hair loss???


Andie - yes i have that horrid taste in my mouth and i get loads of ulcers too.I have a special mouthwash from the doctors that’s pretty good, Difflam…I find it hard to enjoy a meal and am always thinking what else i might try to eat that will satisfy my cravings… Its like being pregnant…

I have felt so weak and sick over these last few days i just want to stay in bed.
I did attempt to pop into town with hubby so we could go to Boots but once there all i wanted to do was sit down / lie down…go home… so back to bed it was for me. I’m so frustrated…
I haven’t eaten much either and have lost 5lbs since Friday… that will soon come back though, no doubt…

Are your bloods ok for chemo on Friday? I have mine done on Thursday so i can get my chemo Friday too…

Caron - hope you enjoyed your skate for your tea… Is your hubby a fisherman? Bet you cant wait for him to come home today, it is today isn’t it??
Do you work at all Caron? I havent been back to work since i started my chemo, i get so bored at home especially when i have no energy…

Best of luck to you all.


Hi mel well I think u r right cos I no they said about taking something 4 5 years.
My skate was lovely no he’s not a fisherman he just sells Grimsby fish takes it down to Stoke.
I have got a appointment with dentist tomoz (boo hoo ) but i think it will be easy to get out as it’s so loose.
I don’t work as such ( more like take calls & count the miney LOL ! ).thats all my work is really oh and I do the order forms and business cards !
get paid for nowt really ! hey ho someone has gotta do it . take cars all love Caronx

Hi Caron

Glad your getting your tooth sorted out, let me know how it goes… I am sure it will be fine.

Good luck.


Back from the hospital and it did not go as I hoped although no real problems.

I saw my oncologist and she is really pleased with the amount of shrinkage that has happened. She also said it was time to see the surgeon to discuss what type of operation he will want to do, although even she says that it will almost certainly be a full mx with node clearance. That appontment has been made for the first week in January. Hopefully surgery will take place either late Feb or early March.

When I went for my bloods they have been directed not to give the loading dose of Herceptin and a dose of taxotere at the same time. If there is any reaction to the Herceptin they wouldn’t know if it was to the Herceptin or the combination of the two. I am having the Herceptin on Friday when I will be at the hospital all day. While I am there they will do the bloods with a view to give the tax on Monday. I am a bit disappointed because it will take the tax that little bit nearer to Christmas and there is a chance that I will still have SE on christmas day. Never mind much more important to get this all sorted out.

I hope your visit to the chemo nurses went OK today Caron. My chemo nurses are really good. They treat me as a person - they know my name as soon as I walk in. They don’t just see me as just another patient. Also I hope you are on the way to sorting that tooth out. Not pleasant but much better not to have to think about it while you are having chemo.

Shell I hope your bloods are OK so your next chemo will go ahead as planned. When will you know if it is having the desired effect. It will be tough having the two doses so close together but if it is working it will make it all worthwhile.

I really feel for you both - A vey scary time

LOL Andie xx

wow wot a day!!!
I went to see my chemo nurse that is the first time I have seen her as she has been away anyway she was really nice ( only reduced me to tears once ! LOL ).
She was asking when am I going to have my bloods done but I said I really want to get this tooth out first as I didn’t want to risk infection ( and it was getting worse ).
The nurse gave me a blue pack I asked her if my cancer was oestrogen pos , but she said my file is with the BC nurse but she said seen as I am being put into the meno pause then she thinks it is .
I am terrified of the dentist and I have not been thinking about it all day . then it started hurting this afternoon so I said to Steve " I can’t wait to have this tooth out "
then after a while the pain went again then I started to panic about the dentist , for a hour before I went.
I got ready to go I said to Steve " I really don’t want to go " Steve said " I know but you can’t risk infection with chemo " ( I KNOW THAT STEVE ! ).
Anyway when I got to the dentist they called me more or less straight away ! ( there were people there looking at each other probably thinking " SO WHATS SPECIAL ABOUT HER "! LOL).
I am glad I wasn;t waiting long ( less time to panic ) the dentist who was not my usual dentist said " what can i do for you " I said " well I am having chemo next week and i have a wobbly WISDOM tooth and it keeps playing up now " so he said " ok we’ll sort it then "
I said to him " with it being wobbly will it hurt as much as a fastend tooth "? ( I said I am very worried )
He said let me look anyway he did look and said NO I DONT THINK THAT WILL PUT UP MUCH OF A FIGHT.
so he said " I am not going to inject right down to the jaw ( this made me worry a bit , I can tell you ) anyway he injected ( I dont mind injections at all )
he only waited about 2 minutes and said " open your mouth as much as you can cos it’s right at the back.
And he said I will just give it a little twist then he said " that’s it "
I said OMG OMG IS THAT IT ? he said yes ! I said " why after all these years would i rather have a filling than have a tooth out? he just laughed !
I couldn’t believe it never hurt at all ! It did hurt like toothache for about 1 hour then there is nothing TOTAL BLISS !
1 down 3 to go ( wisdom teeth )

