Happy bags

Hi ladies

I am from the april 2012 thread and want to tell you about the happy bags i am making and selling to raise cash for cancer research.
100% of the £2 cost goes to cancer uk. I have raised almost £1500 in under a month
They are very sweet and ladies who buy them are very pleased. Please message me if you would like the link for my website where you can find out more,

Pixie xx

Pixie - I have tried to PM new but havent been able to .
Maybe you can message me or let me know the link as I would love to order some happy bags- thanks, Rattles

i can confirm the happy bags are delightful and raise money into the bargain,

Thanks Di xx

Rattles have messaged you, but it seems not all messages are being delivered by the gremlins in the bc site as have lost a few. Bc won’t permit me to put the link in a forum post which is frustrating with the message service being off kilter.
hope you now have the link.
Pixie xx