hair loss???

Hi Shell
Good to hear from you again. Just wanted to say that I’ll be at Marsden, Sutton on Weds 1st April but not sure if prof smith is sutton or Fulham on weds. If you are at Sutton, I’d love to meet up with you for a coffee, as I missed you last time, but I completely understand if you don’t feel up to it. The last thing I want to do is intrude at a time where you’ll have a lot to think and talk about with your husband, but I’m here if you would aprreciate a big hug! You have my mobile number, so text me if it’s easier. Take Care and hopefully see you next week, but in the meantime good luck for your bone scan tomorrow and rads on Thursday.

Lots of love

Hi guys,

Got my drain out yesterday…hurrah!!! Had to go into hospital but that meant I also got to play in the brand new wig shop that has opened. We have a brand new cancer centre opening …so all my further treatments will be in posher places. Feel so much better without the drain, but am not looking forward to my follow up appointment today.

Caron - Poor marble…hope she gets better.

Jo - you mad woman!! Poor Michael! can’t believe you’re doing the Race for Life!!! Well done you! I had a great last cycle with Tax…hardly ill with it (hope it was still working!!!)It feels really weird coming out of the effects of chemo. I’m eating like a horse!! When I had my reaction to tax , I was worried I might have to have FEC again, but my onc said that she had another Tax like chemo she could use if i reacted again. Perhaps your onc will do the same??

Shell - I would be angry too. I know your nasty hasn’t responded to chemo so far, but surely that doesn’t mean it won’t respond to anything. How does she know? Some of the women on these forums seem to be on all sorts of chemos and treatments. Hope your scan goes Ok and pleased you are going to the Marsden. Thinking of you as always.

Much love all,


Thanks for all your support ladies…

Caron - I hope Mables op goes to plan,i will be thinking of you both…

Jo - thanks for the kind offer of coffee, i wont be going to Sutton though,shame,it would of been good to see you…perhaps we will get to meet up another time…

Im going to the hospital now for my bone scan.

Speak to you soon.
Thinking of you all, Bright,gail, Suzanne,Andie…
hope i havnt missed any one out…


Hi All,
Marble news the vet didn’t operate on her ! ( I really don’t think he wants to cos of the poor outcome? ).
He put her completley under and put 3 stitches in this time and he’s leaving them for 5 days this time to give her time to heal.
He also checked her muscles around her bottom and he said they are quite tight ( so don’t know why it keeps happening? ).
She is having her stitches out next Tuesday so god knows how much the bill is going to be???
Maybe I should apply for a loan now?? lol.

Good news on me thought I was getting cystitis but all seems ok today.
Steve left me in bed and I ended up having 13 hours again !! must be the tax , normal for me is 8 hours kipping !
More of my eyelashes came out today hardly got any left now very sparse .

hope you get on ok today Shelly love caron xx

Hi Shell
Disappointing that I won’t see you next week, but hopefully meet up soon. How did the bone scan go today? hope you’re ok.

Hi Gail. What reaction did you get to the Tax then? do you mean the reaction of it going in or do you mean you had a reaction to it mid cycle?

Caron, I’ve hardly got any eyelashes left at all, but strangely enough my eyebrows have hung on throughout 3 FEC and 2 TAX. Hope I haven’t spoken too soon, I’d be gutted if I loose them with the final one! Did u say your hair has started to grow back? Does it look as if it’s going to be quite thick or is it really wispy? Here I go again, obsessed with hair!!!

Hope everyone else is ok, bright how are you today?

Jo X

Hi everyone,
Jo my hair is not worth mentioning really there is the odd strand of hair (and I mean odd!).

What happened JO with youe second tax was it going in that you had a reaction? maybe it was like my 2nd EC reaction that I had??
Off to bed now night night love Caron xx

Hi ladies,

Well here I am week on after third FEC and still feeling really sick… just spent an hour prone on the sofa half watching the apprentice and the rest of the time thinking … “I just wish the nausea would go away”! Still I think the situation may be aggrevated because I have just started my period - still seem to be getting these on three cycles on. And thought they would stop straight away since I’m in my 40s.

