Hair Loss
Hair Loss Evening everyone,
This is a weird one but probably quite common, but it is really bugging me. Started my chemo last August, cant remember what the chemo was called but it was one that caused hair loss, i lost my hair on my head, legs and under arms but eyelashes and eyebrows were ok, after the four sessions i went onto a different chemo drug and my hair started growing back, my chemo finished in the first week of January and yet in the last 5 weeks ive lost loads of eyelashes, all have gone from the bottom lids and a lot from the top and ive lost a lot of hair from eyebrows, why now are they coming out and do they grow back? i feel naked and weird without them. All other areas of my body are growing back.
Yes Hi Tracey,
My lashes and eyebrows were the last to fall out but happy to say they returned the quickest. I think I was without them for less than a month.
I am 6 months from the end of chemo and while most of my body hair has returned I still have no hair under my arms-which is GREAT of course. I hope that never grows back HA HA that would be perfect !
Love Ali
Hi Tracey
Like the last post my eyebrows and eyelashes thinned considerably but they also came back really quick, wish I could say the same for my hair, although its coming back fast its sooooooooooooo grey with a bit of black in it. Someone asked this weekend if I’d had a blue rinse!! I’m 43 not bl…dy 93 also an old man said come this way gentlemen when my husband and I were getting in a lift at the hospital, unfortuantely he didnt get out at the opthalmology dept so cant say it was because he was blind! talk about BC knocking your confidence, hopefully we will all be able to look back in 12 months and have a laugh at the things that happened along our journeys with BC.
Take heart my eyelashes have now got to the length where they curl again and its only been 2 months since they thinned/broke off.
Clare (S)
Thank you both,
its so good to hear other people’s story. Thought i was going mad but so glad that other people experienced that it was the last thing to go and great that it will grow back faster than the hair on my head is doing. The hair under my arms isnt growing back either, weird but the hairs on my legs are, booooo, its been great not shaving. After the upset of loosing my hair on my head its great now when going out and i dont have to bother washing and styling my hair i can just put this perfection of a wig on, choose a headband and off i go. Brill.
Thanks again.