has anyone got bad itch!!!!!

Hi girls
just wanted to let you know, finally got courage to seek doctors advice on bad itch, and she believes that due to antibiotics, I have thrush!!! would you believe it, wish I had gone a while ago now and wouldnt have been suffering with it. was convinced it wasnt that as symptoms not the same as when had it before. been given meds to clear, so hopefully this will do the trick!!!
deb x

Hi Debs

I posted a thread some time ago about an itch … seems alot of people suffer from this too, i asked my Consultant if Tamo was the cause and he said every side effect could be tamo…Mmmm wot a thought eh!!!

Now after missing 2 periods…AT LAST !!! its taken a year !! … I can say i have not had any more itching, fingers crossed this will be the case now for the rest of tamo.

Allison x

glad you seem to have something that can be treated Debs. I tried the thrush cream and it did nothing to soothe my irritation - I’ve not been on anti-biotics for months so it’s not that with me.


Are you on Tamo, are you still taking your period??

I used the canestan cream pessary and internal cream like you nothing worked.

Allison xx

Yeah I started tam in Feb and am still getting periods - onc registrar says if still happening in Aug they are going to add in a monthly injection to stop my periods.

The itch initially just occured when I was having a period - started with the bleed and ended when I stopped bleeding. This month however I got an itch about 2 weeks after my period had ended too. Saw GP who confirmed hormone imblance due to tam - usually would be treated with oestrogen pills but no can do as er+. GP is going to speak to gynae and get back to me.

Sounds like me really, i was on Tamoxifen for 1year when i went to Onc she old me i would stop bleeding within 6 months, Aye Right i thought!!!
True to her word nearly 6 months later i have stopped (missed 2 now)… and as i said before NO ITCH … Brilliant eh how some things make us happy Lol…

Allison xx

Hi Allison and lilacblushes
hope you two get sorted. I have been given pessaires and cream but not worked yet! if this doesnt, then I have to take oral tablets instead, as soon as over this next session of chemo. not convinced its thrush as not like other bouts i have had, but will see. I dont have periods anymore due to hysterectomy, so cannot compare with that one. will let you know how i get on!
deb x

The itch is bad enuff -when the blisters start then that’s when it gets nasty - 100% a side effect of the tamoxifen.

debs I had thrush after last three chemos. I didnt realise it was that as there was no burning, just blisters and soreness toward my groin ie NOT like former experiences of thrush. The GP said thrush and Canesten did clear it up. I also found wearing men’s boxers (ie loose pants) helped so that normal pants didnt dig in to my groin. Glamorous or what?

Louise x

You actually brought a smile to my face, thankyou! hopefully the canestan will clear it, but like you, different symptoms this time around. OH boxers good idea, but may keep falling down!! especially as now losing weight! chemo tomorrow, so will be spending few days in bed afterwards, so may try wearing something different or no underwear and just pj’s.
will keep fingers crossed.
deb x

Debs - I too have that problem, thought I had thrush, GP took my word for it without swabs etc (he probably didn’t want to see my fandango being as it’s bald!), but agree it seems slightly further forward than that. Anyway, the diflucan hasn’t worked. I’ll mention it to chemo nurse when I next see her. I also have a sore throat, but am keeping quiet about that coz I desperately don’t want to end up in hospital for a week ever again! Have now had 4x FEC then all this kicked off. Start Tax next, so maybe it’ll all clear up…fingers crossed!

Hi Westside Sue
I had no swabs and mine is more forward, thus why not convinced its thrush! I have had sore throat on day 5 each time, after chemo. having 3rd tomorrow, then supposed to be going onto Tax for next 3. As lump seems to be reducing well, they may keep me on FEC. Scan next will will confirm one way or other. Dont want to go onto Tax so keeping fingers crossed. Think sore throat linked to mouth sores as start at same time, so will start with mouthwash straight away after chemo and not wait till sores appear, see if this makes any difference. Got antobiotics for it first time around, which caused problems down below, so just tolerated it second time, as it wasnt as bad. Good luck with the Tax. Will be interested to see how you get on.
Deb x