Hair loss

I had my first FEC treatment on 13th August. I noticed my hair starting to break away very easily two days ago. Just wondering how long people have waited before either shaving or cutting their hair. I’m really unsure whether to do it now or wait a bit

I waited until a bald patch appeared across the front of my head. After OH shaved it for me, I bathed my scalp in cool water and aqueous cream. What a relief!

I shaved my hair to a grade 5 once it started falling out everywhere . This happened 14 days after my 21st fec .

1st. Fec is what I meant to put

I had a real hair wig made
After my first FEC I had my head shaved and started wearing my wig.
I also waxed off body hair. This really helped me deal with the impact of loosing my hair xx

Mine went 2 weeks after first EC, but only lost hair on head at that point, the rest waited until at least 3 or 4 sessions before it gave up the ghost and vanished. My husband shaved it grade 3 and then grade 1 a week or so later then it was literally tufty.

It can feel a bit like a relief when it’s gone, at least mine did, one hurdle over!

None of you tried cold cap?