hair loss???

Hi Caron

Well bad news again…

My tumour hasn’t got any smaller it has now started to protrude (getting thicker) at the top of my breast and is only maybe 1 cm away from breaking trough to the skin. Im gutted…

I’m on Taxotere but on Friday i will be changing to Carboplatin & Vinorelbine.Its two different chemo drugs given as one… I don’t know much about these chemo drugs as i haven’t come across anyone who has had them together. I don’t know how i’m going to feel or anything…

I feel like its a bit of an experiment!!!

Your blood is tested for a full blood count and to see if your immune system is in tip top condition because once you start chemo your immune system is affected…
You usually have all your tests before chemo starts especially your heart echo. as your heart has to be strong for chemo.

I only had mine the day after seeing the Oncologist because they arranged my drugs whilst i was on holiday. Because of its size and aggression they needed to act quick to try and stop it spreading, it hasn’t worked though because 2 different chemos down the line and i still have a tumor and 3 nodes that are rapidly growing.

I hope they sort me out soon as i feel like my breast wants to pop !!! Its so big, tight and hot…

Take care.


Hi Shell

I have just read through this thread and although it feels like I am intruding into your private nightmare I just wanted to say don’t give up. The health professionals won’t, they will keep trying until they find something that works for you.

There’s nothing I can say that will make it right for you but like everyone else on this site we all support each other and hope and pray for each other.

Big Hugs


Hi Andie,
I second what you said ! I have the BC nurse coming tomoz and on Friday I meet the onc, so have to wait and see what happens love to ALL caronx

Hi Andie & Caron

Thank you both for your support. I wont give up i just get so frustrated at times i could blow a gasket…

Hugs Shell…xxxx

keep ur chin up girl !

I will Caron.

I have my blood tested tomorrow, you have to have it done the day before chemo and when i was on AC chemo had to have it tested on day 10 as well.

Let us know how you get on with the nurse coming to your house, i have never had a nurse visit me.

Good luck with your meeting with the Oncologist on friday,


I hope you got ur cheer up text?
The surgeon who I am seeing is very high up for Grimsby and Scunthorpe, I think the nurse comes for support and stuff?
I am even scared about tomorrow !!!
I am scared of everything at the mo , wish I wasn’t mind you I don’t know why I’m complaining cos everyone is in the same boat !
I just hope we find the PADDLE !

My breast has been hurting today as well , I can’t stop shaking I need some valium or summats !
love caron x

Hi All, im new to the site and just needed to talk to somebody who understands what im going through. Im 38 and dx on 31st oct with BC. Had WLE to remove 2in lump left breast. Results where node negative - brilliant, however the tumor was 3in and multifocal (sorry terminology new to me), ER, PR, HER2 all positive and a grade 3. At clinic on Friday was recommened that i have 6 months chemo, 5 weeks radio then 12 months Herceptin. Im absolutly terrified at the thought of having 18months of treatment ahead of me. I have a 1yr old baby and 5yr and im worried about how chemo is going to affect my day to day life (eg. work - fiancially i have to, being a mum). Another thing which i know sounds really trivial is i don’t know how to cope with the hair loss? is it better to wait and see if it all falls out or should i start looking at wigs. I managed to persuade my dr to put off starting chemo till after christmas, which gratefully he agreed so my date now is 31st dec (new years eve). I just hope that one day soon i might manage to get through the day without getting upset. I admire the ladies who have found the ability to be strong and fight this awfull disease, so please if anyone has any words of advice please reply
Love Helen

Hi helen, we all know what you are going through regarding the chemo, it is the fear of the unknown, we have all gone for our first one scared I am sure. As for the hair loss, I was so upset when one morning I put my hand through my hair as you do, and a clump came out, my son gave me a hug as I was upset, it then started to thin so my husband shaved it for me. I felt strange at first then got used to it. It is now growing back as are my eyebrows and lashes, they were the last to go, only been about three weeks without them. I did get a wig and I am not joking when I say whoever sees me in it says it looks good and like my own. I don’t feel conspicuous when I go out it really does look good, so if I were you I would get one before it comes out, I am in westfield and got 75% back. I also bought a couple of hats a nice one from M&S baker boy style £9.50 and it fits lovely. I was diagnosed in May and have four more chemo’s to go and then rads, I still have down days but it does get easier believe me, it will always be there but we have to be strong, and you will always find love and support on here. Love to you and your children take care junieliz

Sorry to jump into your thread ladies. Sorry to hear your dx stories.

I just want to say that I have had 3 x FEC and used cold cap. It has worked for me. I am losing hairs but nobody has noticed any change in my hair. It itches though, and I have had a short cut (like Posh). I only wash it once a week, a thought which initially horrified me but it soon sorts itself out. I wear a headscarf at night to reduce friction on the sheets and in the morning about 40 hairs fall out when I comb it through.

