hair loss???

Just a quick hello.

It is snowing again in London tonight, though looks like it won’t settle which is good as I have chemo 2 tomorrow.

Went for a scan today as CT although clear showed I had fibroids. The scan today confirmed this. At least though it was nothing more sinister.

We had lamb chops, roast potatoes and sprouts tonight. Caron’s influence - feel I need to do more cooking these days, and change the meals more often. So easy to get stuck with the same ones.

Have a good evening.

Love Bright x

No she’s not my birthdsy prseeie ( I got a diamond encrusted bracelet). ( soz & a fleece from Steve).

I am really looking forward to getting her and I think I have decided on the name Betty ( it seems to suit her ).
Steve is collecting her on Wednnesdday ( after I have had my chemo so depending on how I feel I might go collect her ).

Right well Chloe & Owen had tikka curry ( out a jar ) me & Steve had Balti ( also out a jar ) but I did make egg friedd rice from scratch!! ( so i will let myself off !)

Jamie ( my eldest ) has spent most the day here ( which was nice ) he came earlier then went then came back to play snowball fight! then collected Emmy from work and came back for a snowball fight AGAIN ! ( I THINK JAMIE WON ! )
So had really nice day today , I love seeing Jamie now as he didn’t apprecciate us b4 but I know he does now.

Just watching THE MIGHTY BOOSH now ( has anybody seen it? if you have kids I bet they know wot it is?, it’s dead funny ! )

love Caron
ps I don’t mind giving ur secrets away as long asu dont give mine away ! lol VICTORIA !!!

PPS on the Chemo front I have developed a ulcer ! ( but only 1 so not too worried ) !


That looks like one really cute puppy. We lost our dog last summer - he was 12 years old and had been suffering for a little while. It took months to get used to the house without him and for Christmas OH did offer to find me a new one (Our last two dogs have been Old English Sheepdogs). For the moment I have said no. I don’t think at the moment I have the patience to train a new dog.But maybe in the future.

I feel as if I have spent the whole week at the hosptial with tests and appointments. Everything is fine it all just takes such a long while. I’m back there later for my Herceptin.

I havn’t had my surgery yet but I already have an appointment for my pre planning CT ready for radiotherapy. It is 12 days after surgery which seems very close to me. The appointment date and time were left on my answerphone and have not been confirmed in writing. I will ask questions when I have contact details. Radiotharapy is not done locally I have to travel into London.

Fortunately the snow which was falling last night didn’t settle although we still have a tiny bit in our front garden where it has avoided the sun.

At the moment I am resisting Caron’s efforts to make better cooks of us all. One of our relatives teaches cookery and I have spent years watching how is should be done and resisted the urge to do better!!
I cook because I have to -not because I want to, has always been my excuse.

What do you mean Caron when you mentioned a Sudoku book for Charity. Is it something that anyone can join in? I am well and truly hooked at the moment but get stuck when I attempt Killer Sudoku at more than a basic level.

Have a good day everyone


I think your getting confused about the book for charity ( that was ages ago when I wrote that ) I buy a book for charity it’s called
CANCER & POLIO yes any one can join it costs £4 every 6 weeks , I suppose you will have to find out if there is an agent near you , I’m not sure if they have a website might be worth a search.
Suduko is just one of the things to do in it.

I was doing Sudoku in my DS BRAIN TRAINING .

BRIGHT hope you get on ok with your second chemo today? let me know how it went.

Shelly glad your recovering and remember to take it easy.

Jo do you start your tax Monday???

Jamie came 3 times yesterday and stayed for ages when it had snowed all afternoon so there was Jamie Chloe & Owen all having a snowball fight! poor Emmy wanted to go home as she’d just finished work!
Anyway the snow has nearly melted now but it was really thick last night.

PEPPER IS GIVING BIRTH AS WE SPEAK !! SHE’S HAD 2 UP TO NOW , but when salt had her babies she had 4 but only 1 survived.
these are guinea pigs btw.
So Chloe will have a nice surprise when she comes home.xxxx

Caron you are letting out all the secrets about my ignorance

that’s why I put it LOL !

only got home an hour ago from second chemo - very late even taking account of cold cap considering my session started at 10.20 today. It was delayed a bit, as I developed an allergic skin reaction all up my forearm on the side my drugs were going in. The chemo doctor and nurses had never seen anything like it before. They stopped the treatment for a while and it went down a bit - so they resumed. I have to a hydrocortisone cream for a few days and if it doesn’t go down then they want me to see a dermatologist. The nausea despite all the iv ant-sickness drugs and pills I have taken has set in again. It is not extreme - but annoying, there if I eat and there if I don’t. Though it should go off in a couple of days with any luck.

