hair loss???

Hi ladies,

Sorry to here your feeling poorly Gail,hope you pick up soon…

Today i have found a lump above my coller bone,its on the same side as my op was,its about the same size as an orange pip, im so worried about it now.I have felt it before but its more noticable now…
I will try and get it checked out by the doctor tomorrow and i will also ring the breast nurse.
Hope your all well

That’s scary, Shelley - hope it turns out OK for you.


Good luck for tomorrow. It sounds tiny and probably more noticeable as you you’ve just had surgery and lots of tissue has been taken away. Where you’ve described is still local and should be able to dealt with really easily. And it may well just be fatty tissue.

Bright x

Good Luck for tomorrow. Thinking of you.


Ladies, sorry to keep gatecrashing your thread but I try to follow Shelly’s progress being another IBC lady.
Not too many of us about (thank goodness).

Shelly want to wish you well for tomorrows appt. You are absolutely doing the right thing in getting it checked out. I will look out for your post to see how you get on.

In the meantime,
Take great care,
Jackie xx

Hi ladies,
I have not posted for afew weeks as so many things have cropped up. I’ve been quite good since my op, but my son and his girlfriendof 4 years are having problems. He has been home to lick his wounds and has needed some tlc. Then totally out of the blue, for us and for her, my friehd has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and liver mets. It is a grim prognosis. She is very weak and lives three hours away.Time is limited and she has been given the weekend to decide whether to have chemo or not. Also in the last few weeks my cousin committed suicide. So it has been a difficult, however I’ve managed to read what’s going on with everyone.

Shell, glad your op is over, I’m sorry you’ve had tonsilitus. Our immune systems are low right now and unfortunately to be open to infections.

I agree with the other girls re the lymph nodes. I hope your appt goes well tomorrow. Its the best thing to get it checked out. Let us know how you get on.

Love and best wishes Kathy x

I agree with the other girls re the lymph nodes.

Oh my word ( what a couple of days make ) !
Katemate so sorry for ALL of the things that have happend to you !

Shelly better to get it checked out for your own peace of mind( good luck let us know X)

Andie well your moggy ( I wonder how many lives he’s used?, fancy breaking a leg! ).

Jo I was really down but I’m ok now ( got over it ! ) I had a awful pain in my head last night but it’s gone now and my arms are sore (feel bruised ) and I can follow my vein in my hand now where as before I wouln’t have been able to.

Gail hope you feel ok ??

Betty is driving me MAD !! cos all the kids have been mollycoddling her she won’t stop whimpering till she’s in your arms ! and I havn’t got time!! She is asleep next to me now but at least she’s not on my lap ! (TOP LOL ).

I made some burgers on Saturday they were very nice we always get all the relishes and we call them McMummy’s!!! lol

I didn’t sleep good last night and I got up really early as I wanted to see Chloe & Owen off as they have gone to Scotland for the week! ( alright for some ! ) Steve said it will do them good to get away from what is going on here ( and I agree I hope they don’t worry about me and have a fantastic time )!!.

Bright I am still doing that weight thingy ma bob but it’s taking me some time ( I have to keep Betty amused ! ) but you should have it by the end of the week.

I have a scan this Thursday ( I know how they (cancer) looked and how big so I should get a better idea of what is going on? ).
All take care love Caronxxxxxxx

PS Bright I know we were saying that Betty’s eyes are blue ! when I look at them they look Brown ,it’s only in photo’s she has BLUE eyes!

Jo fingers & Toes try using some cotton gloves (thin kind) on your hands and don’t forget to paint your nails dark. xxx

Good evening everyone,

I had a fairly uneventful weekend. On Saturday we went shopping (I’m sure Caron will pick up on this - it is all she thinks I ever do) in Dorking a small Surrey town about 30 minutes by train from where I live. A place I love to go to as it as at the foot of Box Hill - which brings back memories of my childhood: we used to have picnics at the top of the hill and gaze at the map of the landscape below. Sometimes we’d fly kites, and other times we’d read and wait for the sunset. There is nothing like watching a sunset from a high place. And I always remember if we visited the hill on Sundays - we’d be greeted by hoards of hells angels on motor bikes on their way to their regular meet close by. Whilst on more sedate occasions we’d go for lunch in a really old pub with secret passages and ceiling beams in the hamlet of Mickleham, which once served as a hiding place for Dick Turpin the highwayman.

Yesterday it was grey and looked as if it was on the point of rain for much of the day - so we stayed in most of the day with just a short trip out to the local shops, and where we decided to explore some streets with really grand Georgian houses that we’ve spotted from the train window many times, but never seen on the ground. I am really interested in different house designs - and the houses on Bloom Grove are very ornate - with multiple chimney stacks, elegant sash windows and fruit mouldings over the front doors.

This morning I went to the hospital for a blood test for having the dreaded PICC line inserted later this week (don’t know when yet)- and then came home to work in the afternoon. So much going on at work - don’t know how I manage to keep up.

Just made a chicken and mushroom pie - though tried to control the calories using mashed potato topping instead of pastry and using low fat creme fraiche for the sauce. (I always add a little sherry to the sause though as it enriches the flavour).

I meeting up with Andie tomorrow which I’m looking forward to.

Hope everyone is okay…

Shell really thinking of you xxxxxxxx

Caron Betty is beautiful - she has amazing eyes xxx

Jo hope the tax effects are wearing off xxx

Bright x


I just wondered if we should organise a meeting up of our strand?

