hair loss???

I knew this would happen!!
they let us take Marble home (I was concerned because they were only putting a stitch in so it is likely to happen again as they have not done noting other than put a stitch in and taken it out again, which they also did before.
Anyway Marble has only been home 4 hours she was with me in my bedroom but she was distressed so I said let her downstairs then she can go in the garden if she wanted (she is very unlikely to go out the garden) .
So then I had a visit from my brother and his friend who I have not seen for 27 years! (as he had to move away when he was a young lad as he was a bit of a skellywag so his mother moved him away from Grimsby.
Anyway everything was hunkydory then they went so Steve told me to go back to bed ( yes I actually got up!! faint gasp horror ).
It is a bit of a shame our Paul (bro) never told me he had his friend with him, as I must have looked lovely in my pink pj’s!! and no hair!!!.
Soon as I go to bed Steve shouts me Marble has to go back to the vets, I asked why has it come out again? yes !!!
It’s not the money (£87) they just charged me but I don’t want her being put through all this stress when really they should be solving the problem not just quick fixing it!.
We are waiting for the vets to ring back now, as it’s shut now and all that is left is a answering machine , so I hope she is not going to be waiting all night? she is ready to go in her cage (she went mad), but she has to go. poor thing XXXXXXXXXXXX

Poor, poor Marble - such a gentle creature does not need this distress.

Love Bright xx

Hi Caron

Poor Pussy Cat and poor you having all this worry when you feel so rough yourself.

Take Care


Oh, that’s awful! My vet’s practice has a 24hour service, and they’re absolutely brilliant. When Ollie was a baby pup he ate something that gave him awful diarhoea, and at 5am on a Sunday he started to have kinda fits - and we were able to rush him straight to the vets (where he made an instant recovery!) Two of our Yorkies have had problems with their rear ends - it’s something to do with testosterone in older dogs (especially small breeds) causing them to strain too much and rupture their rectal muscles. They both had surgery to repair the rupture, and were perfectly fine afterwards. As Marble is a “she” it may not be the same thing, but I’d be inclined to go to a different vets!

Well I am gonna say this time I want it fixed not just masked over! and charging me £90 (well 87) a time!, they have not rung back she is asleep in her cage now , well have to see if they ring (I doubt it now) so will have to keep eye on her if she gets worse we will have to take her to blue cross which I really dont want to , as they dont know her don’t know what shes had done ect and I dont want them just putting a stitch in!.
It’s nowhere as bad as Monday’s episode just like a big pile!!
So Poor Steve (yes ok I’ll let him off about his burnt chicken!) has got to keep an eye on her till we can get her to vets (I think she will be ok till morning).
Throats still hurting losing voice now and even better now got 7 ulcers!! (but at least thrush has gone!).
Got to go to sleep now otherwise I will find my head in laptop in themorning. night night xxxxxxxxxxxx

Hi girls,

Got out yesterday as expected, but came home with drains in. Everything was OK. of course I had my lovely panic attacks when i got there and when I got taken down to theatre, but the staff were all very lovely and prepared for my madness. They were all good with my terror!!! They let Steve stay with me when i had the anaesthetic etc. Got my own little room with bathroom attached and actually managed to leave it and walk around. Feel OK. Very sore and my back is weird (feels like it’s ripping!!). It was weird seeing myself without a breast…but I guess it’s something you get used to??? All the other girls were in for lumpectomies, so felt a bit like the odd one out!

Kai is 4 today!! Can’t stop kissing him. As usual he has turned into red ranger and apparently they don’t really do kissing!! We are waiting for Nanna to come at the moment. I am also waiting in for the district nurse… for drain weighing!!!

Thank you so much for all your posts etc. It was lovely to read them and they did give me more courage. I’m still rubbish at hospitals, but you’re right… good that it’s over. I don’t like not having any treatment though…feels scary being out of chemo!

Sorry can’t reply to all individual posts. But Caron - I took Difflam at the first sign of my throat soreness and it seemed to keep things at bay. Took it lots!! Andie - godo to hear you doing so well.

Shell - I was so sad and gutted to read your post. I have thought about you so so much. I just wish we all lived close to each other, so our cyber hugs could become real ones!

Much love to you all,


Welcome back Gail,
bet your glad it’s all over? was it as bad as you feared it would be?

