I was so looking forward to my hair growing back after chemo finished, but although it looks ok at the back and sides, the front and top are still baby-fine, and the hair isn’t covering my scalp at all. I’m getting really worried - can anyone tell me if it will grow back normally eventually? (I finished chemo mid-August).
Hi, I finished Chemo in July, I take supplements, collagen, silica, vit b complex with magnesium and used a serum called minoxidil and a regrowth shampoo called revita both from DS laboratories. My hair is growing really well, although it’s soft and looks very fluffy! I had it trimmed and a colour (organic) put in. I did wear the cc but most of my hair fell out anyway.
Hi I finished my Chemo end of August and tbh I really am still completly hairless!!!. I think I can find the odd hair which seem to have grown but am I kidding myself (who knows)a little fluff but not so you would notice eeekkkkk
My comfort came from the Onc who told me she has never had a patient who never got it back (perhaps i will be the first)
I finished 4 FEC, 4 Tax 8 weeks ago. Used a cold cap and kept ALL of my thick, long head hair (yay!) but have no eyelashes or eyebrows (boo!) Look like an extra from Star Trek.
Legs etc all sprouting but not a sign of a lash or brow hair. :-(. Unless, that is, you count the 4 eyelashes that have grown on my chin ;-).
I also had no lashes/brows left after last tax, no growth for about 6-8 weeks and then literally within a couple of weeks they we back. I was so amazed. Hope yours come back soon!!
@Tina45 Thanks for the encouragement. Looked at your profile; you were diagnosed after me…have you finished all of your treatment already? Everything does tend to move a bit slowly here in Somerset
Hmmm …Maybe I should get some minoxidil and rub that into my eyebrows!
@Twiggypuss & molsid. Did you have Taxotere? I understand it often take slonger for regrowth after Tax.
I finished fec Chemo on april 5th this year and looking back at pics I pretty much just had a fluffy layer of hair until about June. I started by having just a patch of hair at the back ( my husband thought it was a bruise until he touched it!!!) and then I grew some more. I was about a grade one length by about July. It does take it’s time, longer than I was expecting. Now 6/7 months down the line I have the thickest mop of hair I’ve ever had, it’s about 2 inches in places) I have had it trimmed to try and get some sense of style into it and to get rid of the Chemo frizz. I’m willing it to get longer for this time next year for our wedding blessing. I used this stuff from neals yard, a hair and scalp treatment thing, all natural oils and that’s what I put the thickness down to, plus daily massaging (with the oils).
As for eyebrows/lashes I had none for ages then all of a sudden I had some almost overnight. Plus I’d had about 3 leg/bikini waxes before my first hairtrim. As for armpits, they’ve not really grown back so can go a week or so without touching them which is lovely but odd.
I know it’s hard and annoying when you’ve been bald for so long but it will come back.
Em x
Twiggy, I had my last Chemo on 12 august and my hair sounds exactly like yours, sides and back doing ok, the top taking it’s own merry time to cover my scalp. As soon as there is no scalp visible I think I will feel better. Am aiming for christmas. Leg hair been back ages tho! Eyelashes have just started coming through, like a row of stubble. Eyebrows actually worse than during Chemo as the long ones have gonebut luckily I can see the start of new growth!
It will happen. Hold on in there
Thank you all for your messages of encouragement. Obviously I shall have to be patient a bit longer! Good luck to you all.
Hi twiggypuss i finished chemo Aug 19th and mine is quite thick on top but very fine fluffy at the sides but its very grey boo cant wait to get the henna dye on ,Im sure i didnt have this much grey before chemo im hoping the colour starts coming back soon ha ha xx eyelashes and leg armpit hair etc are all back lashes are better than before real carpet sweepers ( Cheryl Cole eat your heart out ) xx Julie
Julie, I used the Naturtint from Holland&Barrett 6 weeks after last Chemo. Did a strand test first, it worked fine and it was a real boost to see it all one colour!
i have just got RAPID LASH from boots its pricy at £40 but has great reviews for thicker lashes and brows
Am off to boots!
This BC is turning out costly, I bought the lash accelerator to help things along!
Yes it does come back, thicker and curly!!! but unfortunatly mine came back grey as well!!! eeekkkk horror!!! anyway now 18 months on, regular hair dye by hairdresser (must be a my natural colour… she does it every 6 weeks… lol) and everything is hinky dorey, it is important that you get your hair (or hairs) regulary trimmed by a hairdresser as this encourages good healthy (grey!) growth. But my hair before was very fine and not a lot… now I have to have it thinned… result!. eyebrows and eyelashes never fully recovered, but henna based eyebrow tint is good eyelashes, oh well plenty of mascara… under arm hair… not much only when I have a break from tablets when feet and hand pains get too much… leg hair, yep unfortunatly but very fine. happy growing girls xxx
I have a head of very thick curly hair and was wondering when it is going to go straight. I feel like Leo Sayer! I am 6 months post chemo
I am now 7 months post chemo with hair like an old lady perm! My hairdresser has found a new product which I am going to try soon which is hair straightener for post-chemo. Called L’Kerabelle and lasts 3-5 months. Worth a try I think - my hair is about 3.5 inches long but you can’t tell with the tight curls…
I am 9months post chemo, I am currently on herceptin. I have just had my 1st haircut. My hair pre chemo was thin mousey blonde and very straight and it is now thick black (with a few grey hairs) and very very very curly. It is a constant battle with the fizz. If I left it to grow it would definately be a Leo Sayer.
My eyebrows and eyelashes are not as long or thick as before (don’t mind about the eyebrows though LOL).
I still have no underarm hair, which is weird but lovely. My leg hair is there but much fairer than before and not as thick.
Saving a lot on the waxing, but spending it on products to control the frizz
My hair also appears to defy gravity, whether I leave it in it’s natural curly state or I attack it with straightners (could finally use them this week, hair just long enough yay). Not quite sure what to do with it. Regardless of its gravity defiance I’m just happy to have hair.
My sister has my ghd straighteners and is the only person not willing my hair to grow back quickly! And my legs are like carpets. I could plait the hairs they are so long and so many of them! It’s wierd when the hair on your legs Is longer than on your head!