Hard breast, orange peel effect two months after Radiotherapy

Hi all,


I had a lumpectomy and some lymph nodes out early Dec, then Radiotherapy. Had bad radiotherapy burns, but now all clear.


2 months after radiotherapy ended I have a very hard breast - the aerola and surrounding area is lumpy and hard and the skin looks like orange peel. It isnt painful as such, but is uncomfortable. Can only wear a sports bra and am adjusting boob all day at work!


Does anyone know what this is and how long I’ll have it.?


many thanks


Hi Dawn, The effects of rads can last a long time if not forever, 3 years on my boob is still a bit lumpy and uncomfortable, i was told it was likely to be like that indefinately and probably always a bit tender. 

Having said that 2 months is really early days and things will improve over time it just may not be quite as it was before. 


I’ve struggled with bras ever since treatment and wore sports bras for months after and can only wear soft ones now, sorry I can’t tell things magically return to normal but I’m 3 years clear now and will happily settle for a tender boob! Xx Jo 

Hi Avi im post rads 4 months my boob has the orange peel swollen appearance and pain i went to clinic for it i was told its breast edema/lymphodema and being referred to the lymphodema clinic apparently the orange peel is caused through the fluid under skin in breast if you are worried get it checked theres no harm done going and it will stop you from worrying if you are x

Good best to get things checked out i was worried about mine and was relieved and reassured by the clinic examination xxx