News on Marble we had to wait till morning to take her!! poor thing.
Anyway it was her old vet this time and he said " he will put alot more stitches in this time , he said there is 1 more thing we can do is to remove some of her intestine but he does not want to do that, probably due to her age? (just checked on her age I thought she was only 8 or 9 but turns out she is 11 !!!).
We have to ring up on Monday to see how she is.
love Caronxx

Hello all,
more news on Marble the vet rang this morning he said she is ok and she keeps headbutting him ! ( thats her way of saying I want a strokie!!lol).
He said she is letting him know she does not like to be in a cage!.
And this will be the last attempt at this , if it comes out he will have to do a big operation on her which he does not want to do as they can get an infection and thats why he doesn’t want to do it.
They are not letting her out this time until she has a poo.

Jordan made me laugh this morning he went " oh you have some hairs on the side of your head" I said “I know” he said " no really long ones, and you have one on top of your head, looks like a PUBLIC "
cheeky sod !!

I didn’t get up till gone 12 !!! Steve wanted me to get back in bed but I was already in bathroom, he had done me croissants ( I let the kids have them ) and fresh orange and a cuppa ( I had them ).
My Mum came here ( I was just getting ready to go to hers but she beat me to it )she thinks I am really ill !!! I’m not really I just have not got a voice!! and my eyes look like panda eyes!!.

Poor Jade Goody I thought that picture of her with her in a coma was too much!!! At least her suffering is over now.
I expect they will be hounding her husband & mother now??

We have some belly pork for dinner can’t remember the last time we had any probably about 2 years ago now.

Bright I can brag today it’s lovely and sunny today in Grimsby !!

Hope everyone is ok today love Caron xx

Lovely news about Marble, Caron. Don’t worry too much about the op - it sounds like it would be the same as my Yorkies have had. They were both around 10 when they had it done - Sammy lived to 14 and died of a lung infection, and Little’un is now turned 15 and still going strong - nearly blind, nearly deaf, only 5 (very brown) teeth, but still ready to beat up any dog he meets in the park!

Dear all,

Well I am still recovering from third FEC … and move on to the dreaded Tax in just under three weeks. Yesterday I went on a long walk to Dulwich - all up hill and today we went into town to potter around Soho -and to the Stockpot for lunch which is always full of strange people and lots of single men…

The day started off quite grey but has turned into a lovely mellow Spring evening.

My neck is still quite bruised from the Hickman line - and I am worrying about having the top stitches out on Wednesday.

Just now booking a week away from next Sunday - so many bargains abroad, and have just been looking at possible holidays in Venice, but somehow cannot quite face getting on a plane just now - so we are thinking of going to Northumberland instead and staying in Newcastle.

Glad the surgery went well Gail - and that the end of treatment is almost in sight now…

Pleased that Marble is getting good care.

Suzanne - I love your teddy avatar!

Hope everyone else is okay.

Love Bright xx

Hey Bright, I come from Dulwich! East Dulwich, just off Lordship Lane, round from Melbourne Grove - and I went to Heber Road school. Haven’t been back there for a quarter of a century - wow, where did all that time go?


I was in Lordship Lane yesterday - may have changed quite a lot - it is a lovely place to go shopping on a Saturday afternoon… where do you live now??

Bright xx

When I was growing up there, in the fifties and sixties, it was a very ordinary inner suburb - quiet, a bit scruffy, family-friendly. Then in the seventies it started to go down hill. Now it looks as if it’s come up in the world! It was on one of the property shows the other day, and I’ve been looking at it on Google. Pavement cafes? Wow!

Dear all,

Just survived another day… somehow managed to to go into work and stayed awake during the meetings. Just discovered that Marks and Spencers is catering for the credit crunch - and so managed to buy my lunch on the way in for less than £3.00! They are doing sandwiches for £1.00. Just wonder if they have had to compromise on the quality - guess they have.

Early start tomorrow as going to a conference at Islington with a 9am start - being held in an old theatre which should be atmospheric.

My boss said he was going down with a cold today - just hope I don’t pick it up.

