hair loss???

Hi girls,
To all those who have finished rads and the dreaded TAX, congratulations. Caron and Bright, Jo is right, the hardest is over.

And I’ve got 3 WHOLE DAYS OFF!!

Jo, I’m struggling with rads as well. I’m tired, sore and fed up with the daily grind of travelling. My skin is beginning to break.
All they will give is geliform which is very cooling for short times, other than that its E45 or aqueous cream.
But I finish next Friday, and I can’t wait.

Gail, Susanne, Andie and everyone have a great weekend.
Love Kathy

Hello girls,

Well it was the final chemo today, at long last. Feel as if I’ve completed a marathon, even though I’ve still got the after effects of the final tax to get through. The worst part at the moment is just feeling so close to tears all the time, and the constant tiredness. Finger nails and toe nails still in place, eye brows thinned slightly, eye lashes unchanged. Have lost some head hair on the tax - but still have a full covering, but not out of the woods yet as still have hair loss to endure with this final taxotere, and not sure how long it goes on for afterwards.

Just hope the marathon has been worth it. Moving on to rads in five weeks, hope to take a holiday before then. Hopefully with hickman line removed.

Congrats to Andie and Jo for completing rads - and hope you enjoy a well earned rest. Not long Kathy for you - you’ll soon be through.

Hope you are okay today Caron.

Love to everyone else.

Love Bright

Hi all,
well been sleeping odd hours lately!!Thursday I went to sleep at 2:20 pm (as never slept Wednesday night!) and I woke up at 2:30 AM ! been awake since then hoping I will sleep tonight ? but it’s 1 am now.
When I woke last night at 2:30 am my throat was really hurting so I had another cry and I had blood in my throat, why’s it always hurt at night and in the morning more?
Steve did make me a cuppa though which was very nice as I had woke him up.
My friend Christine went for her CT scan today and she is coming to see me next week with another friend Sally.
My gums are quite swollen in places.
I am still doddery!! can’t remember if I told you or not the other night I was dusting the ceiling fan and balancing on the bed and fell off, I never hurt myself but Steve & mam told me off.
My BCN rang yesterday to make sure I had appointment , I have next Tuesday Steve told her I was worried and she said she will talk to me.
Andie out of the frying pan (excuse pun lol) into the fire with you ! dentist already are you mad woman??? lol
Thanks Jo for that I think out of A & B it is more likely to be B.
Hope you are ok V know you have been down lately.
Where is Susanne???
And Kate mate glad your all ok tell you who we haven’t heard from for a while GAIL ??? don’t leave us !!!
love Caron xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Hello all,

Well the euphoria of having got through the final tax infusion is wearing off. It is so frustrating to have such lovely weather and not feel up to taking advantage of it. Yesterday we went to see OH’s mother near Bournemouth and I ended up sleeping for most of the train journey. Though it was nice to sit outside in her garden among the oriental poppies when we arrived. Later we went for a walk through the woods to the sea by Highcliffe Castle. At the moment I am amid the chemo fog with fatigue and nausea being the main problems - and expecting the usual aches and pains to set in soon.

I am cooking though this evening making a chicken chasseur whilst OH clears the spare bedroom and dining room in preparation for special arrival of Caron in a few weeks. Things are very cluttered here to say the least - but have now seen the dining room carpet - not witnessed here for several years. And we can almost reach the downstairs loo again.

Have a good weekend.

Love Bright x

hello all,
Bright, I understand your frustation at not being able to take advantage of the beautiful weather.

I love the sun and normally would be slapping on factor 30-50. I love to feel the warmth of the sun on me. However, the heat from radiotherapy is too hot. Parts of me are so sore, my skin looks and feels awful, the pressure of my seat belt, really hurts.

To see the sun shining and not being able to sit in the garden, with a book and a G and T is unbearable.

We’re spending the day with some friends one of whom was given a grim prognosis in January. She has pancreatic cancer with liver mets and was told in Jan that she had 12 weeks to live. She is doing incredibly well and looks fantastic.
We’ve all been friends since school so am looking forward to a good, lively day.

FINISH!!!rads on Friday. After which I am meeting up with friends. We’re going to see Billy Eliot the musical. I have seen it before and the music was wonderful. A young friend of mine who plays Billy’s friend has been in it for ayear and it will be her last performance. She is 12 and has grown too tall. She has other things in the pipeline and spent 6 months an Eastenders as Courtney Mitchell. She is a lovely girl and doesn’t realise just how good she is.

Hope, Bright, you last side effects aren’t too bad.

Enjoy the rest of the weekend,
Love Kathy

Hello lovely ladies,

Have had hubbie’s lovely sister and her 18month old girl here for last few days. Lots of fun, but I keep getting really tired in the afternoon…really zonked out. I think the treatment is coming back to haunt me!!! I’m just not as fit as I was. I’m not talking jogging… just a half day of retail therapy is a killer now!!! Back still niggling too…but off to my chiropracter tmorrow. Hoping it’s innocent and just my normal back rubbish!! So hard not to get carried away with worry though. Also got a bit broody…eek! It was watching my monster playing with his cousin…so cute…just wish he could have a sibling!! he’ll have to grow up a nutter only child like me!!

