hair loss???

Goodness me, I have a couple of days off and everything changes!Help don’t know where I am. nice though to put faces to names!

Caron, how you feeling after EC3, I’ve gotta say FEC3 for me has so far day 4 nearly 5 been much better that FEC2. upped my anti sickness which was fab so no vomming and not too bad nausia after day 2, trouble is extra tablets equals extra bungged up, oooh can hardley move this evening, feel like a beached whale. Have you got any way of contacting Shelly as I know she’s having probs on line but I’m going to visit her on Tuesday after her op and I really want her to have my mobile number so she can text me if she’s not up to it, also don’t even know her surname or which ward she,ll be on. Can you help me get a message to her??

hopefully get back on line tomorrow and this will become easier, feel a bit like a fish outta water!! I’m such a techniphobe, haven’t even managed to set up Michael’s Ipod that i got him last week for his birthday, and if I don’t he certainly won’t, he’s worse than me!

Take care everyone! loving everyone’s pics, assuming they were all taken prior to BC as evryone looks so fab, surely none of you look that good now with wigs coz if so I’m going very badly wrong somewhere!!!

Good Morning everyone

If anyone is in contact with Shell please could they let her know I will be thinking of her next week and hope everything goes well. It is bad enough having to deal with all this at our local hospitals without having to travel away from home for treatment.

Has anyone worked out how to send Private Messages on this new Web site. The information is probably in front of my nose but I just can’t see it.

Love to everyone. Be back soon


Hi guys,

I’m less emotional today!!! Have kai with me and we might go to town. He sais he wanted to go to buy me some clothes (!!!), but I suspect he is in search of Power rangers stuff.

Caron - lumpy is about 5.2cm x2.5 or something. Less on MRI. The onc always looks a bit disappointed with me… doesn’t make me feel positive. They spend so much time telling you its curable etc at the beginning, bit then you realise all the other stuff that effects your prognosis and it all feels more gloomy. I think my surgery will be mid March. The new cancer centre opens on 16 March, so not sure whether I’ll be in the old or new hospital. Def going to catch up with my breast care nurse soon.

Bright - Don’t get too excited about the CS Lewis stuff. Village is really an estate. His house not that exciting and Narnia is a pond!!! But… it is nice thinking that he was inspired by the woods here etc. He is buried over the road too. You should come to Oxford. Lots of literary connections. I used to drink in the pub that the “inklings” drank in (CS Lewis, Tolkein and co).

Photo was pre BC when times were happy!! I was watching “Transvestite wives” last night (quality entertainment!!). Realised that I looked quite similar to one of the transvestites in my wig!!!

Caron - hope you had fun!!!


morning ladies,
how are you all? I have woken with a headchae today, no sickness, but I am tired as well.
Glad you found us BRIGHT !!
wonder when SHELLY will be back on? I might send her a text today, as she will need us now .
Where is JO ??? wonder if she’s still in the chemo fog ?
I wonder how you manage to work BRIGHT ? I would be falling asleep or cursing my headache !!
love to all Caron x

Gail??? what is a size safe lump to cut out??
mine is alot bigger that that I know I have more chemo to go yet though mine is 8.1/2 by 7 ( I say 7 cos she never told me wodth wise just lengh wise and thats what it was then ).
But some good news I did get the feeling they were more bothered about the swollen lymph nodes and my nurse can’t find any of the two I had now.
thats it for now love caron x
ps gail have u finished ur chemo? ( i think you have now )x

Hi Caron,

I think it’s an Ok size to cut out as I’m having a mast anyway. I’m just aware that I haven’t got a little lump and that it means my cancer is more nasty and likely to come back (I’m HER2 pos too). In my dark days, I just get a bit overwhlemed by it all and down. Like so many women, I just want the chance to see kai grow up and that’s what gets me down and desperatelt sad sometimes. I have 5th chemo/2nd Herceptin on Tuesday. Then one more chemo after that and ayear of herceptin!!

