Happy Happy Happy

Hi Folks,

Just wanted to share my good news today:
Diagnosed Sept09 with Local Advanced Aggressive Grade 3 almost 4 multi focal Breast cancer. Large mass in breast and spread to lymph nodes. Due to a mass in the lymph nodes and its size and cancerous tissue in the breast, was advised to have chemo firstly. Had x4 A&C & x4 Taxotere before intended breast conserving lumpectomy. Then was advised although responded to treatment,further tests shown I needed a radical mastectomy, herceptin for 15 sessions, radiotherapy and 8yrs of hormone tabs.

Well chemo complete Mar 10, two weeks ago mastectomy and axillery node sweep level 3,had my pathology results today:

Mass in breast mean’t mastectomy was right decision (I totally agree never felt better) however clear margins with no sign of cancer in the margins, 14 lymph nodes and mass removed from under arms etc the cancer has gone from all lymph nodes& mass. Chemo really came up trumps for me so far.
Still along way to go with treatment but since my mastectomy I finally felt I had a fighting chance and after my amazing results today, from where I was 8mths ago, I really do have a chance.

Yes I am high risk for reoccurance but I am living life for today and intend to have an elected mastectomy and removal of ovaries for prevention in the future before considering reconstruction.

Happy Happy Happy, I am in a happy bubble and I love it,
how fortunate we are to live in a country where we can receive treatment without the need for insurance, we are so very blessed and I am so very greatful.

My boys and me are in a happy bubble and inspired now to move back in to enjoying life more. Albeit a new sort/style of life but we all have our lives back and we intend to live it to our very best
I hope others have had some good news today, it is so important to have positive news on the site too.


hi Jo

i was really pleased to read your good news… its lovely to hear the good news stories as you say.

hope you and your boys enjoy living your life again.

lulu x

News like this is fantastic to hear. We are all going through our own journeys and to hear the positive news I think really helps.

I wish you all the best for the future and long may this feeling continue! You’re post has really made me smile, cos you can feel the smile on your face as you wrote it.



Hi Jo
What a fantastic ‘headline’ we need more of these, you give those of us that had large infected nodes, as well as your diagnosis, HOPE!
You and your boys stay in your happy bubble forever
Good Luck to you
Good Health to you
Lots of Love to you
Happy Happy Happy Days to you
Sandra xxx

What a fantastic, upbeat and positive post! Great to hear your happiness beaming out of every word!!!
I know its not a case of ‘mind over matter’ with this kind of diagnosis, but your real sense of positivity is heartening.
Genuine best wishes for your family, your future and your good health.
Cathie x

Wonderful news, so happy that you shared it with us.
Good luck with the treatment that follows
Love Maria

Hi Jo

Fantastic ,I am so pleased for you and your family, may I wish you good health ,good luck, and lots of love.

Ann x

Hi Jo

Thank you so much for the wonderful positive quote. My treatment plan is similar to yours with treatment coming first. I am so encouraged by your joy and wish you every success in your future treatment.

Hey Jo

What a lovely post (although it made me cry lol). I am so pleased about your results and wish you and your boys lots of love and happiness. We definitely need more threads with happy titles!

Shenagh xx

awww bless weldone hun it is so good to hear good news on here im over the moon for you :slight_smile: billie x x x

Jo66, I hope&wish you that your good news continues and your happiness stays with you for a long time to come! Very Very pleased for you and your family. Equally, I share your views that the treatment comes without strings attached from the NHS and long may that continue, so we never have to worry about whether we can afford to be treated or not!
xxxlots of hugs, Tina.

hear hear i to im very greaful for my treatment from the nhs.

I’m delighted for you - fabulous news. Enjoy a lovey sunny weekend.

Hi Jo

So good to hear happy positive news. Long may your bubble remain

Love and best wishes


Thank you all for your lovely comments, I am so glad the post was pleasent to read and offers hope to all.

For the first time today I actually felt like the old me, I don’t look like her nor will end up wasting precious time, but for the moment of which I am living I want so much as possible to just enjoy, enjoy I intend to.

Best of luck to you all and I hope you too are able to have your happy bubble


It was so great to read such a positive post, thank you so much for taking the time to tell us all about this, I am really really pleased about your results and that after so many months of going to hell and back, you have found enough peace of mind to be happy