I still have my hair Jo - every few days I tease it out and then wrap it back up under a stocking cap. Are you still pleased with your real hair wig? I like mine - people tell me it has a kind of 1960s look.

Weighed myself today and I’ve now put on half a stone - and feeling really depressed about this, just hope it all comes off at the end. Still - Tamoxifen is also meant to cause weight gain, so may have to face up to the fact that I will be forever a porker…

My memory is failing me and not sure whether I have written that I am going away for a week on Sunday to Newcastle and Northumberland. I just long to get away from London for a bit and the constant hospital visits. The work thing is hard - but I am luck that I can do this from home if I need to and have a very understanding employer.

I had my hickman line flushed today and the top stitches on my neck taken out. Neck is still a tiny bit sore but not more than that.

Gail hope you are continuing to recover…
Andie - sorry you still have seromas
Caron… hoping Marble makes it through
Jo - your hair will grow back…
Shelley - you know you are always in my thoughts… and I am so pleased that you have something positive to focus on for a minute with the rads… hope they don’t hurt too much.

Love to everyone else.

Bright xx

Hi girls,

Appointment yesterday was OK. Results were OK. MRI had showed nasty had shrunk a little from chemo. Surgeon talked a lot about how deformed my breast was on the initial examination and how much better it was at the end - talked about all sorts of things they hadnt mentioned before. EEk! Results - One of my lymph nodes (they took 4 or 5) showed cancer, the others were clear. We were all expecting more than that I think, so a relief…although I wonder if the chemo cleared others?? Suppose I won’t know that. They don’t do node clearance here - they say rads take care of things as effectively.

Noone mentioned my second lump…so will have to ask about that when I see oncologist next week. The appointment goes by so fast that you don’t think of everything yoy need to ask. Have seroma growing…but I think that is normalish. I’d really like to read my medical notes myself.

Jo - I meant my allergic reaction during second time of having it…when it went in.

Re: Hair. I seem to have been taken over by the spirit of Frances Rossi (Status Quo). have ended up with long hair at back of my head. Am going to cut it off and have very short hair. Hair is growing back…looks like grey pubic hair…nice!!! Didn’t lose my eyebrows. Lost my eye lashes. Armpit hair growing back too and legs!! i think everything started growing while I was on Tax. Have my eyes on nice new short blonde wig for Summer!!! I know I have hair, but it isn’t pretty and I want to feel nice and vaguely normal for a couple of months. Also…any excuse for another wig!

Re: Weight. Have eaten like a horse this last couple of weeks and feel like I am putting on weight now. have heard Tomoxifen puts on weight too…and want to sort myself out for the Summer.

Next stop…oncologist appt next week (she is always on the slightly pessimistic side…so will be able to judge my results more effectively with her!!!), Herceptin next week (loading does again and so there for about 7 hours…yikes!), nutter doctor next week (haven’t done my homework), awaiting rads planning appt…gulp.

Have also just had my appt for genetic testing through (May). Anyone else doing this??

Am visitng the school little monster will be going to (in September) next week too. I think I will end up in tears…he is still my baby!!! He can’t be going to school! Noooooooooooo!

The apprentice is back…hurrah…how crap were they!

Bright - have a lovely weekend.
Shell - good luck with rads.
Love to all ,


Hi ladies…

Glad to here your all coping ok with your treatments,apart from the sickness and tiredness…

Gail- when my 5year old went to school i cried,my eldest is 13 and i cried when he started school too, i felt sooo alone. You do get used to it though and then you enjoy having ME time…

Bright - Glad to here you still have your hair, you must be pleased…Thinking of you…

Caron- hope your feeling less tired as time goes by,i hope mable is ok to. thinking of you.

Jo - Im diong thre Racr For Life too… I do mine on 14th June,3 friends are doing it with me so if im too weak to walk they will help me along…

I have just changed my Aug/Sep holiday to May as i might not be up to holidays in Sept,I might not even be here !!!

Anyway were going to Egypt for 2 weeks,its somewhere we all want to go so it will be nice to have my last holiday as a special one…

Im waiting in for a McMillan nurse to come and see me this morning,she will be telling me what help they can offer us as a family and also help us tell the children about my prognosis when the time comes.
I will be having my Rads this afternoon, i will let you know how it goes.

