Hi Lyn,
I have lost my hair twice now because of chemo, the first time I was absolutely devastated, this time it really didnt bother me, I have finished my treatment now and my hair is growing back, I actually prefer my wig to my own hair, that sounds awful I know but my wig is a better colour and suits me great,
I am not even going to bother saying anything to you with regards to how you feel and it sounds to me as if you will come to terms with it in your own way, it is easy for us to say to you it will grow back, you already know that and it isnt going to change how you feel now,
the best thing you can do is deal with how you are feeling today, tomorrow is a different day and with this issue you will be surprised just how much difference a day can make to you,
I will be honest at one point during my treatment I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror and burst out laughing I looked like uncle festa, bald, fat, as white as a sheet, and 2 black eyes lol,
It isnt easy, quite the opposite, but you will, in your own time deal with this issue,
I didnt wait for clumps of hair to fall, I shaved my head myself with the thought, you have taken my breast cancer, this time I will take my hair…
all the very, very best to you, thinking of you lots of love Liz xxx