If you would like to meet please can you reply here.

VENUE - Most of us live South(ish) - does LONDON seem reasonable for you? (I would be happy for someone further north to stay with us if needed)

WHEN - would May or June be good months as a starting point?

Let me/us know what you think…

Bright xxx

Would love to meet up. I can get to London easily by bus (stops near my road). Only prob I see will be those of us having surgery followed by Rads. I’ve been told to expext rads …most like starting in late April/May… most likley vcery day for about 5 weeks!!! Eek.

Last Tax and cold cap today!! Hurrah!! No reactions!! Red blood very down, but just above the line for a blood transfusion…thank goodness!!! Just so tired. Onc pleased with way lump felt - has given up measuring! No weight gain! Ysterday my echo test (herceptin) looked normal!!! BUT…little monster has turned into an evil being and is torturing us! Can’t have it all!

Much love all … especially Shell!!


Hi Ladies,
Although I live in Somerset,I spend a lot of time in Sevenoaks as my daughter lives there.
I have followed the thread from day 1 and although I don’t post that often I do feel I know so many of you.
If you don’t mind me joining you, I would love to meet up if I’m down
in Kent at the time.
Love to all

Kathy you would be very welcome indeed. Keep looking at the strand as we work on the details…

Bright x

I would love to meet up but yesterday I had meeting with radio therapy consultant who was absolutely lovely. I start 4 weeks of rads on 27th April, every day except weekends, so pretty much most of May is out for me, could do most of April though (but not 20th, it’s my eldest 7th birthday and ct planning scan!) and yes of course london, perfect for me, train at the end of my road! However if I’m the only one who can’t do it then please don’t wait for me!!!
Jo X

I have posted this on behalf of new user Claryce

Regards Sam (BCC Facilitator)

The thought of losing your hair is actually worse than the reality…my hair has just started growing back in and right now it looks like peach fuzz…and yes most people who have chemo for breast cancer do lose their hair. I bought a very pretty beau beau that is kind of like a pretied scarf to wear when I didn’t want to wear a wig, and I have a wig…so I wear the scarf at home when I don’t want to wear the wig and I wear the wig when we go out…no one can tell it isn’t my hair. The whole process is scary especially at first but groups like this one help…and somehow it feels better when you don’t feel like you are alone. There was no history of cancer in my family either, but my doctor says 80% of women diagnosed do not have a history. Claryce

Hello All,

Claryce, that is just how I would describe my hair now !!
PEACH FLUFF ! there you go Bright thats how it is !!!

I have been busy doing that weight thing for Bright but I have finished it now !!

Well whats been happening here ??? MORE BAD NEWS !!!

My nephew Marc who has been in hospital for tests well yesterday they told my sis that they have found a tumor in his lung which is pressing on his heart, I don’t know if they will do anything ??? as he’s severly disabled and it wouldn’t be cost effective (thats what they will think) They don’t even know if they are going to do a biopsy cos they think his body won’t be able to take it.
Just have to wait & see.

Betty is going for her first jab today .

Last night for tea I made my chicken in lime (yum) it is just chicken scored (breast)then honey 2tbs & a smidging of virgin oil and the zest of 2 limes & the juice leave in fridge for a couple of hours then just pan fry the chicken and lastminute add the lime juice mixture.

I have actually LOST a couple of pounds this week !!! WOW so am pleased I haven’t put 2LB’s on !!!

Today we are having paella (prob spelt wrong?) anyway it’s frozen & my mam said it was nice so I will try it (hope I like it)?

I have got a scan tomorrow,

Last night on LIVING JADE was on from the beginning (not what was on last week) and the next installment is on tonight at 8pm, if anybody wants to watch it? I couldn’t believe that she went for a massage and actually walked out wearing it and she was laughing that she pinched it!! ( like she can’t afford a white towelling dressing gown !).

Love Caron ( It’s so hot here today I’m glad I ain’t got NO HAIR ! LOL ) xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Hi Girls

Hope everyone is Ok. I am all up for meeting everyone but it will depend on timing. I go in for surgery tomorrow then it looks as if I will be doing daily radiotherapy during April/May. Don’t put your meeting off because of me go with whatever date suits.

Now I have a holdall to pack ready for hospital. I can’t post from there because my phone does not have internet access. I will be back as soon as I can.

Behave yourselves while I am away




Good luck for your surgery. Will be thinking of you. I’m just behind you now as have had last tax yesterday (yeah!!!). Hope it all goes well.

Much Love,



Keep sending in your time-frames - I’ll collate in a few days!!!

Bright x

Good evening all,

Yesterday was a big day for me - as I got to meet Andie! She lives nearby and she met me in her red car decorated with white daisies. She looks really young in the flesh - and was wearing the most amazing wig which looked absolutely real. It was so nice to speak to someone else going through the bc thing - and we hope to meet again soon once she recovers from surgery.

She has three really beautiful British short hair cats, and the blue one which I think was called Milly sat next to me for most of my visit. It was lovely to hear the sound of a contented cat’s purr for all that time.

I think my next set of antibiotics might be working - to combat the cellulitis in my arm contracted after my last chemo. I hope it does otherwise I may have to go to hospital for antibios to be administered via iv.

I need to go now - and start preparing my ‘healthy supper’ - mackerel in oat crust and mashed carrots with swede - and Yes CARON the obligatory COURGETTES!!!

I’ll write later.

Love Bright xx