Hair Loss

God this BC is turning me into a cry baby. I thought I was prepared for loosing my hair, wig is ready have bought hats and scarves. Now it is actually starting to fall out I have been in tears most of the day and feel that I will never go outside the house again! I have never been one for crying lots but since this BC diagnosis I seem to have not stopped crying! Can never imagine feeling nice again. Even typing this I am telling myself to pull myself together but its not happening! Today I hate having B.C. Having 2nd Tax on Thursday only 4 to go.

Lyn x x

Hi Lyn

Sorry you are feeling down. It will be back and it won’t be that long - and here’s some proof!

Take care


Lyn, even those of us who, on the surface, look like they’re busy just getting on with being bald have our moments of tears. I have to say that I’m heartily sick of being bald, as I have been since the middle of March. But it’s growing back now (still too short to be called a hairstyle) and it is only temporary, so I have to just grin and bear it, and then go off and have a sob and feel really grumpy on my own when I need to, or I come on here because everyone on here understands.

It was one of the most emotional times for me- so much part of our identity… all I can say is that while I am DESPERATE for my hair to re-grow, you do get used to it…but it’s hard when you look in the mirror and don’t recognise wh’s looking back at you! Jane

Hi Lyn, sounds like your at the same stage as me. Mine started falling out last Monday, then by Friday I got fed up as it was so thin that my OH shaved it off what was left for me. I’ve been away at the weekend, so wore hats all the time and felt fine, as nobody knew me. I’m very much dreading going out locally, and having to deal with it. I’m sure it will get easier - most things seem to in time. Sending you a hug xxx

Hi Lyn,

I have lost my hair twice now because of chemo, the first time I was absolutely devastated, this time it really didnt bother me, I have finished my treatment now and my hair is growing back, I actually prefer my wig to my own hair, that sounds awful I know but my wig is a better colour and suits me great,

I am not even going to bother saying anything to you with regards to how you feel and it sounds to me as if you will come to terms with it in your own way, it is easy for us to say to you it will grow back, you already know that and it isnt going to change how you feel now,

the best thing you can do is deal with how you are feeling today, tomorrow is a different day and with this issue you will be surprised just how much difference a day can make to you,

I will be honest at one point during my treatment I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror and burst out laughing I looked like uncle festa, bald, fat, as white as a sheet, and 2 black eyes lol,

It isnt easy, quite the opposite, but you will, in your own time deal with this issue,

I didnt wait for clumps of hair to fall, I shaved my head myself with the thought, you have taken my breast cancer, this time I will take my hair…

all the very, very best to you, thinking of you lots of love Liz xxx

I am now 20 months post Diagnosis and I still feel losing my hair was the worst bit.Yes it does grow back and in fact it is thicker than before but that doesn’t make it feel any better. I used to get such a shock when I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror, looking like a zombie but as time went on it got easier.I now wear my hair short but all in all I’m now a different person.
Good Luck with it all xx

I have to say losing my hair was & is the worse thing about my dx.I could cope with the chemo & now the rads, but my hair lose nearly did me in. But now its growing back I can look back & see that Ive got through it, yes Ive cried buckets, everytime I looked in the mirror I saw an ugly fat bold person looking back at me, but my hair was not who I am. Now I put my wig on & hold my head high, were as back when I first lost my hair I would look down & not have eye contact with people. Yesterday I went to watch Liverpool play at anfield on my own, something I would never have thought I would have done way back in march when I shaved my hair off. You will cry & you will have days when you think why me, but you will come out the other side stronger, I wont tell you that it will grow back because that will not help you deal with your hair lose,but I will say I never thought I would deal with it but I have & you will to. Get yourself a couple to wigs & as many hats & scarfs as you need, do what you feel happy with, because after all beauty comes from within & not having to dry & style your hair for a few months is really quite nice:) Lesley xx

I too felt like you a couple of months ago. Now look at what I’ve just posted on another thread today C&P’s below.

“I finally bared my head to OH this morning. First time I’ve dared let him see it as I thought if he saw it we’d never have sex again. Havent had the sex yet so could be right, but it was only this morning so give the lad some time. I’ve a fine downy growth of hair coming back and it looks dark. I like to be blonde. Ah well, at least it’s hair.”

