hair loss???

Had my second FEC today. She had major problems finding a vein to get the line in - I’m dreading them resorting to a permanent line. Once she got it in, it wasn’t quite right and the saline was running really slow, so she had to keep jiggling it around till she got it in the right place - which meant she had to be really slow getting the chemo stuff in (apparently it has to be diluted at a certain rate by the saline.) It took an hour and a half!

Suzanne - just to say that I had a line put in after my second chemo and really really dreaded it. I asked for sedatives and ended up feeling nice and floaty. I do not feel it now at all and can still take baths. Makes necklines a bit tricky but a small price to pay rather than finding a vein.

Having to work late today… but will write to you all tomorrow.

Bright x

Hi all,

It was Herceptin day today and I was dreading it as first time I have gone alone. Luckily I saw a lady who was in surgery at the same time and chatted to her all the time. Monster is spending the night at his friend’s house as I was ill last time I had Herceptin and hubbie is at training in Israel!!
I’m OK, but I am suffering aches and pains, moodiness and flushes. Menopause here I come! I realised I would never go back to being the girl I was in September. I thought I would…but I think I’m going to be someone else. Had genetics meeting recently too and have 37% of bc gene. If it’s positive… it means more surgery…argh!!! Anyone else getting their genes checked??
Have had my hair cut short as had long hair at back and short on top…nice look! Very short, but could go out…just not very me! Eyelashes came back really quickly though so look abit more human.

Off to bed early tonight.
Love to all of you,

Hi all,

It was Herceptin day today and I was dreading it as first time I have gone alone. Luckily I saw a lady who was in surgery at the same time and chatted to her all the time. Monster is spending the night at his friend’s house as I was ill last time I had Herceptin and hubbie is at training in Israel!!
I’m OK, but I am suffering aches and pains, moodiness and flushes. Menopause here I come! I realised I would never go back to being the girl I was in September. I thought I would…but I think I’m going to be someone else. Had genetics meeting recently too and have 37% of bc gene. If it’s positive… it means more surgery…argh!!! Anyone else getting their genes checked??
Have had my hair cut short as had long hair at back and short on top…nice look! Very short, but could go out…just not very me! Eyelashes came back really quickly though so look abit more human.

Off to bed early tonight.
Love to all of you,

Dear all,

I just cannot stay awake! Have been to work the last two days and found myself nodding off in meetings - but at least no one has noticed, at least I don’t think they have. Or perhaps they are too polite to say. Thinking I may work at home tomorrow. Just cannot wait to get through to the final tax next thursday. Chemotherapy has certainly been an experience in more ways than one… I think I shall have mixed memories. The horrible side effects and the tiredness, and the limiting nature of the drugs on the one hand. But on the other hand I hope I will also look back with some fondness at the ‘me time’ it has given me. Lunch with OH in the week, visits to the supermarket, making fairy cakes in the afternoon followed by a nap - all of which in the usual run of things I would seldom have the opportunity to do. …And writing to my e-friends and bc chums - and in fact - all the new friends I have made as part of this process. It has been on a journey of self discovery, of weighing up the important things in life, and reassessing values and priorities. More thinking to do, and more careful planning for the future. The list of must see places and holiday destinations will be looked at again. I want to make sure I see those places I most want to see. Life can never be the same again. It is more finite now. It no longer stretches before me like an open road, and there may be more potholes along the way. I just want to avoid them if I can.

Thinking of you ladies

Glad the tax was okay for you today Caron and congrats on it being your last.

Love Bright x

HI all
Shelly I have one thing to say to you 8 more sleeps to go !!! lol
I remembered !!!

Suzanne, I’m sorry I didn’t realise you were on the FEC I don’t know why??? maybe you had surgery first?
anyway what I want to say is when they put the cannula in make sure the nurse gets back flow this is blood that fills a tiny clear plastic thing at the cannula site, Victoria only had to have her line in because they messed her arm up and never made sure she had back flow so it wasn’t in the vein and so therefore all the FEC went into her arm and not the vein so they burnt her arm.
I myself haven’t had any problems with the cannula at all it doesn’t hurt the only problem I had was that my vein collapsed so they can’t use that now HEY NOT THAT THEY HAVE TO NOW LOL I FINISHED TODAY !!!
If you have the FEC if you don’t like looking at the epirubicin ask them to cover it up, I couldn’t look at it (orange one) I couldn’t look at my red wee either I put blue loo in my loo mind you I normally have blue loo anyway!! god things we talk about!!
It does normally take 1&1/2 hours im sorry to say !! actually the slower the better as well if it goes in too fast it can make you feel quite ill.

