Has anyone under 40 had radio to treat positive lymph node?


I was diagnosed with grade 2, estrogen positive BC end of April. My mass was 16mm. Im 38

Obviously one of my sentinal nodes came back positive ( theyre saying half full) I was immediately told i’d need a full clearance. I got a second opinion based on research I’d done saying radio could be an option as opposed to further op.

I just wanted to ask if any younger women on here had gone with radio over full clearance 



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Hi Gigifaz,

Thank you for your post.

I hope my response will help our members to see your post and share their experience.

In the meantime, you may find it helpful to speak to one of our Breast Care Nurses on the free Helpline, 0808 800 6000.

Alternatively you can get in touch with our Nurses in the Ask Our Nurses area of the Forum and they can respond to you online.

Sending you our best wishes,


Hi, I was diagnosed last year at 24.
Stage 2 ER+ PR+ HER- invasive Ductal Carcinoma. Lump was in my right breast 3.5cm

I had a right mastectomy with 3 sentinal nodes taken May 2022 and 2 came back postive for cancer.

I jumped right into chemo and then had a left masectomy with what they said would also been a full axillary clearance but they only took 3 more nodes and this was the end of Nov 2022. All 3 came back clear no signs of cancer.

Then I signed consent forms in December 2022 for radiotherapy for this March (2023) to which I had 5 sessions of at addenbrookes. So just a week. But I think it all really depends if you’ve had a masectomy or not about how many sessions you’ll need.

May well be worth asking this on the treatment forum aswell :slight_smile:

Like the above comment mentioned I hope replying bumps your post :slight_smile: