Hi, I have been having my first chat on the younger women thead but it has occured to me to put this message on here too. I have set up a support group for younger women in Hampshire. We mainly live in Fareham, Gosport, Portsmouth, Waterlooville area. We are in our thirties but there is no upper age limit. Send me a message if you are interested, the group is called STARS and we support each other over the phone, by text and meet for lovely lunches…
Stay strong, love and support to you all.
Ruth x x
I’m from Cosham and was diagnosed last November. I would love to join you all at the STARS group but am 47. I’m sure I can look younger on a ‘good wig’ day!
Hi Ruth, I am 39 and live near Southampton. STARS sounds great and I would love to join in. One support group I attend is full of people much older than me so will be good to meet others of a similiar age to myself.
This is the ‘last call’ for the ‘STARS’ get together. Leave me a message if you are interested in meeting up this Saturday and I will give you more details.
I am in Basingstoke Hampshire. Can’t make this Saturday as hve a family wedding but would love to come to any future get togethers.
Am 36 - had a WLE, Chemo and rads last year. Node involement and secondary metastic spread to my bones
Hi I would love to join. I am 45 grade three with lymph involvement. Start chemo this Monday and petrified and very very tearful. Would love to be in a support network so we can all get through this.
You are most welcome, most of us have done chemo and will be filled with advise support and words of wisdom. You will get through this…
Do you know where and at what time we are meeting? Text me on (edited by moderator) and I will give you the details if not. Looking at the weather I will be the one with a large red Mr Kipling umbrella!