Right what else?? well didn’t go for my LAST TAX till 3pm latest I have been anyway it was ok cos Mel the most experienced nurse did me she usually did anyway then I got in I saw Diane who I know so I sat next to her I was amazed she was still there cos her appointment was at 1;30pm anyay we were chatting then I saw the girl I went to school with Tracy she was sat opposite me chatting then Yvonne walked in she’s the lady who’s blood bag I had the other week they made a mix up and gave me her blood bag . So she sat the other side to me chatting and Mel as well we had a right old gossip I can tell you then this really old man joined in telling us about his cat !
We were trying to talk to Yvonne cos she felt sick so we gave her our telegraph to read to take her mind off it.
When I was going Mel got up and gave me a hug & kiss and said she would miss me then another nurse I know Alison she used to live up my street gave me hug & kiss and another nurse I don’t know her name though I did say " I hope I don’t come back no offence"
It was quite sad to leave knowing I probably wont see them anymore especially Mel .
Oh I did mention that another girl I know has just been diagnosed and Mel said " Dr Butt the oncologist has recently said he thinks there is an epidemic going on in Grimsby" now I know he only works in Grimsby so probably doesn’t know it’s not just Grimsby!!!
But my point is if the oncologist realizes that there are more cases than normal yearly diagnosis then there must be something going on??
Steve keeps mentioning Chernobal (probably spelt wrong).

Having really bad flushes tonight face keeps getting very hot all of a sudden I keep having to turn my fan on and off!! doing my swede in now.

Hope everyone is ok ?? have taken most my nail off now as frightened of catching it. night night xxxxxxxxxx

Forgot to say Chloe found one hamster dead tonight it had had it’s face ripped off and it’s stomach opened up !! not very nice I can tell you Chloe thinks it was another baby that did it as it had blood all over it and it was eating some of it !! yuk
I thought it may have been Honey the mother but Chloe thinks not we will never know not very lucky are we bloody guinea pig squashed it’s little piggy to death and now canibalism !!!

oh no just wote a long post and my wire has come out!! aggghhh

How many sleeps now Shelly 6???

My friend has got BC was diagnosed last Monday she’s got to have chemo first too 4x4 she’s ever so nice too can’t believe another person I know has got it???

I see nobody has written are we on strike?
Well got headache and heartburn again didn’t sleep too bad last night considering I never had any nytols !!!
write later love Caron xx

Caron, not on strike, just knackered! Wrote a really long post last night and lost it again! I know what you’re gonna say I should have copied and pasted, but i forgot and nearly ended up chukking laptop thru window I was so wound up and tired!Congratulations on your last chemo, it’s a great feeling isn’t it but just be aware you might get a little tearey next week as that’s what happened to me and asking around it seemed to be quite common! I don’t know why! You know you said the other day your head was really itchy? Well so is mine but i’ve actually got itchy lumps all over, I thought maybe cat had fleas, but i’m not sure now, what do you reckon that is? Another question for my poor Onc on Monday.

Just finished week 3 of rads and getting hotter and sorer and more exhausted by the day. Got measured up today for my next lot of treatment, the boost! This time next week it’ll all be over for me!! Apart from 5 years of tomoxifen and endless check up appointments, that’s it! Wow hopefully try and get my life back to a bit of normality if I can! Well as normal as it can be with no hair and only one wotsit!! still mustn’t grumble!

Shell, hows the wound? healed up nicely I hope with that manuka honey? How many rads did you have with that bowl thing on that you told me about? Are you packed yet? Bet you are! I always pack weeks before my jollies as I get so excited, I’ve even bought a few bits for the kids, for hols already and we don’t go till the end of July!

Bright, only one more week for you before chemo over, that’s great, the end is in sight! Hope you feel a bit better this weekend and not so tired as you’ve been, I think you’re remarkable that you’ve carried on working throughout chemo, there is no way in the world I could have done!