This morning I took my hair down from the scalp coverer I wear in the house and gently teased it, picking out a few knots (took ages as I did not want to tug the hair). Needed to do this so cold cap would go on properly. Ihere were a few hairs which came out in the process - not many. And probably fewer than there would have been in terms of the daily amount I would normally lose - especially over a three week period. So looks like it is holding up so far. But it is still early days.

The cold cap though - I found very difficult today as hair for not having been washed for 3 weeks and laden with old and new leave in conditioner was plastered to my head - so contact with the cap seemed tighter than last time. I honestly did not think I could bear it for the first half hour. And it was uncomfortable throughout. I was also covered in a sheet, my coat and a blanket - and still shivered. I asked myself - why I am I putting myself through this? On the one hand I thought - it is purely for vanity (though I am not vain at all), but on the other hand I thought - no it is more than that - it is just trying to prove the medics wrong. That the cap can work on the strong drugs I am on (Fec 100 and Tax) - so that when other ladies ask about using it, the medics have a living example in their clinic - of someone for whom the cold cap has worked, rather than putting them off and saying it doesn’t. (That’s if it works of course!)

Hope you are enjoying the sudokus Andie - and that the gerbil is surving Caron. In my mind I am thinking of the one living gerbil as ‘Hope’ - hope for the gerbil and hope for us - that we will all come through this and go on to live rich fulfilling lives.

Sickness coming on with a vengeance now!

Love Bright x

Bright, you’re doing really well with cold cap, don’t give up now, soulds like it really is working for you and part or me wishes that i’d given it a go, but i had a headache from hell when i went in for the first chemo, that i could not have been able to bear it, I was so hysterical on that 1st day anyway that it seemed it was just going to add to the trauma. Now I’m hysterical about starting TAX on monday. Got a lovely weekend planned and I’m carrying on as if I’ll not be able to function at all after Monday for the forseeable future! Hysterical again!

Blimey Caron, diamond encrusted bracelet if you please!! Yes I like the name Betty, she looks like a Betty, definately.

Well I have just had the most fabulous day ever! You know how I have complete meltdown about my hair loss, it sounds so vain I know, but to me. I really do think it’s been the hardest thing of this whole sorry mess to deal with!
Well, when I had my last chemo 3 weeks ago, I bumped into a fiend of mine, one of school mum’s, who is 3 years post BC, she was there for check up post recon surgery. She asked me if I would like to go to a meeting with her the following evening, and that i might find it interesting as Trevor Sorbie, celeb hairdreser, was giving a talk about coping with hair loss and that there would be cancer specialists there talking about it and that it was mainly for hairdressers, to encourage people to be trained up by Trevor to be able to cut wigs. Lots of hairdressers are loathed to do it because they cost so much money and obviously, once cut won’t grow back etc etc!!!
Well anyway there was a very beautiful brave girl there who was going through chemo and Trevor used her as a model to show how a wig could look, once cut properly and I swear it looked truly amazing and you would never know it was a wig. So they passed a microphone around to the audience for questions to Trevor and I managed to tell him my experience of the hairdresser at my hospital and how rubbish i felt my wig looked and how i’d unfortunately turned into a bit of a recluse because I just didn’t want to be seen in my wig or headscarves, because I hate looking like a victim and can’t bloody stand that awful sympathetic look you get from people when you wear a headscarf. As i was talking on the microphone, I burst into tears. how embarrassing!!! Well Trevor said come and see me after for a chat!

Cut a very long story short, that wonderful man has a 3-4 month waiting list for wig customising and he very kindly squeezed me in for a 3 hour appointment today!! I met him at his salon in Covent Garden and we got a black cab over to Kensington where he helped me choose a real hair wig then cabbed it back to covent garden where he then spent ages with me cutting and styling the wig and I have to say has not only made me look a million dollers but more importantly made me feel normal and dare i say, fit and well again. He truly is an amazing and wonderful individual and I will never forget the lovely day that i have had today. It’s completely non profit making as he is so passionate about the importance of looking good whilst going thru chemo, and how he has seen women who he believes recover better and quicker purely because they feel better about themselves!

My lovely husband, obviously impressed by the new me, then took me for a lovely lunch and then we hit the shops for the rest of the day and he treated me to a few new things for my wardrobe albeit, a little depressingly, a size bigger than I’m used to due to steroid indused piggyness!!!

I’ve had such a wonderful day and then out tomorrow evening for a valentines dinner, that i almost feel invicable and maybe even able to cope with new TAX on Mon!
Bring it on!
Take Care Ladies!
Jo x

Hello ladies

Just writing quickly to say that I got through the night - which was awful. I was sick twice, terrible headache and could not shift the feeling of coldness after the cold cap. Do feel better today though. Back to the general background feeling of nausea that I know from last time can last about a week.

Jo - that’s amazing about your hair. And a day that you are likely to remember for a very long time, if not forever. Were you offered advice on looking after your wig? If needed I would be happy to share my experience of wearing one so far, and equally would be interested in what Mr Sorbie told you.

