Has anyone had to pay for prescriptions as part of chemo therapy

I too, living in Brighton, have to pay for all additional drugs to chemo and like you Paula was outraged that we are further penalised for having cancer! I would also be interested to know if this is, as we are told, ‘across the board’.
I have purchased a certificate to cover me for three months and will just renew it as and when required. Was also suprised to see one has to pay for Tomoxifen which is taken for a minimum of 5 years as the norm. A very unfair system it seems to me.


I live in Portsmouth and was told to take out pre payment certificate for 1 year even though my chemo is just for 18 weeks. I was made to sign a form to say I was going to do this! I think its disgraceful as I’m self employed and unable to work at the moment or claim any kind of sickness benefit. Thats my moan of the day over with. Best wishes to all you ladies out there.

Regards Judy