Hairpiece advice

Hi all

I finished chemo 4 months ago and my hair is growing but is still very short and it’s soooo cold. I am back at work and my office is like a fridge.

During chemo I often wore comfy turbans at home but these look silly on me without any hair at the sides and back, I was wondering if I could get a false hairpiece to fasten inside a turban to poke out the sides and back and I could be nice and cosy for the winter, Are there any websites anyone can recommend or do you need to go and see about it in person?


Louise x

Hi Louise,

This may be some help to you, though not sure what you are after…

I have a fringe with a Velcro strip which I was using to create a fringe effect under the headscarves I wore all summer. I kept mine tucked well back, & like a deep side parting. I’ve seen suggestions for using these along the back of your neck as well, but I haven’t tried it.

You can see what they look like at, see the page:


I was able to get mine from the wig ladies at my hospital for £15.00, which I think is cheaper than ordering from that site.

Oh, and I never used the velcro bit, I just bought some packs of Body Tape made by Eyelure, & stuck to the top of my head!

I’m just six weeks post chemo & totally fed up now! (Just babybird stubble.) Finding that headscarves don’t look so good with winter clothes & hats are just too hot indoors. So, I may start wearing the wig I bought months ago!..

Good luck,



Hi Louise

I too had a hat fringe from headcovers. I ordered mine on line so had to pay p&p but even so it only came to about £30 and I’m really pleased with it. I haven’t used the velcro either, and it stays in place with no extra help…

You can see them on the Headcovers site under Hats with Hair.

I’m aiming to wear my wig until my hair grows long enough to not look chemo-ish! I’ll have to get another one though as current one at 5 months old is tatty at the back…

Td x

Thank tou both, that’s really helpful, I am off to see the wig ladies at the hosp in a couple of weeks as well and will see what feels most comfortable.

Sorry to hear you’re so fed up Lomalinda, are you having radiotherapy as well? I have been wearing buffs for 8 months now so getting a bit sick of them.

Good luck with the hair growth waiting angel, hope yours grows quicker than mine!!!

Louise x