hair loss???

aww at least ur having a soak in the bath ( with bubbles an all ! )
My nurse only told me yesterday that if you have the coldcap and if you have stray cells on ur head then the coldcap could stop the chemo reaching them ( how it is ever unlikely ).
have you got a wig yet?they are dead cheap off ebay mind you mine are coming from HongKong so lord knows how long I will be waiting?
I may have even grown my hair back by the time it comes ! LOL.
Do you know if your cancer is oestrogen positive? I think mine is although I am not certain.?
Where abouts are you? I am in N.E.Lincs so is Shelly but I don’t know where she is today? I am not sure where Andie is either ?
write back this is my life now ( BOO HOO ! ) XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX caron

Grr…just been arguing with work again. Last week promising me a home based project. This week…have to sort everything out to go on sickleave… Steve says if i don’t work…we might have to cancel Sky TV. It’s my life!!

Bath is waiting!! I’m building up to it!! Doc told me it’s the follicles that are the problem. They get cold and so stuff doesn’t get through. Apparently, you can get cancer of the hair follicles…who knew!!! Inside your body…stuff is being carried around.
Wigs here next week I hope. Got my £65 NHS one. let me know about the web one though as I may like more!!!
I am triple posiive, so yes oestrogen positive so get more drugs for that too.
I’m miles away from you…I’m in Oxford…


yeah maybe miles away but not mentally LOL !

Hello all,

I have just got home from work and now sitting on the sofa - half watching egg heads. My lump is 5cm - but in what feels like an area of hardened tissue - it is called IDCS. I think it is too large to shrink first hence the surgery. I am really depressed about hair loss - mine is really long. Just wondering why it works in totality for a rare few, and less well, and not at all for others. I have ordered a wig - which is custom made from Celebrity Lace Wig. It is Indian Remy hair - and 28 inches with a light wave which is like my own. Just thinking what will happen when it starts to grow back - keeping going with the wig, or having hair extensions. Short hair just wouldn’t suit me.

Have you started losing your hair yet Joy?

Hope everyone is feeling okay.

B x

Hi Girls, im still here…

I have had a crappy day… I watched my son in his school play for half an hour and felt hot and sick the whole way through, i smiled and nodded at him alot…Had my bloods done but dont get the results till i go to the hospital tomorrow. I have been asleep since we came back from school (11.00). I have a slight temp… 37.8… I feel so shitty, hot, sick and dizzy.
I dont know if i will be able to manage another chemo tomorrow…

I am HER2 negative which means no Herceptin for me… My cancer will only be destroyed by chemo… Thats a laugh,as i have had 3 different ones and nothing is working…No wonder drugs out there for the negative cancers…
Feel like my options are running out…

Sorry to moan, i just feel soooooooo shitty


I have always wondered about staying the path with chemo - it sounds so horrific, the toll it takes on the body. Does it ever happen that chemo needs to be abandoned - or do they try to change. I guess if we cannot ensure chemo there is a real prospect of not making it through.

Hope you feel better Shelly.

B x

aww I really feel for you Shelly I really do I knew you were ill today, your new chemo might be working you have to give it time my doc said there are lots of different chemo combos they can use?
I still am only guessing about mine I havn’t been tols nothing apart from the size and the chemo I am having

Brightlight my hair is longer than yours mine is 31 inches ( all to go down the swanny ! )

Shell when will you stop feeling sick? crickey if youve got it again tomoz, THINK OF THIS THOUGH JUST IMAGINE HOW THE CHEMO IS MAKING YOU FEEL ILL !! IMAGINE WHAT IT IS DOING TO THAT BLOODY CANCER !!!
keep writing love me xxxxxxxxxxxxx

This is my last chemo option…If this fails then it will be surgery and because the tumour is 10cm i will have cancer left behind. If the docs cant control the cancer spread now then they wont be able to do anything after the op.
at the moment my cancer is out of control and my options are about to run out.

Night night. I will write again tomorrow


please dont you give up we are all willing you on , you have got your babies and your hubby xxxxxx

Shelley, I am so sorry - and am thinking of you. Is your tumor in your breast still - if so - why did they just not do a mastectomy - to get rid of a lot of it faster?

A good night’s sleep can do wonders…


Joy, are you going to try to keep your hair - or cut it off in advance? Nothing to lose by keeping it, you may be one of the lucky ones…


me soz do u no I have just clicked on ( god i am dumb ! ) the facilitator choose my name cos i couldnt do it they were having probs my name is Caron x
my hair well I really didnt want to loose it but what can you do ?
I accept the fact that my lovely locks will all be gone !( boo hoo )

My chemo nurse did say that if you ahve it cut short it will keep for longer cos of the weight !
but i dont know yet but i do know that once its starts falling I am gonna shave it all .

I pray for Shelly tonight to gain strength and beat that bloody demon !!! god bless you Shelly and your family xxxxxxxxxxxnight night x

has any of you ladies thought about xmas ? got your trimmings up? I havn’t going to try and put them up this weekend or it will never get done !

Yes put mine up a week ago. Just a tree - artificial this year with lots of baubles and three strings of lights. Hope to get out of hospital xmas eve - and hope to feel slightly festive then. Not a good time for me - was diagnosed with BC and married man I was seeing broke it off on the same day (though did not now about my diagnosis). So morning relationship and mourning my previous dullish but not scary life

may be your better off on ur own? if he cheated on his wife he cant be trusted ! ( there that will make you feel better (not ))
Shell has gone for her chemo today ( hope it goes ok for her )
I was meant to be having my bloods done today but I still dont feel well so I am gonna go on Monday ( on my own cos Steve will be away)
I dont know if cos I dont feel right my whites will be ok ??
hey ho steve & kids will be putting the trimmings up today ( i cant be bothered ).
write soon xxxxxxxxxxx

hello Joy,

Sorry you are not feeling well today. I am not yet part of the process of getting my blood tested, but I am sure that will come in due course. You probably have the cold, flu-type thing going around. I had it for 2 weeks. I probably am best off without him - but we were so close… i do have a partner and everything is fine, just missing the one.

Even if you cannot decorate the tree, I am sure once it is up - it will make you feel a little brighter. I like looking at the colourful lights in the darkness of the sitting room at night.

I am thinking of Shell too…

Take care Bright xxxxx

Ps - I am just sitting at my desk at work… waiting to go out for lunch with a chum…

Well Steve got the trimmings down from the attic for me ( well not just for me ) Steve keeps asking me wot I want 4 xmas but i told him I don’t want owt ( and I really meant it ) I just want to be vack to normal ! thats all I wanted ,but he keeps going on and on … so I said ok I would like a cross and chain then ( to protect me ! ) so he has got me one , should be here next week NOW FOR HIS ??? no idea ???
When are you having your op???
My tooth ( well non tooth now ) is lots better today but I just feel bob !
I have decided now that I am gonna go in the bath now and try and bring mysen round so I can have the bloods done today? Steve is just ringing them to see what time they do it till? i write later cos i off in bath now bobeye xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx