hair to-day

i finished my chemotherapy in august and am pleased to have the return of my hair (even if it has come back curly and dark),would like to have a some colour put in it to feel a little brighter but obviously want to avoid any possible damage to it,does anybody know if it’s ok to have a colour i am taking tamoxifen if that makes any difference. makes a nice change to discuss something like hair colour instead of surgical/medical procedures.

Hi Shazza.
I think the BCC publications say wait 3 to 6 months before colouring your hair. I finished chemo in June and put a tiny bit of bleach just on tips on my spiky bits in September, just to brighten it up. I found that my new hair was really flat and much darker than I thought it would be. I always used to have highlights so I suppose I forgot what my natural colour was. In December, I decided to due it all blonde but It didn’t take as I wanted it to. It was quite yellow so last week, I dyed it back to brown. I’m using a semi permanent colour. Happy colouring x x


Here’s the link to the publication “Breast Cancer and Hair Loss”. It does have information on how long to wait before colouring hair.

Hope this helps

Very best wishes

BCC Facilitator

I finished chemo the end of june & my hair started to come back by sept, by the end of sept I had enough to go without my wig. This monday I went to the hairdresser for the first time post treatment & had it cut & coloured. It came back very curly & grey, which it never was before. I have to say the colour has taken great & its made me feel human again. I did have a skin test & strand test done before I had it done.

thanks lisa and crazylesley and jan
i went to the hairdressers and she trimmed and shaped my hair as the the style was becoming scarily like my old headmistress,it was quite dark with tight curls and much coarser than my old hair,i might leave it a little longer following your advice don’t want to ruin it now i’ve just got it back.
thanks again all of you x