Hope everyone is okay…

Love Bright xx

Hi everone,
well yesterday I slept for 13 hours ! (yes 13) the today when I woke up again I had slept for 13 hours!!
Steve had gone and I looked at time I thought " oh my I better get up to let Betty out" only when I did she never had a wee !! found out later my Mum had been and let her out !
I have still lost my voice ASK VICTORIA !
Anyway am going to bed soon cos I have to be uo in the morning and I am now tired again !!! only been up 9 hours !!, but I guess this is what it does to you? (tax).

Shelly I know you haven’t written for a while but can you say if your ok ? (everyone is thinking about you constantly)

My nose keeps running now (cos I have no hairs in it?)

Right I am off to bed now night night xxxxxxxx
Jo how u getting on??? love Caron xxxxxxx

Good Morning Ladies,
hope everyone is ok?
Jo are you getting ready for your next lot yet? mine again soon, seems to come round so quick!
My voice is nearly back now
I think they will have to find another vein next time as the one they were using has gone red so don’t know if it has collapsed?
love caronx

Gail, glad you’re back and op went well. That’s another hurdle you can put behind you!

Bright, I just wanted to say I think you’re amazing carrying on working thru chemo, I really don’t know how you do it! Hows the hair by the way? If you haven’t lost any by now with the FEC, I’ll thibk you’ll be ok on TAX, mine seems as if it’s coming back a bit!

Caron, you really seem to have been hit with this TAX don’t you? It’s not nice. I can’t decide now wether I prefer it to FEC or not after my allergic reaction last week. They’re not sure if i’m going to have it for last session, Onc said will discuss it Monday morning but I hope they don’t give me another FEC. Might be another form of TAX that’s not so strong that I can have. I feel much better this week and packing social life in like crazy whilst I can. I only seem to have 5 0r 6 days when I can do anything on this TAX. Even went on bike ride this weekend to try and shift these saddle bags that have attached themselves to my thighs! Think I need to start training as me and 6 friends have decided to do the race for life in July and as I haven;t done a thing since December, feel I need to make a start! Can you believe though, did really well on my bike ride on Sunday and was just at the end of my road, when I jumped off my bike to get it up on pavement and my ankle that I broke 2 years ago, gave way and I fell in the road into the path of an oncoming car!! Michael was beside himself shouting for God’s sake, if the cancer doesn’t get you a road traffic accident will!! Now he won’t let me go out on my bike on my own!

Hope everyone is ok
Jo X

Hi girls…

Glad your all getting through your treatment as well as possible,thinking of you all…

I went to see my Onc on Friday and she told me my cancer is in my lymph nodes in my chest now.I start my Rads on Thursday for 3 weeks and then i will be offered no more treatment.
My Onc says there is nothing more she can offer me as my cancer just rejects treatment,my cancer is so out of control it is not curable…Im very angry about this,i am going to see Prof Smith at the marsden on 1st April to see if he can suggest any treatment or trials for me…
I am booked in for a bone scan tomorrow (weds).I have been suffering from bach ache lately and today i dont feel myself. Im going to have a nap on the sofa to recharge my batteries…

Much love


It’s one bad thing after another with you, you have had such rotten luck and nothing seems to be going your way but please take heart in that we are all thinking of you and wishing you get some good news coming your way, it must be very hard for you to cope and I for one don’t know how you are managing?, I hope the Rads kick ass for you!

Jo I am much better now but I think I have got cystitis now!
have to get some cranberry!
A little around one of my fingers has flaked off around the nail bed.

More BAD news on Marble !!!
The vet rang today he said they took her stitches out and she prolapsed again so he said we have no choice but to do the surgery but it’s got many pit falls to it and even if she recovers from it he said she still might prolapse and be in the same position she’s in now, so I think if this does not work then I think he will tell us to have her put to sleep ??
She can’t live like it thats for sure , Just have to hope she gets through the surgery and it works?
I will be deverstated if we have to have her put to sleep , she is having the op tomorrow so I have to ring up tomorrow afternoon to see how she is. love Caronx

Oh Shelley, I do hope they’re able to find something that will help you. The Marsden is the top hospital in the country - one of the best in the world. If anyone can help, they will.

Caron, so sorry to hear about Marble. Hope it works as well for her as it did for my two. But if it doesn’t, yes you’re right about letting her go. It’s so hard to part with a pet, and people often don’t understand how much you can greive for them, but it’s so very different from greiving for a person.