Andie so which Monday you having your Tax? is it 15th? I am having my 1st lot of chemo on 17th EC and I am going to have my bloods this Friday.

Shell how are you today? feeling any better yet ? and what day you going for your next chemo ?

I am sorry I have gone on and on about my WISDOM ( got to give that capitals cos my bro who is so brave and all had his done at hospital ) tooth but I was really worried about it thats why i have put it off for so long , it cos when i was little my old dentist put me to sleep once and pulled 8 out , I wouldn’t have minded if they were bad but it was cos he said i never had enough room in my mouth ! nowadays they would leave them or give you a brace, so ever since then i have been terrified .


Hi Caron,

I am glad you got your tooth sorted out, much better now hey???

I have my bloods done tomorrow morning and have chemo again on Friday, i have chemo on day 1 and day 8,
then again 2 weeks later, it is still a 3 week cycle.

I am going to my 5 year olds Christmas play in the morning, hes a shepherd.
I have eaten today and don’t feel too sick, still in my pjs though. i will definitely get dressed tomorrow, maybe even have lunch out before hubby goes to work at 2pm…



aww poor you !
still your son’s play will be FAB !!!
I loved going to the plays !!!
was funny today cos you know the themometre well Chlo has been ill with a cold ( more like MAN flu ! ) LOL anyway last night I went to bed at 1/2 past 9 I was really tired so I never waited for Steve to come home ( 1st time ) I never got up this morning ( steve did ) when I got up at 8am Chlo and Owen had gone anyway Steve said Chloe is really ill , I said she on;y has a cold ! she was ill yesterday Chloe asked her dad to take her temp which he did it was 34.5 Steve said your ok off you go ! so she took it again , just to make sure anyway this time she said " OH IT’S 7 " !
Turns out it was L upside down for LOW BATTERY ! SORRY CHLO OFF U GO !!! LOL


Well done for getting your tooth sorted!!

Enjoy the play Shell - I love going to the plays the little ones do although these days its my grandchildren who perform not my own girls. One of my granddaughters - Issy aged 5 is singing with her performing arts group in Hyde Park on sunday this weekend, very exciting.

My tax will hopefully be on Monday15th. They don’t seem to think there will be a problem with bloods because they were OK last week when checked for me to go to the dentist. Fingers crossed. The nurse said that they don’t usually drop without cause i.e. an infection of some sort.

I took my wig to the hairdresser this aftenoon and he has trimmed the front a bit for me so I may start wearing it if I go out. I can’t see me bothering though if I know I am staying home.


Andie xx

So we all will be having some sort of chemo over xmas ! I hope we will be ok I really don’t want Steve to cook xmas dinner ( no offence Steve ! ).but as I explained all he can cook is egg chips and beans !
Talking about the hairdressers my chemo nurse said she will make me a appointment but she said it is usually on a Friday ! and she said she wanted me to go b4 i have chemo so that means that is this Friday ???

