I have been on tamoxifen since february,and I have development a really bad
itch in a delicate area any suggestion need help what to do driving me crazy!!!any one else got the same problem?
I have been on tamoxifen since february,and I have development a really bad
itch in a delicate area any suggestion need help what to do driving me crazy!!!any one else got the same problem?
Oh yes - I posted a while back under the heading ‘delicate side effect’. Basically what happens with me is when I get my period I get an immediate itch - very like chronic thrush. My ‘down below’ becomes very swollen, right red (and I mean piller box red) and I get tiny blisters … not a nice picture to imagine I know!
As soon as the bleeding stops the itch disappears. I mentioned this to the nurse at the end of my rads sessions and she said it was obviously a hormone imbalance.
Canesten cream helps a little but only for a very short time - I think it’s more the coolness on application rather then the active ingredient. I also found putting cleansing wipes in the fridge gave momentary relief. Have a word with your bcn or gp or onc and see if they can suggest summit. I find it the most difficult side effect to cope with.
I have onc appointment next week and am going to discuss it then and am going to enquire about getting my ovaries removed - my periods are clearly determined to continue as I have a mirena coil and tamoxifen, both of which are supposed to stop them!
I have posted on behalf of new user Liz
Best wishes
I don’t have the itch in your area but my arms and legs itch and burn so much! I’ve been to GP and hospital but it looks like I’ll have to live with it. I take anti histimine which helps a bit and use gallons of diprobase cream. Oncologist did suggest stopping the tamoxifen but there is nothing else to take!
I’ve had fanny itch since starting arimidex. Doctor has prescribed local oestrogen cream which has helped a bit, but he’s scared of possible cancer-inducing effects. Onc nurse say its fine and the danger is negligable compared to the misery of ‘the itch’
Good luck! Zoe x
Hi Ladies,
I am very relieved to say i don’t have the same itch as you do - sounds terrible!
I just wanted to mention that i had terrible skin when I first started tamoxifen (CP pharmaceuticals) - eczema-like rash on hands, arms and legs. I discussed changing the brand with my onc and he said there’s no hard and fast evidence of that helping, but quite a lot of anecdotal evidence. I changed to Nolvadex and not only has my skin cleared up but I’ve just realised I haven’t had any hot flushes for a few weeks! Fantastic result.
Might it be worth you trying a different brand?
I really hope you find relief
I have a ischarge and itch aswell, it is hopefully just a bad dose of thrush. I will get it investigated, it could be the tamoxofin.
just browsing through and came upon this thread, and so glad I did!! I am in early stages and not long had 2nd course of FEC. Since having the first chemo, I to am suffering with an itch and swelling in the delicate area. Been to embarrassed to mention to doctor but may do now when next see her. Dont think its thrush as not really around that area, more to the front, if you know what I mean!!! also suffering with bad throat after each session and dont know of anyone else suffering this.
thanks for starting this thread. makes me feel better knowing others out there going through it to
Hi Debs
I had FEC last August and had a swelling the size of a cocktail sausage with each chemo. I told the doctor but they didn’t think it had anything at all to do with the chemo ! They should read this thread ! Itched like mad but went down after about 5 days.
Liz x
Hi Debs 66,
I too had the relentless itching you describe when I started on FEC just over 3 years ago. However, soon after the second cycle the hair ‘down there’ started to fall out and as it all disappeared so did the itch with it! Hope yours soon goes too - the itch that is! Good luck.
Carol x
It’s back … up until now I only itched when I was having a period, last one being 2 weeks ago. Last night it started again - the itch that is not the period. Am back to being bright red and swollen with blisters. Not happy at all ---- it’s driving me mad. I went to the chemist today and bought some thrush cream hoping that it would help, but so far it’s made no difference. I think I will have to see if I can get an appointment with the GP tomorrow.
so glad i am not the only one with this ‘problem!!’ have now tried thrush cream, no difference so far, but dont think it is thrust, just similar symptoms. approaching 3rd fec next week and this problem started just after first one. may have to see doctor, but keep putting off as too embarrassed. cant tell oncologist as good looking and young and wont want him taking a look!!! doing havoc for the sex life!!! will keep you updated. thanks for messages
deb x
I managed to get an appointment to see the GP this evening … I hope the man is prepared cos I have a list
will let you know what he says about the itchy nether regions
The onc offered to have a look at my “sausage” but I declined ! xx
Well if the GP wants to have a gawp at this stage I will be quite happy to let him… as long as he can give me summit to sort it out!
Just a thought, has any of you asked if your partner has an itch too?
Mine hasn’t
Cheeky ! I really think is it the FEC xx
dont have to worry about husband getting itch, as not been able to do anything yet!! getting really frustrated, in more ways than one!!! if do get more and more tired as time goes on, will have to get sorted soon or will be ages before we get there again. will be interested to hear what doctor has to say.
deb x
ps… this could be a good discussion topic for live chat tonight!!! lol
I will try to get into chat tonight and we can discuss my itchy fandango then!
look forward to it!!
see you then