Bright x

Hi Ladies,

Read your thread regularly but don’t post but just wanted to say how amazing Trevor Sorbie was with you Jo! I know you said he doesn’t do it other than to help women but the story you tell is something to warm your heart when we all feel so shitty going through chemo so if you do bump into Mr Sorbie again tell him “I’m a fan” and will def consider his products just for being so kind to a fellow BC sufferer! We don’t hear nice stories very often and certainly not acts of true kindness - well done Trevor!!

Hi all

Jo how lovely to be treated like that from a superstar!!

Bright it’s a guinea pig ! LOL it’s doing ok but when we get it out it shivers so I said to Chloe put it back with it’s mum (pepper),
we don’t know if it’s a boy or girl yet? it’s quite hard to tell!
Hope your not still feeling sick?? ( thats the worst ).

Went out with family to Hainton for a carvery and had some photo’s taken looked at them DELETED THEM ! cos i look soo FAT !!!
Can’t believe how I look now now !! I am so mad at myself ! and I’m only 1/2 way through ! .

Apart from that I am ok ! still got my ulcer though.

Oh yes talking of the Hainton it was funny cos you seriously havr never seen anyone cram their plate with food like my Jordan ! people were laughing in the queue asking me if I feed him ! I don’t think he could have balanced a sprout on the top ! lol
but we had a good evening.

Jordan’s girlfriend is here today so we bought them sausage & chips from the chippie but me & Steve never had any as we are having stir fry later.

I wonder if I should have tried with the cold cap now ???
mind you my eyebrows haven’t grown back yet !
Jordan is going with me pn Tuesday to see nursie and to have my blood taken.
My Breast care nurse had rung up when we got home from the Hainton, don’t know why haven’t seen her since before I had my chemo !
right thats me done hope you are all ok love Caron x

Sorry Caron, in my mind the guinea pig had morphed into a gerbil. Must have been imagining the small grey feet (this is my dim recollection of gerbils - compared to hampsters which have pink feet).

I have not been feeling too well this weekend, sickness, tiredness and usual post chemo fog.

Still we did manage to go out both yesterday and today.

Yesterday we went to Colliers Wood - near Tooting Broadway and kind of on the outskirts of Wimbledon. Colliers Wood has a large shopping complex dominated by M&S and Sainsburys - but if one takes a footbridge that leads to the Wandle river (which is kept clean by volunteers) there is a rich history to be found about the local area. This includes a an old archway and a cobble stone wall which form the remnants of Merton Abbey, a few stones reclaimed from a former mansion which was once the home to Admiral Lord Nelson and Lady Emma Hamilton - and Merton Abbey Mills which has been converted in to a farmers market and craft fair. The latter is where we went yestreday. We looked at the outdoor food stalls (though I had to ignore quite a few vendors selling foods that I have grown a sudden aversion to - especially cheese, jams and pickles. We went into the converted factory complex that was the former spinning works of William Morris - the centre of his fabrics industry, and now selling locally produced pottery. And we spent ages looking at the water wheel turning in the waters of the Wandle - the power generated from which is used to supply electricity to the craft complex. We went for tea and toasted teacakes in a small cafe on the site (a convenient stop for me to take three more anti-sickness pills), and finally we went back to the shopping complex where OH bought three pairs of light coloured trousers for his mother - and where we went on to buy the weekend shopping in Sainsburys.

I made OH steak in mustard sauce with pan fried portabella mushrooms and courgettes. However steak is another food item that I’ve gone off eating, so I had oven baked mackerel in an oat coating served with mushy peas. The last time though - as I can now no longer bear the sight of mackerel!

Today - feeling a bit more tird - we somehow dragged our way to Chelsea and looked at the shops along the Kings Road. We went to the picasso cafe and ordered the very excellent ministrone soup that they make on site. All quite expensive for a cafe really (soup is £4.50 for a small bowl) but the place brings back many memories for me as have been going there for twenty years.

Hope everyone is surviving.

Love Bright x

Hi Girls
got my first TAX tomorrow and an dreading it! drinking myself silly on wine tonight which is probably not a wise thing to do just before chmo but I’m terrified and as i have had to take 8, yes 8 steroids today in prep for the tax I’m hoping the wine might help me sleep! If I survive tomorrow, i’ll let you girls who have it coming up in the future, know all about it!

Caron, I know what you mean about the weight thing, I to am devistated about how much weight I’ve gained at the half way point but with TAX you have to take even more steroids so it’s only gonna get worse, which is so depressing! I’m going to ask ONC tomorrow if there is any point me doing weight watchers, as I’m 5 days into that and gaining weight quicker that I can add up my daily points! If he says it won;t make any differnce then I’m gonna buy a big slab of chocolate on the way home to cheer me up!

