has anyone had a nipple reconstruction?

has anyone had a nipple reconstruction?

has anyone had a nipple reconstruction? has anyone had a nipple reconstruction,??
i’m due to have mine done in 2 weeks and i’m a bit uncertain as did’nt like the silicone one really.
any advice appreciated!!
Claire xx

I have!!! Hi Claire,

I had mine done and tatooed at the same time in Feb. They took some skin from my toe and made the graft. It took a good few weeks to settle however it looks fab now. Im really pleased with it - Im just waiting for them to top up the tattoo as they did it a bit small.

It is worth having it done, my other half thinks it is just like the real thing and Im a hard person to please but I think its great too…

Trust this helps.


Me too I had a nipple reconstruction about 6 months ago, like you I was unsure whether to bother or not. They just used the skin that was already there to make the nipple, didn’t need any anaesthetic, as I haven’t got much feeling there, took about 40 minutes. Went and had it tattooed a couple of weeks ago, it does make a difference.


Nipple Recon at the Berks Hi Claire

I had a nipple recon at the Berks in October (having read some of your posts I see that you have been treated there). It was done by Mr Smith, who also did my LD recon and I believe did yours too. He made a fantastic job and I am very pleased with the result. It was done in the operating theatre under a local anaesthetic as there’s not much feeling in the area. He made a few cuts and somehow magically twisted the skin into a nipple shape. I didn’t have any pain, and can’t even remember having any discomfort. Although it has flattened quite a bit, as I was told it would, I am still very pleased with it and glad I had it done. Just waiting for the tattoo, which will be the cherry on the cake! I’m sure you won’t regret it Claire, it really does make a difference. If there’s anything else you want to know, just let me know.

All the best
Love Lizzie

Nipple Recon Hi Clopickett

I had my nipple recon done in June 2006 (TRAM flap recon done in January 2005). Like Lizzie3 has described, it used existing skin on the breast twisted to make a nipple shape. Mine took about 30 minutes & I didn’t feel a thing. It does flatten out after a while, but that’s not a problem. I had my tattooing done a month ago and will have a top up in the next month or two. It all looks great - I sometimes glance at myself in the mirror and if I didn’t know it was me I wouldn’t know it wasn’t ‘real’! If you get what I mean!

Good luck with yours, I’m sure you’ll be fine
