Has anyone had one of these ?

Hi all
Hope you are having a good day
I used this site about 5-6 years ago when they removed a large medular tumour and chemo and radio. triple negative.
Then about 9 months ago I had tenderness in the same breast and they did mamos and ultasound but couldn’t see anything. they couldn’t do an mri scan as I have lots of metal staples
Last thursday I found what looks like a faint and slightly raised line going across my nipple - it’s about 2 cm long
I now have an emergency appointment with the doctor on thursday
Usually I like to look at options but right now I simply cannot see a good option - I just can’t believe there is nothing wrong - not a chance
If they want to remove the breast then I don’t really have enough skin to plug the gap as it’s been radiated to within an inch of it’s life
Then I thought that if it’s come back then they might want to remove both of them - I suppose at least I’d have enough skin then !!! - might even be able to make a couple of almost matching nipples …

can anyone tell me if they have had any experience or knowledge of one of these line things ??? I did ask a friend (never had cancer) and she said it might be a pulled tendon … enough said !!!
seriously I am so worried I can’t tell you - I eat when I am concerend so I have put on about 4 pounds in 4 days - have decided not to do that anymore
It would be soooooo veeerrryyyy looooovely if there was nothing wrong but I know there is and I am sorry but I just don’t fancy the thought of losing a least one breast, probably my hair and putting on more weight …
Any advice/ help greatfully received (except weightloss tips !) …
Thanks a million in advance
big kiss

Hi FizBix

It’s good to see you back using the forums where I am sure you will get some much needed support. I’m sure you know but the helpline team are just a free phone call a way if you want to give them a ring and have a chat about your concerns, they’re here to support you. 0808 800 6000 lines open Mon-Fri 9-5 and Sat 10-2.

Take care,

Jo, Facilitator

Hi FizBix. I haven’t experienced the ‘line’ you talk about but obviously you are very concerned so I just wanted to offer you a hug. I hope that the dr has an explanation and it’s nothing serious. Let us know how you get on xx

I’m only recently diagnosed so I can’t answer your question I’m afraid but just want to send you (((hugs))) and hope that you get a positive outcome at your doctor’s appointment xxx

thanks Jo, Melrose and MaggieMay. Am managing to hold it together better now as long as I keep busy. Will let you know how it goes.

biospy tomorrow

Hope all goes well and that you get the all clear. How long do you have to wait before you hear?

Good luck for tomorrow xx

hi thin lizzie et al
thanks for asking
i went for the ultrasound but they couldn,t find anything to biopsy. i couldn,t believe it as there are significant changes. it seems it must be due to weighloss and weight gain and scarring internally
they need to do an mri scan to be sure but i have metallic staples so they can’t
just have to hope for the best
thanks fornyour support
big kiss xxx

hi thin lizzie et al
thanks for asking
i went for the ultrasound but they couldn,t find anything to biopsy. i couldn,t believe it as there are significant changes. it seems it must be due to weighloss and weight gain and scarring internally
they need to do an mri scan to be sure but i have metallic staples so they can’t
just have to hope for the best
thanks fornyour support
big kiss xxx