I am such an emotional girl today.


well I’m still having trouble getting on but at least ive had a email from them ! and they have forwarded to the relivent department so I might be on my own account soon ? ( here’s hoping )
hope everyone is still ok .
I have just had a bath and where my tumor is ive noticed it is red around the area and I noticed last time I had chemo too so maybe it’s attacking it?.
hope everyone is still ok ? everyone seems quiet I wonder if I have been left behind now and your all on another thread ??
love Caronx

yeahhhh hi Gail !!!

Gail how big is your lump now do you know?
they still can remove it can’t they?( I hope so mine is big too I know I have still got more than 1/2 of my chemo to have ) but it’s only shrunk 2 1/2 cm I don’t feel that it enough .
when do you have your surgery ???
much love caron x

Dear all,

Gail, sorry to read about your lump. This whole disease is so scary, and fills us all with anxiety all the time about where it is all going. Your walk to CS Lewis’s house and the village sounded really interesting - I may try to get there eventually. Love C S Lewis, and the magical worlds he created. The Magician’s nephew was one of my all time favourite books from my childhood.

Andie - nice to see what you look like, you have such a bright happy face.

Caron (and Steve) - happy anniversary!

Well here I am on the sofa, just wondering if I can stay awake long to write. I was at work today for a couple of meetings. It was hard going, but I kept telling myself there wasn’t anything wrong with me, and to just get through the tiredness. And it did work to some extent. Nausea is finally passing off, but just waking up at night thinking about the next dose of FEC, and the five more cycles in total I have to get through. Still it will all be over in mid may - and then there will be the summer to look forward to.

I watched Masterchef tonight: I loved the two desserts and was pleased Angela got through.

Have a good evening, love Bright x