My Oncologist has told me that all the cancer is gone. She said I have DCIS CANCER STAGE ZERO. I have had a lumpectomy 10 days ago. My Doctor removed a 5cm tumor. Radiotherapy is next. I have spoken to the Radiologist in length. He explained everything to me … about the possibility of cancerous cells hiding where they can not be seen on an xray or mamogram. I am questioning targeting healthy tissue and refusing this treatment. Has anyone else done this? Any input would be welcomed.
This is a very personal view. Radiotherapy, for most people, is very doable. I admit I have experienced long term muscle and rib pain (I had a mastectomy and FAC) but at the time, the worst I got was a tiny patch of itching from 15 sessions. I now have Stage 4 triple negative breast cancer so, personally, I think that anything that will reduce your risk of any occurrence should be taken up. The fact that the radiologist spent that time with you is an indication that they’d prefer you to have the treatment - otherwise it wouldn’t have been offered, especially at a time when they are dealing with vast backlogs. If I could have radiotherapy again, I would but the radiologists at my hospital, a huge cancer specialist Centre of Excellence, have ruled it out because my tumour is too hard to access without causing loss of sight and other damage.
Yes, your chances of recurrence are low but the chance is still there. I too was told after surgery that I was cancer-free but I then had to go through all the adjuvant therapies because of the type of tumours removed and the number of infected nodes - and then, 2 years later, be told my new diagnosis. You can look at all the statistics till your mind boggles but the fact is, they are just statistics, not human experience. Cancer cells have a will of their own and too often they outwit the experts. There are a lot of us here who have landed in the wrong statistical box. This is an opportunity to increase your chances of it not occurring again, but no guarantee, I’ll admit.
I wish you all the best, whatever your decision.
Jan x
PS. My mum had DCIS and had a lumpectomy and hormone therapy. Twenty years later, she got breast cancer again and required more adjuvant therapies that time (it wasn’t secondary cancer, it was a recurrence that might have been avoided if she’d been offered more alternatives initially).
I’m in the same dilemma just had lumpectomy for DCIS, due to have radiotherapy and Tamoxifen but speaking to a medical scientist and reading in Canada and America that they now think not to have these treatments after operation will not benefit apparently doing trials now in UK, so still confused as to knowing what to do , any professional can advise us ladies please
Hi - I’m in this position now, oncotype score very low, 2 surgeries and cancer all out and wondering why I put myself through radiotherapy and tamoxifen given all the risks. I’m interested to know what you decided and how it worked out for you
Hi, I was diagnosed with Intermediate DCIS… explained to me as cancer that hasn’t grown legs yet to travel. Hence it being in Situ I guess… I had a WLE in October and have just completed Radiotherapy. I didn’t like the idea that there could still be cancer cells not visible so with the advice given I thought it was the best option. Just going through side affects now but it’s better than not knowing. I hope this helps a little but the final decision has got to come from you.