"It was partly the sex thing and also a weapon held in reserve for a vital moment, not to be frittered away as I’m a nasty scheming woman. Suddenly feeling in need of exta nurturing, whip off the hat /scarf/hat/ bike helmet/wig/plant pot/tea towel. Delete as applicable. Always keep a bullet in reserve. "

It too will pass.


I started losing my hair 14 days after the first EC chemo session. Running my hands through my hair and finding clumps of hair was distressing and I can certainly empathise with how you are feeling.

But - it is a side effect of the chemo - some people are lucky and keep their hair by having scalp cooling treatments. However, these treatments can add on 2 to 3 hours of time spent in the chemo unit. I tried it once and it didn’t work for me. I could try and blame the nurse who assisted me but what is the point in that? What has happened, happened and I am dealing with it.

So - my hair started falling out, and I cut it short, then shorter. And now I have shaved it all off even though I know there is still hair in places as it feels rough in places. Some people wear scarves, I wear my wig and I feel confident and comfortable in it. People I know pass me by in the street because I don’t look like I used to do - but I am still me and my friends and family are becoming more accustomed to how I now look.

And sex? Now I feel more confident wearing the wig - it’s game on! In fact I have ordered another wig off ebay - my OH may be in for some surprises.

Mm, might get another wig myself, something totally different. A bedroom wig. Now whare’s thst website.

Hi everyone, I just thought I would update you all. I have worn wig for 3 hours today, and bless my 3 year old nephew said to me I like your new hair auntie Lyn! Still haven’t had the heart to shave my hair yet but it is a total mess and the wig does look much better! I am having a slightly better day today and thank you all for your support and replies after my bad day yesterday. Has anyone managed to wear their wig all day?

Love and hugs Lyn x x

HI just thought I would ask,I have a REALLY sore scalp,my hair is falling out its really thin and patchy now and ive been wearing my head scarfs because it looks so bad, but i dont have the courage to shave it off, so im wandering if this is why my scalp is sore and if shaving it off will help cos its driving me mad now

Shaved mine on Friday and scalp doesn’t hurt anymore, but not sure whether that is because it has been shaved, or whether it stops hurting when all of the hairs that were going to fall out, have fallen out? xxx

My head really hurt until I shaved my hair off, then it was fine.I have worn my wig all day at my sons graduation a few weeks ago, it was ok, a bit hot, but I will have to get used to it, as my hair will not have grown back in time when I start back to work in september, & not happy to go without it.

Yes i wear it all day at work , i shaved my own hair off as i like to take control, the cancer was not gettin to it first . I felt better , on the plus side we get ready much quicker in the mornings , 30 mins shower and full makeup !!! then out the door - well when im actually well enough !!!
u will be fine xx

Yes I wear my wig all day at work 3 days per week. But can’t wait to rip it off when I get home.
Had no 1 cut 2 weeks ago. Scalp still sore.

I just can’t help it. I ABSOLUTELY HATE losing my hair.

Women have been losing hair on chemo for years. With all the research going on, how come they can’t come up with some treatment that will stop this happening? The cold cap doesn’t work and is really unpleasant.

WHY WHY WHY do we have to go through this???

Angry Lin

I shaved for charity a few years back, so on starting chemo, thought ‘what a doddle!’
Wrong! I sobbed 'til I couldn’t breath. OH was flying down the motorway to catch a well known catalouge store before closing, and brought home some clippers. At first he refused to cut my part hairy head, in case he messed it up!?
What a relief when it’s gone. The pysical pain ends.

Hi Linstar - the cold cap does work for some … it all depends on the chemo cocktail the nurses told me today. I am on a particularly strong dose and have been losing mine using the cap … but I agree, you’d think they would have found something by now. Spoke to Richard Paxman of Paxman Cooling Systems and they are working on a new system to stop hair loss … but maybe if there are chemo drugs that don’t cause hair loss, these can be developed for those of us that need the stronger doses?

I’m a scarf wearer… almost at the end of my chemo YAY!
When I get up in the morning and pop to the loo, I look in the mirror and think… Yep you have great lips!.. the top of my head doesnt get a look in!
good luck! x