We have also been in the garden lots. Andie - i remember you saying how much gardening tired you out. I did one pot…and that was it. But we did have a couple of BBQs …very nice.

Start rads on Weds…dreading it. Jealous of all you girls who have completed. Can’t face hospital everyday. Wish I’d managed to fit in a holiday before it started really.

Any Blue fans out there? Saw Lee Ryan in a farm shop today with his baby… Oh the excitement!!!

Much Love all,

Gail nice to see you back wondered where you’d gone.

I went out in the garden yesterday I used my factor 50 only I didn’t put any on my legs and ended up with very burn’t legs last night think the chemo must have made it worse cos have never been like that before, anyway it’s a bit better today.

I have developed a itchhy rash around my neck???
Have had it for 3 days now with no signs of going was it JO that had a rash???
Steve said it might be nerve rash???/
Have you any idea ladies? might it be from the tax???

Got to get my sleeping pattern sorted out but one day when I made sure I stayed awake I still stayed awake at night!!!

Got an appointment tomorrow with BCN so let you know tomorrow how it goes.

Katemate am trying to remember Courtney Mitchell in Eastenders my nephew tried for the part of Billie Elliot but he never got it.
anyway wish this rash would go it’s a little on my chest too.
love Caronxx

Caron - could the rash be the sun?? I always have a rash on my chest/neck area. gets worse when I’m nervous and ctaches the sun very quickly there too.

Hubbie told me there was a good TV programme on sleeping as I am having trouble since being on Tamoxifen. Will try to find it and see what I can learn and share!!!

Good Luck with the BCN!


Hi girls,
Nice to have you back Gail, we missed you.

I’ve woken up with a bad back today, I’m sitting with a hottie on it which is helping. Every ache, every pain, is my first thought going to be, has it spread?

CAron, try ad keep your neck, and chest area out of the sun because the rads may exacibate any skin damage. Courtney was Grant’s daughter
( ross kemp)
I’m so excited, I’m going to see my somerset grandchildren tomorrow. I used to see them everyday and I miss them terribly.

Hope everyone had a good weekend

Love to all, Kathy

Hi Ladies

Yes Caron it was me with the taxotere rash! Started off in a small patch on tummy but within 24 hours had spead over entire body! Itchy chicken poxy kinda rash, very very attractive it was! To this day the onc can’t understand why i didn’t get it on tax 1 or 3 only 2! It’s a mystery, personally i put it down to the green tea i started drinking at the time to try and be healthy! Haven,t ried it since, just in case!

Well all treatment over now, you’d think i’d be cock-a-hoop! but no, can’t stop crying! Lost big toe nail and thumb nail this weekend, very sore, my rads burns are very sore, got constant toothache and now my left (surgery) arm is painful i can hardly move it. Rads has toughened up my scar under my arm to such an extent i can barely lift it now. Back to physio tomorrow! It’s gonna be a long haul this recovery! Feel really bad for moaning when not all of you finished your treatment yet, sorry!

On a brighter note, just had a delivery of some beautiful champagne and chocs from my best friend, congratulating me on finishing treatment, so i really must stop complaining!

Lots of Love
Jo X

Hi Jo

I do so relate to how you are feeling. We have come to the end of active treatment and suddenly I feel as if all I can do now is cross my fingers and hope. Maybe not the recommended medical advice but thats how it feels.

I thought it was just me having a problem under my arm where the scar tissue is. It feels swollen and uncomfortable, together with the numbness remaining in my arm from the surgery, that side is constantly on my mind.Have you been told if it will go back to how it was before rads? I see my onc next tuesday so will ask then.

Caron you really have to be careful of the sun. I was told by the nurse that after rads you should put factor 50 on even under light cotton clothing. I have always come out in a rash on my chest when I first go in the sun every year.

Kathy sorry to hear that you have a back problem, but you must be really excited to see the little ones again.

Take Care everyone


hi Jo and Andie - I’ve been thinking about treatment too - only because I’m due no. 5 of 6 this week and due to start rads and tamoxifen in about 6 wks and have been thinking then what??? Did you both have rads to armpit or just breast? I’m due 15 goes to boob and then 8 to scar as a booster, no armpit as I have clearance…mary x

Hi Mary

That is a very good question, and one to which I have no idea. I just blindly did as I was told by the onc and had rads. I had node clearance but really don’t know if they zapped the armpit or not. From the area that is currently discoloured from the rads I would quess that the armpit was involved, also following surgery I had a numbness along the inside of my area where the nodes were cleared and the nerves were disturbed. During rads this problem got slightly worse. Because I had IBC I had a bolus placed over the zap area to bring the effect into the skin but I had no exra boosters.