Love to you all


Shell, my goodness me. You are being so brave. I admire you so much. Lovely to have a great holiday to look forward to, and very important to! Good for you doing the race for life, but don’t tire yourself out!!! Good luck with rads this afternoon. Have to tell us all about it, as I start mine next month!
Take care
Lots of love

Hi Girls

Shelly you are amazing. I hope Egypt is everything you want it to be.Good luck with the rads I hope they are very successful for you.

Caron I hope Marble is doing well and performing! as she is supposed to.

Bright Have a lovely break away, come back refreshed and ready to tackle tax.

Gail Be Brave They all have to go to school and you will enjoy the new challenge that having a schoolboy brings.

Jo Hair will grow back - even the bits you don’t want.

My hair is now about 1/2 inch all over but baby fine. I found that the wig rubbing was breaking my new hair so have decided to brave the strange looks and just get on with minimal hair. It is very, very short and I do get some people who look at me twice but to date no-one has commented. Just let them try, my energy levels have come back up following chemo so they may get an answer they did not expect. My eyebrows are beginning to grow again as well but no sign of eyelashes yet.

My seroma is still causing me a problem and to add to the problem the affected breast has developed a pink rash along and next to the scar. I will ask the BCN about it tomorrow when I go to the seroma clinic. We are going to the coast on saturday for a many times delayed break so I hope they can tell me what it is then and there.

Sorry if I missed anyone out but love to you all


Shelley, you are going to LOVE Egypt. It’s the best holiday I ever had. We went the year after the first gulf war - it’s the end of the season, so it’s a bit quieter anyway, and was almost deserted when we were there. It’s also VERY hot in May. I was worried about that, as I’m not good with heat, but it’s such a dry heat it’s very easy to tolerate.

We went to Cairo - breifly, the traffic’s a nightmare! - and to the Pyramids and up the Cairo tower. Then down to Luxor, where we stayed for two weeks. Valley of the Kings, balloon trip, Karnak son-et-lumiere, and a trip down-river to Aswan taking in a couple of temples on the way - just stunning! OH had a camel ride - I’d done that years ago, and it isn’t something you need to do twice!


Andie- sorry to hear your seroma is still causung you problems,bet its uncomfortable.Hope your rash is nothing to worry about,could be to do with heat maybe?

Jo- i dont see myself as being brave, i just want to carry on and do the things im used to,i try and put the cancer to the back of my mind when possible and try to be normal…Thats if i ever have been mormal…lol…

Suzanna- Egypt sounds great,cant wait to go now…were going to sharm el sheik,2 weeks all inclusive…pure bliss…

I had my 1st Rads today…
After alot of measuring up with the machine i got about 4 shots in different places.I didnt feel a thing but now my skin is stinging like iv been sunburnt,its also going red.I have applyed cream and can feel it cooling down,till tomorrow…

Bright- I hope you enjoy your time away next week…Rest and relax.

Thinking of you all


Evening all,
been busy doing my magazines today.
Shelly I wonder if you can smuggle me in your case???.

Just watching TV tonight when we heard an almighty crash (of sorts) Steve went running out to check his van was ok then we heard another smash , so we rang cops as there were burglers in the flat next to our house (probably drug related ,as steve heard one of the burglers saying I want it now (probably money owed)) the burglers went on there way then the cops came (hey they were quite quick too!) anyway they never got them but we recognised one (as I was peeping out the window)as a druggie who has started hanging around ! (great just what you want).All has gone quiet again now so hopefully I will get some sleep!
Bright I never had my usual 13 today ,I had 12 & 1/2 instead!!
right night night love caronxx

Good evening ladies,

Well I am pleased to say that my post FEC nausea seems to finally going away this evening. And hopefully that will be the last of it as I move on to Tax next.

I had half a day off work today and met my sister for lunch and a trip to the National Portrait Gallery off Trafalgar Square.

Going in to the office tomorrow and have staff end of year reviews to do, and to catch up with my e-mails.

Looking forward to my week away: the wild beaches, the Northumberland market towns and a glimpse of Scotland from the border town of Berwick on Tweed.