The hat is blindingly cold for the first minute or so, then I forget about it. No headaches nothing.

I wont add anymore, but just wanted to say that the cold cap can work…for some…so don’t dismiss it.

I wish you all the best in your treatment…my lump was also painful and quite large (5cm) but thankfully now in the bin!

Hi there Caron

yes i got your text thanks.
My boob always aches its hot and itchy and at times it feels like someone is stabbing at it,sometimes it feels full of pressure like i need to breastfeed but I’m not a new mum…

I take Prozac from the doctor, i have had them a while now and they do help, i have no side effects and i feel normal.I just don’t break down so often and i can control my emotions better. I also have a sleeping pill, i use it now and again because the chemo knocks me out now…

I know if they take my boob off i will be left with cancer still in my body because the chemo is supposed to kill off any stray cells,as the chemo is not working i may have cell running riot throughout my body,lets hope this new one tomorrow starts to work.


Hi Girls

Helen - I am having my chemo before surgery to shrink my lump to a manageble size. I have had 5 out of 8 chemos so far. I looked at wigs and hats before my hair started coming out. Initially my hair held fast for about 2 weeks then I found that when I ran my fingers or brush through my hair it came out big time. I took my husbands clippers to it one day when I was in the house on my own, to me it was a very private situation. Although my hospital have provided me with a wig which is OK I have found that for me scarves and turbans are better. Before this all happened I did not own any scarves at all, now I have lots and ring the changes daily. My personal feeling is a wig is pretending to be something that it is’nt. A scarf or a hat is just that a scarf or a hat.

Also although the cold cap works for lots of people I was told that it lengthens the time you have to spend in the treatment room and I just wanted in and out as fast as possible.

You will get through the days because you have to- especially with little ones to care for. Cancer is now in all our lives but so is everything else that was there before.


My BC nurse had never been to the house - special treatment or what! In fact although she seems to have all the answers she only gives them to my questions if you know what I mean. She never makes contact just to find our how I am doing. Fortunately I have a good support network at home.

Before you go to see your doctor of Friday I suggest that you sit down with pen and paper and make a note of all the things you want to know. Doctors are like Gods and I know when I see one my brain goes to mush and I forget all sorts. I have done this in the past and have found it a good plan. In fact the last time my oncologist asked what was on todays list when i saw her. She was absolutely lovely about it.

I’m 4 months into this journey and some days I still hit panic. In fact although I have been examined and had an MRI which have both shown my lump to be shrinking I still imagine that it is growing many many times. Imagination is a powerful emotion. I look forward to the day that the surgeon removes the lump. I even look forward to the daily trek to the hospital for rads - even though I will have to go into London by train for it.(The hospital where I am being treated does not do it) That will signify the end of this part of the journey.

Keep smiling everyone - this will not beat us.


Hi Helen

Sorry you’ve had to join us but I’m sure you will get lots of support and encouragement from the other ladies on this site.

I too was worried about my hair loss, i ordered a wig before my treatment started.You need to ask your oncologist for a referral to the wig people that way you should get a good one on the NHS for around £60. Like junieliz says when you wear them nobody knows as these days they are so dam good…

I think i worried more about losing my hair than anything else at the start.
About 2 weeks after my first chemo my hair started to come out in clumps i was sooo upset, i got my friend to run the number 2 over it,i then just wore scarfs, i still find it easier to put a scarf on in the mornings than faf about with my wig, i only wear it occasionally…And i worried myself silly over it ???

I know you will get through this,it just takes time. like all of us,were in this together.

Sending you lots of hugs ((((((((((HUGS )))))))))))))


Hi everyone hope your all ok today ? welcome Helen you have started some of your treatment then ( I am way behind ! )
To ANDIE LOL I get all the good treatment !!!
I have been really upset since yesterday Teatime cos Owen ( my youngest ) the teacher asked if anyone wanted to say a special prayer for anyone , Owen said " I do for my mum she has just been diagnosed with cancer" Then he started crying at school and had to be taken out the class , so that upset me then I have been ceying since then ! Steve rung the Doctors up for me this morning ( bless him )
Then my nurse came (special treatment)! anyway she was explaining what will happen and all that she said I will start to feel more pos when the BC starts to shrink.
I said I probably will this is to Helen , my choice was either to start chemo before christmas or after ( I said before cos I want to start fighting this thing NOW ! )
I like that pheester NOW IN THE BIN ! lol
To Shell maybe if your boob is hot and itchy and stuff maybe you have a infection?
I hope they sort you out SOON ! keep fighting girl you can do it PUT IT THIS WE HAVE NO CHOICE !
I hope I am not ill on Christmas Day ? ( or Boxing Day , Or New Years eve or new years day LOL )
I don’t want much do I ? take care everyone Love Hugs Caronx

