Hair loss

Hi ya, I am just about to start my chemo. I had my hair cut this week. It was really bad, I have had long hair since I was 10yrs old, I’m 51yrs now!! my family found it as hard as I did. They just want me to be better, but we all know that is not going to happen. I have been given about 10yrs which is great as I have just become a Grandma. My grandson is 8wks old now and is more beautiful than you can believe! (every grandma has the most wonderful grandchild in the world) He was born at 5.25am the day after my surgery, 5 days later (as soon as the drains came out) I made the 4 hour drive by my self to see my grandson and drove back the same day! I have been to see my grandson twice more since then (mind you I did not do the down and back in one day) and I am going to see him soon. My family all need there space which leaves me a bit lonely. My extended family are good but some of you must feel the same, you don’t want to be a bother. I hope that the net may be the answer. sorry to be a bother, if anyone wants to chat, I’m here for you too!! bye for now.


First, congratulations in becoming a grandma! Your grandson sounds beautiful and I am sure that you will have many years of pleasure from him. Im told that it gets even better with grandchildren, (you can always pass them back, so just get all the good bits!!) You don’t say what treatment you are going to be on, and how come they have given you a ‘time limit’? I tend to think now that no-one knows how long they have got, including people who haven’t had the dreaded, so I just try to think, hey Im here right now and Im going to get as much pleasure from everything as I can. Im not saying that it always works, but it sure is enough of a reminder to give me a sharp kick up the rear end when I forget!!

How did your op go? & that was one hell of a journey to make just 5 days later, I suppose the little bundle at the end made it all worth while! I found a lot of support on this site during my treatment, even if sometimes I didn’t post I still felt very much supported and cared for, so please come onto here if ever you need a hug!

Much love
Debbie x

Hi denb4be

Congratulations on the birth of your grandson, as Debbie has said he sounds beautiful.
I thought you may find our live chat sessions of interest, live chat is Breast Cancer Care’s online chat facility where you can talk to others in real time. It is facilitated by an expert moderator and a nurse who are on hand to point you to sources of help and information. But for most people, the chance to talk to others in a similar situation is what counts. The general live chat session is on a Thursday from 9pm - 10pm, for more information see the link or call the helpline on 0808 800 6000

Kind regards

Congratulations on yur grandson. Good luck with the start of your chemo - I can’t offer any personal words of wisdom on how to get through it as I was spared the chemo stage. However, there have been many posts about how do-able it is, I hope you have a smooth journey through this stage of your journey.

I’m having a good day today, but thanks to all of you for getting back to me. I typed a whole post and lost it some how, I’m still not that great on the computer! If I have posted a un-finished post let me know. If not don’t worry you all know what it’s like. I’m off now, I start the chemo on Tuesday and I’ll just to have to take it as it comes. Talk again soon