I have just taken my hair down now I am 8 days post chemo and will spend the next hour teasing it out. Not sure I will wash it tonight … but soon…

Shelley, I’ve always wanted to go to Egypt - it is meant to be truly magical. Pyramids at dawn - with the sun rising up behind them: what a spectacle that would be… Please, please please though don’t give up all hope of having longer - there are other chemos - think there is one I’ve read on another strand called Avastin for which trials are operating. And the rads may work as they work differently again.

Love Bright xxx

Afternoon ladies,
an update on Marble (not good news) they rang this morning to say they had to take Marbles stitch out as she was vomiting.
So she said we will have to go ahead with the op as there are no other choices,she kept saying “YOU DO UNDERSTAND THE RISKS DON’T YOU?”
I said “yes I do” she said " she is going to cut the bowel that keeps prolapsing off .
I don’t see a good outcome for Marble and I think thats why she kept saying it .But I said to her " she can’t live like that , so I see no other choice"
Poor Marble she has been through the mill and back again !
I hope she will recover fully and not get the infection they predict.
She is my favourite moggy as she is so loving!
please get well Mabsies !!!

On my own today as Steve has gone with my bro to pick up a camper van that they are going to sell, I have done some washing hung it out (think it will dry as it’s windy)
my nails hurt now ,I never slept as much last night only 9 hours , getting Caron x

Good evening ladies,

Just watching Jack in the Shining for about the hundreth time… one of my favourite films, so skillfully shot.

I am feeling quite a lot better now but it seems to take longer with each cyele to rid myself from the symptons of the latest chemo.

I am having to dress creatively these days to hide recovering neck wound and hickman line wires - so people don’t think I am a) recovering from being attacked by a vampire and b) wired up as a human bomb. Luckily I’ve always been a scarf person and have about 40 or so to choose from. I miss wearing necklaces though - so taken to putting one over the scarf - partly to weigh it down.

Last night I washed my hair for the first time - always said to myself that I would once I was a week passed the third chemo. i soaked it in tepid water for a long time - and was carefully with massaging the scalp. I was relieved that the basin wasn’t full of loose hairs and this morning on the pillow there were only three - so thus far washing the locks does not seem too damaging.

Hope everyone is okay and looking forward to the weekend.

Caron - hoping Marble comes through the operation…
Shelley - hoping rads don’t hurt too much
Andie - enjoy your break

Love Bright x

Bright I am really glad your hair is still stuck on ! lol and hope you enjoy your week away .

Shelly hope your rads are not too bad and it’s killng the nasty .

Had a boring day today Steve was out all day and all I did was washing ect!
Heard nothing about Marble .
Owen is going paintballing tomorrow nr Scunthorpe so I expect him to come home with numerous bruises! hope everyone ok love Caronx

HI everyone,
Its been a while since i posted but have been following the thread.
Its been arollercoaster of a couple of weeks, emotionally not healthwise. With the credit crunch everything has gone wrong for the business and our homes. We’re moving out on wednesday but I’m notattached to the place, just don’t need it at this time. I’ve transferred my rads to Maidstone which willstart soon .I have an appointment there with the oncologist on Monday, but will be back to Somerset for recon if I decide to go ahead.
Caron, I know how you feel about Marble. We thought we might have to give up Bertie when this happened, but the landlady has agreed to him.(bertie is my weimaraner standard poodle cross.)
Shell so sorry to hear your news, I have always believed in miracles and I hope the Marsden can give you hope. You are in the best hands.
Itry to look onthe positves in life, Iwillbe spending some time in Sevenoaks with my daughter and her 3 children. I can also visit many of my family who live in south London.
After being diagnosed I thought2009 had to be better. But it has been worse, my cousin committed suicide shortly after I had seen him, then the bilateral, and then a really good school friend was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and liver mets and now we’ve lost all we had.
Sorry to moan so much when other people have far worse health issues than I, but had to let off steam. Thinking of you all the time.
Much love Kathy.

Oh Kathy, what a crock. You really don’t need all that on top of everything else. So glad you were at least able to keep your dog - I think I’d just give up if I had to be parted from mine. Good to come on here and let off steam - we all need it when we’re down, and this is the one place people really understand. Luv’n’hugs.