Take care everyone
Jo X

Hi all,

Have been with cold all weekend! Sigh!!

Jo - Good Luck with Tax! I still prefer Tax to FEC…so you might too!!! I have one more so might change my mind. Just be prepared to be very tired and not able to get out and about as far. I loved your wig story. I wear mine with hats and scarves a lot because it makes me feel like a transvestite still. Getting them cut properly sounds key!!! I wonder whether I should get a better quality one?

Saw my psycho doc last week and he was very good as usual. I’m keeping a diary now to help in future sessions. Saw breast care nurse for about 2 hours on Friday. She just talked me through next steps etc. I am seeing surgeon on Weds and will prob get a date then. Gulp! She also showed me pictures of people before and after and wearing false breasties. Got to look at underwear and swimwear and hold a protheses. Brought it all home a bit. Realised…I’ll need to rethink the wardrobe! Had a bit of a reaction to being on the surgery ward, so hospital phobia still there…but it did help to have this time with her and not just on the phone. She’s going to meet me a few times before surgery to help me get through it and manage my fear. So so helpful!

With monster all day today… He came into my room at 4.30am. Daddy not back until 6ish as in paris (all right for some!). Will be exhausted beyond belief by then!!!

Hope you’re all well!!!



Jo you will survive TAX. I was worried about the increase in the steroids that have to be take but the increase did not seem to make much difference to the ones I had taken previously. Over the 8 sessions of chemo including 4 tax I ended up putting on 1/2 stone which is manageable once surgery is out of the way. It will also be summer by then so salads will be the order of the day.

My surgery is in 10 days time but I have already received my appointment for rads planning. Someone somewhere is getting very organised on my behalf.

I know the craft centre at Merton Abbey Mills that Bright refers to. Well worth a trip out.

Caron is your next Chemo this week.They seem to be coming very quickly. You will soon be done and on to surgery

Has anyone heard from Shell? Is she feeling any better.

Only one appointment at the hospital this week for an Echocardiogram to check my heart because of the Herceptin, which is a good thing because being half term here in London I am on Grandma duty looking after my 9 year old granddaughter. We will be baking and crafting all week - Bliss.

Take Care everyone


Morning ladies

Im still trying to catch up on all your posts…i feel like iv been away for ages,you have all been so busy whilst i have been hiding away at home…

I am feeling alot better now,no Tonsilitus and no wound infection…

I go back to The Marsden tomorrow to see the surgeon and find out my op results, i hope they managed to get all the cancer out, im still worried it might of spread.
I am still doing my exersises on my arm but its still a little stiff, getting better every day tho…

My mum and neice came over from Shropshire to see me yesterday,it was good to catch up with them,we didnt talk about my op just chatted in general and i felt a whole lot better.

I still havnt been able to look in the mirror whilst im naked yet and i sit in the bath with a vest op on,as i still have dressing on my wound its easy to ignore.I wore a crop top bra yesterday and my softie boob…My OH said i looked the same as before, you couldnt tell id had a mastectomy… I know my left side of my chest is flat now and im beginning to accept that.I think i might get measured up for a false boob tomorrow,one that you slip into your bra and weighs the same as a boob or heavier so im told…any one else got one of those???

My hubby is back at work today hes changed his shift to 9am till 3pm so he can do the school run,their off school this week tho.

My sunset picture was taken off my pc Bright,im not that good with a camera…Hope your sickness eases.

Caron what breed of puppy you getting, i cant see a pic of your baby,
how many baby minnie pigs did pepper have???.

Going for a cuppa now, catch up with you all soon.

(sorry its a long post)

(((((hugs to you all)))))


Caron- now i have logged in i can see the pic of your baby Betty… shes cute…

Hi all,
tidying up today and catching up with washing!

Andie yes my next chemo is this wednesday so at hospital tomoz for bloods and to see nursie ! Jordan is comingwith me this time.
I thought it had come round quick this time too seems like only last week I had my last lot!

I might have tinned tomatoes on toast for tea tonight? as got to try and lose some weight !

Jo I didn’t think weightwatchers would take you on if your ill, I know when I went I was asked loads of questions !

Shelly Pepper had 4 babies but 3 died almost right away, don’t know why? it’s her first lot so maybe she didn’t know what to do? but she is a better mother than Salt was .

Gail wish I was in Paris !!
right more work to do ! love Caron xx

what has nobody posted today???

I am still doing washing ( got loads dry ) but still got to finish it off in dryer but better than last few weeks !.

Chloe & Owen have gone with Steve so only me & Jordan only he’s gone to see his girlfriend so just been me allday doing washimg !!!
going in bath now ( so hope he’s got his key? ).
Having chicken breast & tomatoes for tea ! don’t know what DOD ( JORDAN)?he not home yet.


I didn’t like her but boy do I

soz clicked wrong button !

I was going to say " boy do I admire her now "!!!