I have been wrapping some pressies up today and we are going to put out trimmings up this weekend ( while I feel like it , not that I have thought much about christmas at all but it’s not fair to the kids ) me and Steve havn’t even got each other anything I don’t know if we are? we just want me better.

the nurse was telling me that tax has completely different side effects from EC which I am having first so she didn’t want to go into too much
she did ask me what are my veins like ( dont ask ! I gave blood for a long time so did Steve and we always used to have a race see who would finish first , even if steve started 5 minutes after me he would always win ! ) mine drips out his gushes !
anyway she said if they are not good they can put a line in that goes straight into the vein near your heart !
that will probably end up being me !

Me again !
I have been up all night suffering with jaw ache where I had my tooth out ! I know why I am scared now. been up ALL night and I mean All I am very tired and so is Steve cos I kept waking him up to get painkillers and stuff and to tell him to stop snoring NUMEROUS TIMES ( does my head in ).
Now I have got a massive coldsore again !!! I have only just got rid of one which I had for 3 weeks ! so I don’t know if I should wait till Monday to have my bloods now?
I dont feel well I don’t know if I have a sore throat or if it’s where the tooth has been, it goes right into my neck .
Can you still have chemo with a coldsore ???
why do I keep getting them !!! aaaaggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
i will write later i am too tired atm love tired me xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Joy - just to let you know that there is bad sore throat flu-type illness going around the UK - nearly everyone I know has had it or going down with, so you may have gone down with that. (I am at an earlier stage than you and - scared as only going in for surgery next Tuesday before embarking on the chemo).
B x

Hi Brightlight
You are actually getting your surgery before Caron Shell and myself. We are all having to undergo our chemo first to hopefully shrink our lumps first. You will be able to give us some tips and advice on the surgery side of things and we can pass on our personal experiences of the chemo

Love everyone

Andie xx

Hi all & brightlight welcome yeah I have only just started not even my 1st chemo yet does anyone know if this coldsore will make any difference???
My throat is ok now i think it was just from having my tooth out . so it’s just the coldsore then ,mind you I have been laid up all morning trying to get some shuteye but no such luck what with Steve watching ThisMorning and the phone ringing & my chime clock not to mention the cuckoo clock !
I should have gone back to bed !
mind you at least my tooth ( that isnt ) is not hurting ALL the time now YAY wot a life eh???
love caron
please answer me about coldsore !!!

Hi girls,
Am I allowed to join you?? I’ve been stalking you!!! I know I’ve chatted to some of you before (Hi Shell) and you’ve helped me so much. While I was suffering from 2nd chemo last week…I kept reading your posts as they were so friendly. Just keep feeling so lonely in all this and get so up and down. I too am having chemo for Christmas. Have biospy on 22nd ( as another lump found in MRI…sigh) and chemo on 23rd. So should have lovely nausea ready for Christmas day!!! (Caron - my nausea passed after a few days…so you might be OK for cooking, but not washing up !!!) Luckily my Steve can cook…but not sure I’ll face it…at least my 3 year old will have something to eat though!!!

Caron - before chemo…I was at the dentist a couple of times a week. I thought it was very very unjust! BC and then the blumming dentist which I am totally phobic about! My teeth were just all over the place and I had a root canal threatening…although avoided in the end. I used a salt water mouth wash (yummy) all the time to try to make my mouth a bit healthy before chemo. Haven’t been able to face it since, but am using a kiddy mouthwash now. The delights!

Hi Gail and girls

Join in anytime you like, we are all friendly there is no need to feel lonely, chat to us anytime.I have my 6 out of 8 chemo next monday and am fingers crossed with 10 days between then and Xmas Day I should at least be able to supervise the turkey although tasting it might be a different story. One of my ongoing problems is the absolutely awful taste in my mouth. When I was on AC chemo is came but went again after about a week. Now I have been changed to taxotere it has come as expected but not gone again so it looks as if I am going to have to put up with it until the chemo is finished. Gail have you already had your surgery?