Hi shell I hope your chemo wasn’t too bad today? ( I know it;s a new one for you, so you don’t know how you will be ).
I won’t expect a answer for a few days till you can pick yoursen up again! lova caron x

WOW Shell I can’t get over that! how much you look like me ( or I like you ! ) my hubby couldn’t believe it he saw you and said THATS YOU ! I said I know I can’t believe it either !.
Anyway guess wot I have been a bit fluey today ( typical ) going to the onc tomoz , my nurse said he will ask me about how well I usually am !
I can’t remember having even a cold over 2 years ago now !
I hope I am better tomoz ( mind you he/she) is not doing anything tomorrow so thats lucky!
Maybe it’s all in my head ( I dunno ) but I am getting the flu pains all over my body ( I don’t think it’s the other thing ! ) god i hope not .
I have been in bed most the night Steve (hubby) gave me a xmas card I had to give him his then cos they were nearly the same ! and he wasn’t with me when I got mine or visa versa ! very strange .
i will write tomoz after going to hosp ! ( fingers crossed and every thing else )
btw Shell that wig looks amazing you can’t even tell ! love caronx

Hi Girls

I hope you are all having an upbeat day.

Caron I hope your visit with the oncologist has reassured you and put your mind at rest over some of your concerns. You will probably have a chemo start date when you can take control and strart to beat this. Hope you really don’t have the flu, although probably better to have it now rather than when your blood counts are low after you start chemo.

I have had to have an unscheduled blood test today. Before my DX I was in the middle of a root canal treatment on a tooth. The dentist suggested it was put on hold until after the chem and although I still had a temporary crown it seemed like a good idea. This week pain has developed in the gum around the rogue tooth so I need to visit the dentist ASAP. I took the precaution of checking with my treatment suite if there was anything I should tell the dentist and they were not happy that I was going but I can’t be in pain for the next 2 months especially over christmas (Who else will eat all the chocolate)

They told me to go in for a blood test, wait for the results and if necessary start a course of antibiotics in case. I did that this morning and they have said I am OK, given me a print out of my results(I wish I knew what they all mean) and told me to give it to the dentist for her to decide on drugs depeneding on what she has to do. I Hate The Dentist.

I have decided to take my wig to the hairdresser next week to see if he can cut it a bit to make it a bit more like my own hair. I could live to regret this but it will never get worn sitting in the cupboard. My normal hair is quite fine and the hair on the wig is thick and heavy so feels and looks completely unnatural. Fingers crossed- the granchildren will be amazed if I appear with a full head of hair next time they see me. They will think the fairies have come in the night.

Love and HUGS . Keep going one and all


Aww Andie I do feel for you ! I have had root canal treatment for a abcess when I had mine I was Preggers and my dentist wouldn’t touch me either !
But there is hope cos as you are having treatment then the tooth will probably be dead ( good for you no pain ie no injections ) It’s the build up of puss and stuff that hurts so the dentist should drain it for you and u will feel much better ( I had to keep going back and had to ask permission to leave the hospital as they were keeping an eye on me cos my first baby was still born at 33 weeks ( had some real bad luck in my life I can tell you ! )If he does drain it it may very well build up again then you will have to have it drained again, My dentist drilled a hole in the back of my tooth and put a temp filling over it but when it got bad I picked it off so the puss could come out ( naughty me ! )
I have had no flu symptoms today ( it may have been cos I havn’t been sleeping with all this worry ) but I do have my date now YIPEE !!!

Hi Caron

Thats good news. Once that first lot of chemo drugs go in you will know that something is being done. It is reassuring. My first lot of chemo I didn’t react too badly -the second lot hit me like a brick wall but if that should happen to you at least you will have got through christmas, or as my OH keeps saying there will always be next christmas.

Did they answer all your other questions, and did you decide to go for the cold cap. It really seems to work for some people.

My first lot of Herceptin is next week and I understand they keep you in the treament room for hours to make sure that you have no adverse reactions. As long as my bloods are OK they will do my next chemo at the same time. That will be my lot for this year. The next round will be done within the first few days of the new year.

LOL Andie XX

Hi Andie. well my nurse told me about my red wee ! nails ,tiredness , to be honest I just want to get on with it !
Don’t know how I will feel facing my surgery !!!
I don’t have to think of that yet .
How long you got to take Herceptin for ?
I think my tests results came back yesterday to see if it’s oestrogen feeding ( u no wot i mean i don’t ) anyway I forgot to ask my nurse today as I was so worried , and she never said ! so dunno I hope your bloods are ok? keep well ( COME ON SHELL !!! for shell ) love caronx