Hello Luvlies,
Can people please share their experiences of removing underarm hair after node clearance (last June)
I’m aware of the risk of lymphodema if I cut myself with a wet razor so went to buy an electric one today but could only see epilators. Do you think I could use this or might the pulling trigger it? What about creams or can they irritate?
Totally trivial stuff I know but I’m starting to feel a bit like a yeti.
Just to let you know I went mad and had laser treatment for all my hairy bits. That was 4 years ago. I’ve had no probs with my underarm area…I had 11 nodes removed and have never experienced lymphodaema in that arm. Of course exercise helps with swelling etc (I had lymphodaema in my leg and ascites in my abdomen. Looked like mr blobby.
I think if underarm hair is a problem, then try laser treatment. No razors, cuts, no hair pulling etc. And it is safe
Best wishes
I use Veet. Not ideal as Ive waxed for 22 years, but thats what I was advised to use.
I use a Philips electric razor which has a slightly higher setting for underarms to reduce the chance of nicks. Been using it for years - although only a year since my nodes were done - and never had any problems. I’ve just looked on Amazon and something similar is still available, although there do seem to be many more epilators about now. Too painful for me 
Hope Florida was good!
I use an epilator and always have. Am a bit numb under there still so need to be careful not to “catch” the skin. BTW am really chuffed can get my arm up high enough, was a hard slog after frozen shoulder (post radiotherapy)