If you have read this thread through from the beginning you will have seen that my husband had very little idea where the oven was until this bc struck. Now he is getting ahead of himself and reckons he is going to surprise the family with home made sausage rolls as a christmas surprise. I have been the sausage roll maker in this house ever since the girls were little. I hope his surprise is not an unmitigated disaster - he will be so disappointed.

Caron phone the chemo nurse about your cold sore. They are used to answering questions about chemo and its problems. They will know the answer and then you will stop worrying. I have asked some really stupid questions in the past and they answer with patience without making me feel like a real worrier.

The chemo suite receptionist has phoned this morning to remind me that I start Herceptin tomorrow. Evidently because it is so expensive they like to remind people. Talk about silly questions- because I am going to be in the suite all day tomorrow waiting to see if I have any adverse reactions my biggest concern was- do I need to bring a packed lunch or will they feed me. She answered without batting an eye so your question about a cold sore will be answered as well.

Shell are your bloods OK for tomorrow. How was your little shepherd. I bet you had a little weep. I know I used to when I saw my girls in Christmas plays.One time many many years ago my youngest daughter was Mary. I was so proud of her. I found out afterwards that she was given the part because she had long hair and the costume fitted. No such thing as auditions when the school only has one set of costumes!

I had my wig trimmed by my hairdresser yesterday and have been wearing it all day today. Just taking some of the weight off around my face has made such a difference. I even went to the shops .Gail are you expecting to loose your hair- its something that Caron is worrying about and needs to know how we are coping. I have only worn scarves and turbans up to now but feel quite confident that I have turned toe corner and become a wig wearer.

Hugs all round

Andie xx

Andie ,
I have come to terms with the fact of me losing my beautiful long dark locks ( boo hoo ! ).
I have 3 wigs coming and also I have yet to see the hairdresser so I may have a new look for each day ! ( depending on how I am feeling ).
You know what I have been really ill today in myself if you know what I mean? anyway I am feeling a bit better now and I really think that my coldsore is really my own fault as I was using cloveoil and I burnt the side of my lip ( it was all peeling yesterday and I was putting antiseptic on it all day ) now today I have a really big coldsore in the place where my lip has been burnt ! so maybe it’s not as bad as I think what it is ( if you read the thread from beginning then you will know that I only have a coldsore for 3 days max ) but when I was DX I had a coldsore 4 3 weeks in all.( it’s just I don’t want it to be another sign of owt else else where if you know what I mean? ). but when all said and done my immune must be down.
And also I am allergic to lots of silly things ie strepsills , the major one being sunlight !
I have a allergy called polymorhic light disorder ( yeah good old me ! ) also I think I am now allergic to nuts too so I avoid them now,
but yesterday when I had my tooth done when he had finished I could feel my face flushing ( which is a allergy reaction ) then I went in the bath and my chest had a rash on it , so I am now wondering if I have had a reaction ? ( I hope not ). but I am feeling better as the day goes on although very tired still.

Shell are you ok ? I hope your bloods are ok?
when you have your bloods how long is it before they tell you or not as the case maybe?

lots of (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((LOVE ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ( am now copying SHELL ! )

Hi girls,
Having a low low day today so being able to talk online is good. Lots of tears today. Had been trying to keep working (at home), but they are now being very official and quite horrid with me, (It was only short term), as I haven’t been delivering… I was so new and did this dramatic career change in the Summer and was so happy…almost smug … for about 6 weeks …until … Had noticed funny breast for ages…but after 2 years partial breastfeeding and lots of changes…put it down to monthly stuff and the fact that my LM (little monster…boy 3 and 3/4) kept hitting me there. GP sent me to breast clinic to “put my mind at rest” and I came away with a BC diagnosis. I have beaten myself up about not going sooner and I still do. Sometimes I think if I think hard enough… it will all go away!!! Madness! Anyay, I had one large (too scared to ask, but about 5.2cm) nasty and suspected positive nodes…I guess because of size. Recent MRI breast scan has shown up another small (too small for mammogram) lump so another biopsy awaits. I am having chemo first…3Fec then 3 Tax to hopefully reduce. I find it hard living with the lump…I want to cut it out. Chemo has been OK really I guess. Nausea for about 4 days, and tired and depression have been my main problems and a very dry mouth (hence mouth washes). I am HER2 too which feels like another nail in my coffin, although people tell me with herceptin it’s a better outlook these days. No-one has really talked to me about surgery yet, but I have a masectomy in mind.

