

Hair Hi everyone,

Just wanted to share that today I went to the hairdressers!! Now, nearly five months since my last chemo, my hair is circa 2 inches long but it was sooo grey. (There’s nothing wrong with grey hair, it just didn’t do much for me). My hairdresser has put a semi permanent rinse, brownish/red colour, on it which will last for 4 - 6 weeks. I’m so pleased with the results. I look more like myself (if you know what I mean).

Also wanted to wish you all a Merry Christmas and I hope that 2007 is a good year for everyone.

Hi Tigerlily, Susanne, Debbie and the rest of the group, if you are reading this I would love to know how you are getting on.

love Sunshine

what lovely happy news to read, thank you.
merry xmas.
sharon. x

Hair Hi Sunshine

I too went to the hairdressers on Saturday! My hair has been growing for 6 months now and came back very mousy brown. Like you my hairdresser put on a semi permanent rinse on the bottom and I had two shades of colour put on the top. She trimmed it and gave it a bit of shape and I am so so pleased with it. I always had a long bob before I lost my hair but now I’m sticking with the pixi style - LOVE IT!!


Love Sandra

Hi ! Hi Sunshine, and everyone else! Congratulations on your ‘new’ hair do!

Am doing OK now, thanks. Skin has settled down following rads, and i almost feel like my old self again. Chemo effects still hanging on when it comes to my nails - my fingernails have grown back, but the last affected part of my big toenail fell off only two weeks ago. Tamoxifen is not too bad - except I find that I get a hot flush (or two) after a glass of wine (or two…) - a toss up between a hot flush or glass of wine? No contest really!!

Saw my Onc yesterday for post-rads follow-up. I overdid stuff the weekend before (painted 3 doors in 1 hour, went Christmas shopping, then put up outdoor Christmas lights & indoor decs…), then wondered why my arm was aching. Ho hum.

Glad I’ve got my energy and my brain back - only now that i feel this good again do I realise how lousy i was throughout the year! I haven’t been around here much as I’ve been throwing myself back into life with [too much?] gusto, but I do ‘drop in’ occasionally.

Wishing you all a Happy Christmas and a great 2007!


Cheers hello sunshine

I have just had my hair cut short as I used the cold cap and it was all different lengths, but had that much new hair coming through it was better to even it.

I had long highlighted hair before all this and it has come back dark brown so I applied a semi myself to lighten it slightly.

Am suffering from rads still. because I had to have neck,collarbone and armpit blasted too I have some fluid build up in those areas and am very tight again like I have just had surgery. I am doing lots ot stretching and the post surgery excersises again but I am finding it uncomfortable.

Tamoxifen seems OK, like tigerlily I am getting the odd flush but nothing major (and yes especially after wine) but I have had problems with the Herceptin, my heart isn’t liking it too much, I was made to have a break halfway through as my echo cardigram score dipped from 64 to 50 but after 3 weeks and missing just 1 treatment it went back 65, so was allowed to resume last week and hopefully heart will behave and I will get to finish the treatment, however did take 7 attempts to get a vein.

It is a good feeling once that chemo starts to leave your system, I suppose we all just got used to being tired and putting up with all those horrible side effects, it’s good that we are starting to feel better in ourselves especially this time of the year,

Hope we all remain fit and healthy and continue to toast each other for years to come, Merry Christmas to you all.

Love Debbie

Hallo everyone Sandra, pixi style just about sums it up. I would never ever had volunteered to have my hair cut this short, but actually I quite like it and am looking forward to having lots of different styles as it grows longer.

Tigerlily, I was so pleased to hear from you. What a journey this year has been. Yes, I know what you mean about energy. I just think we all, like everyone else on the site, do amazingly well to get through the treatments keeping, on the whole, in good spirits. But its true that when your energy begins to return you realise just how tiring it all was (excuse my English, think I still haven’t seen the return of my brain!)

I’m on arimidex not tam… The side effects have been minor. Legs are slightly stiff in the mornings and other joints ache but a hot shower does the trick. Yes, me too. Cannot take very much alcohol so am limiting myself to a glass or two of the best champagne and favourite wine when we go out - not really a hardship!

Hi Debbie, lovely to hear from you. Yes, I had three areas blasted with radiotherapy and suffer if I don’t keep doing the exercises. Sorry to hear about your problems with herceptin. Are you taking it for a year?

Wishing you all and everyone else on the site a lovely time at Christmas and send my best wishes for 2007.

love and hugs
