Evening ladies.
Well after 3 EC and 1 docetaxel what was left of my hair has finally decided to go. I’ve been reluctant to shave off what was left as I hate seeing myself in the mirror but I now have just fuzz.
My question is should I now shave what’s left so that hopefully any regrowth will be even? Also is there is anything i can do to help stimulate regrowth or protect my scalp?
Helen x
Hi Helen, I had cut my hair to a grade 3 as soon as my hair started falling out and lost most of it like you be my 3rd dude of FEC. It very slowly started to grow back after first docetaxol and before the last one I git my husband to shave it all off to a grade 2 so I had an s en base for the new growth. A couple of months on, I have a co eating of about 1 - 1.5 cm but in places not very thick, so I’m going to have it shaved off again - grade 2 or 3 (not sure if it’s long enough for a 3!) and maybe let it grow once it’s thickened up all over. I’m 52 so it’s grown back white mostly do I’ll be wearing my wig until I can colour it anyway. There’s a product called Nioxin that helps with hair growth although I haven’t used it myself, I’m just using a gentle shampoo (Forever Living jojoba) and conditioner. I bare my scalp as much as possible around the house and I’m more used to how I look now.
Good luck with the rest of your treatment 
I am still waiting for my hair to start going - only had one FEC of 6.
Had my hair cut to about 1/4" to minimise distressand the darned stuff is still growing - so considering having it shorn again, if it does not go soon. But know I have to be carefull that they do not nick my scalp.
Once Chemo is over I am likely to use Regain, as it appears to be specific for hairloss/regrowth.