hair loss???

HI everyone,
Bertie’s back!!!..
Bright, strangely enough we drove through Eynsford on Saturday afternoon when we were picking Bertie up. Iwas saying to John how amazing the Roman Villa is and asked if he’d been there. I then said I went a few years ago, I thought about it for a moment and realised it was FORTY ONE YEARS ago. I’d just started my teacher training and it was part of the environmental studies course. I’d forgotten quite how old Iam.
I went for an eye test this morning, the receptionist asked her if I was over 40! I suggested she needed the eye test not me.
Yesterday my friend, Veronica, her daughter Sophia and I made our way tO Margate. We thoroughly enjoyed Rhydian’s performance. He has an incredible voice, which reduced me to tears when he sang “Somewhere” from Westside Story. He is absolutely potentially world class.
I’m looking forward to next week when the 3 holy terrors arrive from Somerset.I’ve spent the last two and a half years with them and miss them terribly. I fear the baby will have for gotten me. But I speak to the other two regularly. Perhaps I’ll spend a week or so there after treatment is finished.
Are there anymore takers for the meet up? I’m really looking forward to meeting everyone.
Off now to be fried for the 13th time. Love to all, Kathy

Hi Everyone

Glad to see that you are all coping with your ongoing treatments. I find it hard to realise that my life has revolved around hospitals and appointments since last August.

Getting towards the end of rads now. 12 down 3 to go. Don’t remember if I mentioned that they have now added a bolus layer which evidently makes the zap have a better effect on the skin layer(IBC which I was DX with attacks the skin as well). I am finding that I am beginning to suffer from tiredness again, the train journey every day does not help.

I trust our little cyber group all have their finger, toes and anything else crossed hoping that Shell makes it to her Egyptian Holiday.

Kathy it is very unlikely that your little ones will have forgotten you, my 2 year old granddaughter remembers us and we only see her every few months.

Take Care .

Sorry Susanne (Bertie !!)
well what have I done? (not alot) didn’t wake up till 1/2 12 then had a bath it took me ages to get dressed as had to rest from the exertion of getting out the bath!!!
My mam came to let Betty out for me (thanks mam).
Had a email froma girl she said she has been depressed for the last 2 weeks (due to college work) I wonder if she was taking the *i**??
Were not depressed are we girls ?? oh no not us.

Jordan made me a chicken salad for tea

I am really looking forward to the meeting too it will make a change for me to get out these 4 walls.

Victoria have you seen this new programme called divided ? I think you would like it.
I got some flowers from a neighbour on Saturday it’s very nice of him it’s the third time he has got me some and he got me a card today.
Nice of people to think of you isn’t it.
My tongue is completley white now, and my legs are bad too and the numbness in my fingers is worse than ever.

Betty is a good little Betty still, Chloe is just going to bath her.
Chloe had her first refusal for a job today, I told her not to worry there may be plenty more!!
Love Caronxxx

can things possibly get any worse???

banged my thumb nail and it’s come off (made me feel sick)
got to try and get the rest off now :frowning:

I’ve had a bolus since the beginning of rads. I’m really beginning to burn. I keep applying cream, but I’m starting to blister and peel. It is itching as well, its driving me mad.
Caron, sorry about your nail. I have been relatively lucky with mine. I thought I was going to lose mine. They looked discoloured and awful. They started improving immediately after chemo. Although still slightly ridged they are growing well and are really strong.
My hair is thick, not as much grey as I thought, but I think I look ridiculous with curly hair. I hate it. I’ve spent all this time longing for it to grow back and I just don’t like it.
By the way what’s "Divided"about?
Love Kathy

I am really really P****d off now I’m fed up with being like this!!
Ive been crying infront of my kids again (which I hate cos I know it upsets them).
I have an over sized bandage on my thumb now and it’s still hurting as when I went to take some nail off I slipped and pulled all the bloody nail off !!

I am really fed up now I’m sick of feeling like this :frowning:

You’re up late too. Its awful, I hate going to bed as I have the time to think and I end up feeling p*****d off too. Everything about BC knocks you as a woman, no hair, no lashes, no eyebrows, no boobs in a lot of cases, and now for you the loss of a nail.
You’re quite entitled to sob your heart out if you need to. Mine although now grown up have seen me and cried with me.
I always love your posts as you always sound so cheerful, Ithink we try and put on a brave face, a mask to hide behind. Sometimes the masks crack and understandably, when you think of the stress we’re all under.
Hugs Caron and have a good night

Hi ladies,

I am still feeling impossibly tired on this taxotere. I have pre chemo checks tomorrow and then final session on Thursday. In some ways I’m dreading this one the most. When I started with the FEC some four months ago now - I did not know what to expect and just wanted to get started on the treatment. But by this stage in the journey I am not recovering my strength or indeed my usually composed mindset before being bombarded with another dose from the yew. I wonder how much worse my breathing will become this time round, and how I can keep my tears in check. It all feels like Alice falling down the rabbit hole into a strange new and nightmarish land. I need to summon up the energy now to go and make fairy cakes - I’m going to put little daisies on the top - as I am going for tea with a bc chum from my clinic who is also getting over the tax effects.

