Happy with reconstruction?

Hi All
Can I ask how many ‘revisions’ any of you have been allowed to have to be happy with reconstruction?
I had a SM with immediate implant but due to radiotherapy I had the implant replaced and a lift/reduction on the ‘good’ side. However, the implant rotated 90* and looked very odd. Anyway, I had it replaced and although I don’t think this one has done the same it is very high and looks like I have a boob on top of a boob on the mastectomy side. I’m not expecting a perfect outcome but I thought at least after this op I’d be able to wear what I wanted without looking odd! I really don’t feel as though I could go back again as they basically said that was my last chance!
I’m thinking of having a consultation with a private clinic to see their take on it?!

Thanks in advance x

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Dear Lisajday

This is more common than we think, I have had lots of problems in the passed, however very happy now with my outcome.

I think you must find yourself a good plastic surgeon, not sure what part of the world you live in, however you need to have a good look at the private hospitals near home or where ever is best for you, and do some research, also asking others were they had there reconstruction, I live in London so quite easy to find the right person.

Wishing you lots of luck going forward, keep posting letting us know how your getting on

Hugs Tili :rainbow::pray::rainbow::pray:

Thank you. I feel really awkward asking for further revisions as I feel like I’m saying their ‘work’ wasn’t good enough, although I know both surgeons I had also do private work at a local private hospital. BTW I’m in the West Midlands.

Thank again x

Your post resonated with me. I’m hoping to have my expander replaced with an implant, and a lift for the other breast, later this year. I didn’t anticipate problems with the next implant and can well understand how you feel. I don’t expect to look like a super model after the reconstruction work, but I had imagined both breasts would look satisfactory, and like normal, natural breasts and similar-looking (and match up). Did your surgeon say why you can’t have another implant? I think I’m going to ask a lot of questions when I see mine.
My current implant looks reasonable but was affected by radiotherapy, and isn’t too comfy, hence the need for a new implant.
All the best,
Flowers and Bees

So sorry I didn’t see your reply as I hadn’t been back on here! I often wished that the option to have an implant in the ‘normal’ breast had been offered but I’m not sure that was or would have been an option? At the mo I feel as though my mastectomy side is more ‘Bridgerton’ (Netflix series where all women had theirs under their chins) and the other is ‘West Midlands’ and I completely get what you said about not expecting to look like a super model I just want to look more symmetrical and not have to constantly consider what clothes to wear to feel comfortable in!

Good luck with yours (If you haven’t already had it done) x

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I have recently had a consultation with a private plastic surgeon with a view to change my mastectomy side tissue expander implant into a normal silicone implant, and do a lift and implant on the other side in the hope they will be symmetrical and a similar size.
I know I will be waiting a very long time, with possible last minute cancellations for NHS to do this, and I really want to get back to as normal as possible as quickly as possible.
I understand your reluctance to push the issue with your initial surgeon as I’m also a bit embarrassed as I feel like I’m saying their work is not good enough.
But I sound in a similar situation to you a very high hard small weird shaped implant on my mastectomy side, and my previous 14 yr old large soft silicone implant boob on the non mastectomy side, that is never going to match up.in a million years !
The plastic surgeon I saw was extremely understanding and felt there were several ways to produce a better result, and stressed how important it was to use a highly respected plastic surgeon, rather than just a breast cancer surgeon for this kind of aesthetic work.
I hope you’ve found some suitable answers to your connundrum