Sorry not to be more helpful


Hi ladies,

Well, I’m burnt to a crisp and another 3 days to go! They have taken a swab, told me not to apply any more cream or use shower gel. Think it is infected and have given me strong antibiotics.
It has not been the walk in the park they said it would be. I have very sensitive skin, tan easily
I’m really careful with sun protection.
Sorry to moan but am feeling a little sorry for myself. | certainly don’tworry to you ladies appoachint belt rubs as do my g rads. MOST rads are a piece of cake, I had no problem with surgery, Chemo was unpleasant but this is really restricting, I can’tdrive because the seat belt rubs, myclothes rub. Not the best end of treatment for KATHY

HI All,
I don’t know if it’s from the sun? as it’s on the back of my neck too, it could be cos I have the polymorphic light eruption thing I did put factor 50 on only forgot my shoulders & legs!! why I don’t know it’s going down now even my surgeon today said you have a bit of sunburn you have to be careful you know.

So went to see surgeon today could hardly walk a nurse asked me if I wanted a wheel chair !!!(I thought I was walking alright as well if not a bit slow)
So surgeon said he wanted me to have anotherf scan just to make sure it was mx so had scan went to see him again and he said your tumor started at 4.1 today it is 1.4 !!!
But he said I would’t be happy unles you had a mx cos you have 2 areas with it in the same breast (I did know I had 2 but I only know the size of the big one (that is now small by comparison!)).
He said do you want a rebuild ? I said yes he said would you want it at same time? I said yes cos I don’t think I would be able to go under again.He said I might have to have a blood transfusion has anyone else had one???
so then my BCN rung me up at home she said I have your surgery date I said oh great (sarky) it’s 1st July she said he will take muscle from my back (do I not get a choice?)she’s coming on 17th to my house again to see me and tell me more.

Don’t worry JO Ive lost 2 nails and more to come by the looks of things.

Oh yeah said to BCN im findin git hard to walk she said yes ppl who had had tax cant walk far as tax causes muscles to waste (didnt know this no wonder i cant bloomin walk far!)

I am the last out of all of us to have mx arnt I ? all on my tod boo hoo !!!
love caron xx

Hi Caron,
Ihad blood transfusions after my mx. IT was no problembut Iwasn’t expecting to. After op my blood pressure was very low and I kept feeling faint. I was given 4 pints, it took a while but felt better immediately,
I’m having rebuild but a few month after rads as they want my skin to recover from it. IT will be the same op as your having but probably not until early next year.
Love Kathy

Hi guys,
Just a quickie as Steve’s dad arriving to visit soon!
Caron - such good news about your nasty. That is an excellent reaction. I couldn’t walk far on tax either…very breathless. Don’t worry we will all still be here when you are going through your surgery. I wasn’t allowed recon straight away because of the rads and suspect I may never get around to it, so good idea to gt it done immediately !!

Had my first rads today and hated it. My arms killed me. Hope I get used to it and presume it will get quicker. I am having 25 lots…yikes…everyday for 6ish weeks…yikes.

Mary - they are doing 3 areas. My chest wall, armpit (only had 7 nodes taken in surgery as here they do rads rather than full clearance and i had one pos)and my throat area (as apparently other nodes lurk there). Not meat to be haVING boosters.

Kathy - poor you…sounds horrid…hope you heal soon!

Much love all,

hi girls - been to see onc and he’s reducing the last 2 tax doses - anyone else had theirs reduced?? Kathy - sounds horrible - I dread the rads, I always get burnt easy in the sun etc and skin seems sensitive at the best of times - oh dear I’m such a ladyee you see…! ;0) mary x

Hi all,
I am feeling really good today (even if I don’t look it!)
I think it’s cos this is the first day I have been up all day and am thinking no more chemo to bring me down again !!
And am thinking it’s just all a matter of time now before things start to return to normality !! (hair ect)
I am cooking dinner today thats the first time in ages I will have cooked (no more steve’s cooking!) we are having chicken in lime sauce with egg noodles.

I had a visit today from Christine who starts chemo tomorrow and Sally (who brought me a bottle of wine!).
We had a good chat Christine seemed very positive about her chemo she just wants to get on with it now.

I wonder if the rads will have the same effect as the sun on me??
with all you lot saying your crisps am worring as I have polymorphic I have a contact with a girl with polymorphic who has just had rads so will pm her see how she got on.

Actually all you girls who were saying you get a rash with the sun that is polymorphic there are 2 types one where it is worse at beginning of summer (thats what I have) and can be worse at end of summer and the other one is where it ia bad all summer long.
love caron xxx

why are reducing your dose of tax???
are you not coping with it? my onc said to me we will throw as much at you as you can take, I think they know if it’s too much by your blood but am not certain???
No never had mine reduced. take care love Caron x