Caron - hope the nail is not hurting now…
Hope everyone is okay
Special thoughts for Shelley - really hoping you get well enough for Thursday xxx

Bright xxx

Apologies everyone, I know you’re all waiting to hear news from Shell and my computer crashed so have had to use husbands and can’t ever get near it!!!

Had a text from her yesterday, but I’m a bit confused, definately no clot but not sure if it is pneumonia or not, however unfortunately, CT scan shows more cancerous lymph nodes in chest and bigger than last CT scan, so radiotherapy hasn’t worked. She’s hoping to be home Wednesday.

Lots of Love and hugs Shell.

Caron, sorry to hear about your nail, mine are still very sore and am sure I’m gonna loose one sooner rather than later!

Bright, good luck for your final hurdle Thursday!

Night night ladies, so so tired at the mo! These rads are really finishing me off!
Jo X

I have been reading your thread since it began and just want to send my prayers and love to Shelly, xxx God give you strength and healing Shelly, (((gentle hugs)))

thanks for everyone for trying to cheer me up, I was still the same this morning I even got my mum blubbering!! lol

It’s not just 1 nail Ive lost it’s 2 now and deffo more on the way !!

Victoria my breathing is terrible still and am not expecting it to be better for a while yet as last time I went for chemo it took me all my time to walk from van to hospital as breathing and legs bad and that was week 3 so more to come yet, and I feel dizzy (why?)
Did I mention I had thrush again ? (downstairs as well) but it’s getting better now.

Feel deeply ashamed of myself when I think what poor Shelly is going through,everything that could have been bad has for Shelly, this is such a cruel barsteward of a disease.
I only pray that you do come out of hospital tomorrow and then forget about all this S**t and have the time of your life on your hols and see some amazing sites and don’t forget to look at the stars they will be magnificent there (no light polution).
love Caron xxx

Great news! Heard from Shell this morning, she came home last night. Still coughing and pains in legs and knees but has been given a wheelchair to help her get about quicker. All set for hols tomorrow!

Have a wonderful time in Egypt Shelly!



Shell if you get a chance to read this before you go I hope you and your family have the most amazing holiday.

Love and Hugs


Have a lovely time, Shell, and keep well. There’s nothing like some hot sun and some charming Egyptians to make you feel good. When we went, they were fascinated by Mr.G because he had a moustache - apparently it’s lucky in Egypt, and they kept wanting to touch it!

Hi Shell,
So pleased to know that you’re able to go on your much needed holiday.
Enjoy yourselves.
Love Kathy

Hello Shell,

So glad you are back home and can go on your very special holiday. Egypt will be amazing.

Much love to you and your family.

Bright xxxxx

Shelly (bet you don’t read this now )
Bet your all excited !!
Have a fab fab fab & more fab time you deserve it !!!
love Caron xx

Katemate sorry I kept meaning to answer you but kept forgetting
Divided it’s on itv1 5pm ish there are 3 people and they have to agree on the same answer then they lock it and give the answer if they get 3 questions wrong then they are out.
But it’s really intreasting at the end cos there are 3 amounts of money say 1 will be 20,000 2 will be 11.000 and the 3rd will be 7.000
but they each have to agree who gets what and as they are aguing it out the money is dropping all the time.
And if they can’t agree they end up with Zilch!!

Tonight a woman hardly answered any questions at all and she insisted she get the highest amount, there was a guy who was desperate for anything so he said he would take the lowest amount but the middle guy didn’t agree as the woman hadn’t answered any questions (well hardly) so she wouldn’t budge and the lowest guy was pleading with middle guy to accept , he did in the end but she got 9000 (cheeky sod) middle guy got 4000 and lowest guy ended up with a measly 1000 (summats) you’ll have to watch it !!! love caron x

wonder if Shelly’s up yet? getting ready ?? I bet it’s all excitment in her house tonight , who can blame them.


I’ve finished rads today hip hip hooray!!

Final session at Guys early this morning. My skin is quite pink but have been sent on my way with loads of advice and dressings should I have a problem. The skin can carry on deteriorating(SP?) for up to 2 weeks. I see the onc is 2 weeks time to start on tamoxifen then after 10 long months the appointments should gradually become further and further apart. I have been warned that at this point when active treatment has finished some people become very down.

Off for an echocardiogram this afternoon to check that the Herceptin is not affecting my heart then finally start back at the dentist tomorrow to start sorting out the root canal treatment that had to be put on hold whilst I dealt with the BC.

Bright I think it is your last Tax today. Hope it all goes well and you can now put the chemo part of your treatment behind you along with Caron

Jo and Kathy You too are coming to the end of your rads so I hope your skin is holding up.

Love and Hugs


Bright, hope you’re last TAX went well, and congratulations on finishing the hardest part of the treatment.

Caron, have sent you an e mail re conversation with Lympho nurse today, hope you’re recovering from last Chemo.

Kathy and Andie, That’s me, all finished cooking and am glad to have that over. I have to confess that I didn’t really cope with rads too well. Feel disappointed as everyone said it was the easy part but I have really struggled with tiredness and soreness, much more than i thought I would. Still as of today, no more treatment. Back in 4 weeks to check skin, then middle of August to see Onc and make sure I’m ok on Tomoxafin then dreaded surgeon appointment in November. He’d better not give me any bad news this time and screw up another Christmas! Here’s hoping.

Take Care Ladies
Jo X