Gail, I know what you mean about aches and pains and moodiness and flushes. I’ve been on tomaxifen now 20 days and I hate it. I’ve been really good with the diet yet my weight is creeping up again so it must be the tablets. That’s why I can’t wait for rads to finish and hopefully I’ll regain some energy so i can start doing some exercise! you’re hair sounds great by the way and you’re very lucky to have eyebrows and lashes, My eyebrows thinned a lot thru TAX but my right one left me completely last weekend and I have no lashes at all and still no proper hair, so I’m gutted!

Andie, you must be nearly finished rads now to, have you got them all next week as well! As much as I love my radiology team, I’ll be glad to see the back of them. Michael is coming with me for my last blast next friday so we can go and have lunch afterwards and celebrate the end of my treatment!

Suzanne, I had problems with veins thru chemo and one of the tax was so slow going in they thought there was something wrong with the machine but no it was my vein, however the next dose 3 weeks later went in ok!

Katemate, hope you ok to !

Have a good weekend ladies. Another emotional one for me as my 2nd baby is 5 today! Can’t stop thinking how happy and carefree and full of optimism I was this day, 5 years ago!!


Gail realised that no one has answered your genetic question.
I did do a genetic testing thing but it’s not for me it’s for future people.
As I have no cancer in our family only my nanna’s mother (very possibly) My nanna had to look after my great nanna when she was 17 my great nanna said to my nanna " go out go to the dance enjoy yourself while youe young" my nanna did go out when she returned she found her mum dead and she said there was newspaper covered in blood from floor to ceiling, I’m sure this was exaggerated but to my nanna at 17 it probably did seem like that to her, she was never tested for cancer I don’t think they did then?

Also my great Grandad (nanna’s dad) did get remarried he was blown up in the war and never found but nanna had 4 step brothers & sisters nanna looked after them they all died one by one of TB there was a really young boy about 6 (james) and the eldest girl was terrified of getting TB but they all died in the end.

Sorry for rambling !! my nanna was alive when the titanic sunk too.

Hey I was thinking I said before my arm pit is swollen and still is do you think you can lymphodemia from the biopsy??
Or before surgery?? just seems odd it wasn’t swollen before the biopsy.

I think I am getting more positive about the surgery now? I don’t feel as afraid (maybe I will when it gets nearer? GULP)
love Caron (sorry for rambling again ) xx

Caron, think you can only get lymphodema once lymph nodes removed but have appointment with lymphodema clinic on Friday so will ask the question for you!

Gail, re genetic testing. My healthcare authority wont do it because i don;t tick enough boxes, however my sister’s does so we’ve been referred to St Georges through her authority and they will test me first before my sister but have said that she has to receive coucilling before testing. I’m very interested in it because as well as my sister i worry about the future of my little girl, but can’t test her till she’s 18!
night night
Jo X

Dear All

I got a text from Shell this morning and she wanted me to let u all know, Unfortunately, she’s back in hospital again because she can’t stop coughing, lungs and ribs ache,and she’s having trouble breathing. She’s being treated for a blood clot on lung. She’s having a CT scan later.

Thinking of you Shell and wishing you the best.


Oh, poor Shell. I guess that’s going to put the kybosh on her holiday, too.

More news from Shell, Thankfully it’s not a blood clot, but it’s pneumonia. She’s got to have IV antibiotics and some strong pain killers and stay in for the rest of the weekend but hopefully she’ll be well enough for Egypt on Thursday.


Shell, just to let you know that I’m thinking of you.
Ihad an awful day yesterday, and after hearing about Shelley I feel so self indulgent and guilty about my woes that I’m not going to moan about them(which I was).
Only 9 rads to go, am suitably fried with a very brown triangle just below my neck spreading on to my chest. The worst parts are the everyday thing, travelling and waiting. The treatment is a piece of case after TAX.
Looking back its been a long physical and emotional haul which inthe next two weeks as far as treatmentboth hospital and medicational will be at an end. I feel it is doing a bungee jump without the support. Every little twinge, ache gnat bite etc is going to put me into emotional turmoil…oh dear I’m complaining again.
To answer the genetic testing question, I’ve applied. My aunt died of breast cancer, my mother of ovarian cancer. I have a daughter and two granddaughters and being triple negative I’m very aware of the repercussions for them. Although an only child I come from a large family and if I can find out about brca1 &2 perhaps my numerous cousins and their children will be alerted and more vigilant and not have to go down this road.
Bertie has been in kennels whilst John has been in Somerset the last couple of days. I have to say I’ve really enjoyed the solitude, and my owncompany. It’s been lovely to have the place to myself.
Tomorrow I’m going to Margate, to see Rhydian. I religiously voted for him in theX Factor. I,m ashamed tosay I love those programmes, I’m a celebrity, strictly etc. I’m so shallow!!!
Have a good weekend girls!
love Kathy

I forgot to say. I’ve become curly. Anyone else with oddities due to TAX?