I wore the coldcap. I have crap hair (fine), but just wanted to try to keep feeling “normal”. However, I am losing hair lots now, so I presume it will all go. (I’m a week past 2nd FEC). caron - worth trying cold cap though perhaps??. I didn’t mind it…some people do…it’s just very very cold and you have to be in for longer!!! I am hospital phobic too, so that was a challenge, but the chemo nurses are fabulous. I have 2 wigs on order. I look a bit weird, because my hair was so fine and wigs are so big…but I’m excited about the posisbility of having big hair!!! I love wearing wigs, although would rather not be in these circumstances. I tried on loads of wigs…had a blast in the shop…short redhead,black bob…long blonde… Brilliant! Because I fall into bouts of depression, I am seeing the nutter doctor next week. Poor man…hope he has big ears to cope with all the stuff that will come out of my mouth!!!

I am an old Mummy!!! Didn’t realise I liked children until too late and now Kai will be a very spoiled only child!! I am 42 (just) and Kai is 3 3/4. He is a blonde blue eyed angelic little monster and is soo excited about Christmas this year.

Had my bloods done day before chemo and just turned up for chemo and everything was fine. Shell- hoping it all goes well for you.

Stalker girl, XXXX

I like it - Stalker Girl!!

Another one of us who is having to live with her lump for the time being. Very scary!!. I am HER2 as well which is why the Herceptin is being started tomorrow. According to reports I have found on line giving Herceptin and Taxotere together has had very good results. Although I am being treated at our local hospital which is brilliant they take their lead from Guys who are evidently leaders in their field.

I could not face the thought of the cold cap. I hate being cold - I would rather be hungry than cold. Also I was told that if you want the cold cap you are in the chemo unit for longer. I just wanted in and out as fast as possible.

When I have my bloods done the nurse phones later in the day and gives me the OK to go ahead.(or not as the case may be)

Take Care girls - Off to cook dinner

Andie xx

Hey Stalker !!! don’t beat yourself up ( too much ! )
we all think why didn’t we realise sooner ??? if only we had but look at it his way at least we did realise. !
You never said how big your nodes are ( not that it’s a competition ) but Think of this although my lump is slightly smaller than yours this might make you feel a bit better that you are having 3x3 I am having 4x4 also more or less the same as you I was told FEC but at last meeting they said I was having EC instead then Taxotere.
you also are more or less the same age as me, don’t feel your on your own .
I don’t think i will bother with the cold cap cos i was told by someone that it can kink and if it does you will have a bald patch , also my chemo nurse said that if you did have any stray cells in your head ( which is unlikely )then if you had the cold cap it wouldn’t be treated ( I never thought of that ).
So I am gonna give it a miss it’s like if it was proved 100% then I would prob use it but the nurse said even if you do use it it still goes really thin and I don’t fancy having straggly bits.
You are not an OLD MUMMY !!! think about that 70 year old this week who had a baby !!! LOL
cheer up keep chatting love caron xxxxxxxxxxx

Hmmmm…A kinky coldcap!! Sounds like bondage to me!!! Yep - It carries a risk of leaving cancer cells in the hair follicles. But - your head will be zapped like the rest of your body…but I’ve heard that they have been increasing the amount of the level of the FEC chemo and there has been less success because of this. Not sure what I’ll do next time. I hate the bandanas (feel like I have cancer written on my forehead), but the wigs might make me brave enough to shave!!!

No idea about nodes size and stuff…as if bc isn’t horrid enough…it’s just not a simple lump is it… I have a list of questions for my next Doc appointment.

70!!! No!!! How will they have the energy??

Off to have a bubble bath…before boys get home …
Much Love,
SG xxxx