Yes…I’ve been thinking about Shell too - hope she is OK!


andie - have sent you a pm and how to message - I hope!! mary x

Hello all,

Just a quick good morning as working today and have a deadline to meet. I feel almost back to normal even on tiredness levels. Gail - think you should press to get your lump removed asap - while it can still be taken clear at the margins, that’s what matters more than the size. HER2+ - at least you can take herceptin - and equalises odds in terms of aggression. I do like Oxford and its shire. Thinking now of the botancical gardens…
Caron - glad you are not feeling sick. That’s the worst.

What is everyone making for supper? I feel creative. Going to make pizza - and will write about the toppings later!

Love Bright xxxx

Just to say I have chosen not to upload a picture - but happy to e-mail one if anyone is overly curious. Though I wouldn’t be.

my daughter did mine for facebook so used the same for here…my personal i.t consultant - I want a cat one but she’s being awkward at the moment so I’ll have to try n suss it myself as the cat is ultimately and undoubtedly better looking!!

tried it…and its not working - will get madam to sort out later!

Bright - I’d love to know what you look like!! I have this picture in my head of someone with loads and loads of hair!!!
Ahh Botanic Grds - my pals work there and little monster and I have spent many happy times there. I’ve even danced barefoot in the garden…but that is another story …

I’m going to have a good discussion with BCN and onc next week…always feel a bit rushed on chemo day…so don’t talk enough!

Little monster is doing my hair at the mo - frightened it will come out in his hand!!!



I like your photo kitten …


the cat one shows on my profile but can’t get it to show on the posts…

well what a crappy tea ( again ! )
Steve cooked sweet n sour chicken with rice !
you’d think it would be easy ?? not so easy for MEN it seems !
the chicken was already cooked the sauce was bought in jars ! all he had to do was the rice for gods sake ! so whats he do ? just piles all the rice in a massive heap and plonks the sauce & chicken on top ! Anyway I know I moan but I would make a moat and then put the sauce & chicken inside the moat ! I can’t understand him he’s had it numerous times made by me so why’s he have to try & do if different?
Does presentation mean nothing to men ? ( no they just shovel it in ! ). Anyway it didn’t go down well with me & Owen but the rest gobbled it up !.
So thats my moan (again) sent Shelly a text but she hasn’t replied yet ,wanted to make sure she’s ok as she must be worried now.
write later love Caron x
ps wonder how long it will take steve to read this ?lol x

caron did not like the meal will try better tomoz

yeah I did it I did it !!! had to make another email account ! via yahoo so I am now up & running again ( it is mr AyoJoy1 ) changed to caron_caron !!
Well Jordam helped me do it don’t know why BCC wouldn’tlet me use my old account ? and they were not helpful either ! all they did was send me a email saying they would pass it to the relevent department !! but nothing since from them !
Great considering i’m having one of my BLACK days and I need my friends to help me get through this tough time!

Gail are you negative for oestogen(probably spelt wrong) and Progestorne ( probably spelt wrong too? ) I know I am and think I am her2 pos ? and I am hoping mine shrinks alot more as it’s soo big and I want clear margins.

Someone was saying at the chemo ward that they can only give you 6 lots of chemo ??? I don’t think that cos I am sure I read that some people had more than that ?
or did they mean 6X6 ? or just 3x3 if so Iam having more than that now.
well I am pleased now I am back on & Steve has already read my posts about his awful tea ! that went down well ! well at least he is making me a nice supper tomorrow and I know it will be cos it chinese flavour glace with steak strips peppers mushrooms & onions.
I’ll let him off cos I know he can cook that !

Bright I really don’t feel glamerous now I can tell you ! but that picture was taken just before I found out.
and shall we keep Gail guessing on your hair ( LOL ) it’s really short really ! love Caron xx

can I have my post on please ?

Spoke to Shelly - she is fine. Her computer should be fixed tomorrow. She is prepared for Monday and setting of Monday morning. Passed on her details to Jo through pm.

Not started making pizza yet as still working!

I am sure sweet and sour would have tasted okay. I used to like the chicken balls and sauce from chinese takeaways…

Will write later.

Bright xx

caron_caron has posted a comment but not working on this site yet
as soon as it works she will write to you all
she hopes to be on very soon