I REALLY REALLY hope you will be out in time for your hols.
I think you will be ok my nephew has had phnumonia quite a few times and he’s always rallied round after a couple of days.
I reckon you just like the hospitals?? lol. xxx

Jo it wouls be really good if you could remember the question for me, as I looked an dit says it could be due to cancer cellsin lymph nodes but they couldn’t find them on the scan , so am confused now.

Katemate, Steve said the other day I had 1 ( I sress 1 cos thats all I got!! curly hair)

JO was looking into loss of eyebrows yesterday and they do do false ones also gave some info on hair coming back after chemo it said it will start to come back 3— 6 months after chemo.
Longer than I thought so don’t give up hope yetxxx

Susanne doesn’t the dog mind being in kennels??
I think I would be too worried about kennel cough??

Bright no doubt your on a ramble today???
hope I haven’t missed anyone out? love to all love Caronxx

Hi girls,
How I love Eurovision!!! Not so good now they have 2 semifinals as it gets rid of all the mad stuff which I adore. Love the Turkish one!

Kathy - love the fact you are a reality tv addict . Margate made me think of the Aaprentice the other night when they had to rebrand it! hope you had fun. By the way - yes my hair has gone a bit curly…but I hide it under my wig and hats!!

Caron - your animals are scary killing machines!!! They give me nightmares. Swollen armpit could be lots of things. They told me lymph nodes sometimes swell up because of all the stuff being pumped in and all the hormonal changes.

Interesting to hear about everyone’s else’s genetics. Can we share when we find out??

Good to hear of people getting to the end of chemo. Just over one more week unti rads for me.

Jo - reassured to hear tamoxifen is annoying you too!! I am old lady now. Wonder if the side effects get better or worse? I would really like to look in the mirror one day and to like what I see looking back at me. Fickle I know.

Love to all of you I haven’t mentioned…but most of all to …

SHELL - so so crap to hear about your illness. I am keeping everything crossed so that you can get better for your holidays. You and your family so so need the break . Sending you much love and hugs.


LOL - not my dog in kennels! He’d never stand for it. It was Kathy’s dog.

Hello ladies,

Well I am slowly being defeated by the tiredness of the Taxotere. And I am spending a small fortune on taxi fares - as I’ll go somewhere and then my energy levels will deplete and I just feel as if I’ve got to get home as quickly as possible. Went to work a couple of days last week the others I worked at home. It is just the determination of trying to lead a normal a life as possible which enables me to get up on time and leave the house in the mornings. Still it is my last taxotere next Thursday before having that nice extra break before rads - and thinking now about going away for a week before then. No idea where - the delight of course is in the planning.

Yesterday, I went to Lullingstone Castle in Kent. Though this was by mistake as we meant to go to Lullinstone Roman Villa but said castle to the taxi driver. Didn’t even know the castle existed and what a quirky place it was. The castle was a Georgian manor house and closed to the public and the main attractions were ‘world gardens’ and two cacti houses with lots of different coloured stones and paper flowers stuck on to the cacti. Still we enjoyed looking at the gardens including some totem poles and an ice house. I do like to do something every weekend, just so that I can look back on the week and create some distinctive memories.

Shell - really hoping you get well soon for your holiday- and then feel well enough to enjoy it.

Jo and Gail - the tamoxifen sounds wotrying - hope you get used to the side effects soon and they wear off

Suzanne - the chemo will pass quickly - even though it is not so pleasant at the time

Kathy - hope you have lots of chances to see Bertie - sounds a lovely dog.

Caron - the eyebrows are on their way… praying mine stay put. As don’t think I would be good at drawing them in.

Andie, Jo hope the rads are okay - and the boosters are not too painful

Going out now as the sun has just come out.

Love Bright