I am due to start Taxotere (6 cycles) next thursday, has anyone worked during the treatment? (I had FEC 8 years ago and worked 50% of the time through it)
My boss is asking me questions about the time off i need as he may otherwise terminate my contract!
Hi Zippy
I’ve been working through chemo and now I am on docetaxel I’m on reduced hours.I have a week off sick following each treatment then finish earlly on the days I work ( I do work part time so this helps also).
It is worth getting in touch with the Equalities Commission if your emplyer is being awkward. You are entitled to ’ reasonable adjustment’ because of the condition and as much time off as you need. If you ring them tomorrow I am sure they will give good advice They have been such a help to me and I was able to keep a job depsite a competitive assimilation process taking place before Christmas.
You are entitled to have your employer make adjustment for your condition. I hope you get it.
Best wishes,
Sue x
Hi Zippy,
I worked throughout my chemo.3 FEC & 3 TAX. I took the week after the chemo off, I worked from home the second week as I did not want to catch anything from the office, and the third week back in the office.
TAX was harder than FEC and I have to admit. Depending how demanding your job is, and how your body reacts; you might be able to work through it. We are all very different.
I describe chemo as being like a boxing match, (not that I have ever boxed before). Each chemo being like a blow; the first one, you get up and carry on, the second one you take slightly longer to get back on your feet and by the end you are truly exhausted.
I have to admit my employer was absolutely fantastic, supporting me all the way. I know I am extremely lucky; especially when I read that your employer is considering terminating your contract.
Take care.
Hi, yes I worked too all through 4 FEC & 4 Tax. I would take the chemo day off, which was a Friday, and then two or three days the following week when I felt at my worst. At the time I was working 9.30 - 2.30 at a desk job. I don’t think I could have worked full time hours as I was pretty tired by 2.30.
I am now on my 3rd Taxotere and I can honestly say that I cannot work the first 10 days after chemo. But I suppose each one of us reacts differently and the side effects can vary from person to person.
I get a terrible headache and aching in the joints and bones, not to mention the constant indigestion which apparently is caused by the production of cells in the sternum once you get your Neublasta injection.
But I also know of people who get very mild side effects or none at all so you might be the lucky one who gets to go to work :-))))
But Whether you have pain or not, just make sure you look after yourself as there are days when your blood count is really low and you are more prone to infections (both bacterial and viral).
Hope all goes well, good luck with your Tax, it will be over before you even realize it
If your job is essential then it may be a good idea to look at a SUPER healthy diet and lifestyle, through the time of your chemo to get through it.
I run my own business and not working was just not an option. I only changed diet halfway through so I know that it was diet that made a measurable difference. My wbc was normal once I started eating well, having been dangerously low and needing the injections.
The diet route is not for everyone, but without it I would have been bankrupt!
I echo everyone’s comments on here, its very much an individual thing as we all react to chemo in different ways… I too am having 6 c-tax and am going to my 4th tomorrow. The first one was the hardest, then i completely changed my diet and tax’s 2 and 3 have been very much bearable, i’ve evening being running on weeks 2 and 3. I work from home most of the time other than days 4 - 6 and i’ve found this is be ok. If you’re not able to work from home i would say be very careful about going into work and mixing with people as your immume system will be low. I have the neulasta jabs so perhaps you could speak to your onc explaining that you need to work etc and he may pescribe these to you - cause a fuss if need be!!
Good luck with your treatment it will go quicker than you think - honest
Hi Zippy,
Just as everyone has said, it is a very individual thing and will depend as much as anything on the job that you have. I have a sedentary office job.
I had 3xFEC and 3xTax and was lucky to be well enough to work throughout with just my treatment day (which was a Thursday) and the following day off. I did also take a few odd days off towards the end of the last cycle as I was so tired.
I found Tax much more draining than the FEC. I don’t really think that you can give your boss any idea of how many sick days you will actually need, only what your intentions are.
Best wishes
thank you for all your comments my boss has eased the pressure on me, altho is still goin to monitor my situation. but i feel happier now about the situation.
well first tax was on thurs, couple of achey days, then sunday bad throat realised yesterdy its oral thrush so got meds from doctor, helpin a bit already. very tired yestrday pm but seem ok today altho its still early!
im hopin to go bac to work tommorrow.
got accupuncture at lunchtime, so will enjoy journey out. although was out shoppin on saturday! but only to look for a bedroom tv! otherwise been housebound to avoid lurgys!
thanks about comments on super healthy diet! apart from lack of exercise, im vegan and take vitamins and do moxibustion daily (thing my acupuncture lady taught me recently) and also have 2 homemade juices a day, whch my lovely husband makes each morning. at the moment im alternatin betwn enrgy boost and hair n nails juice! sounds disgustin but im sure its helpin, and then a fruit mix as well.
anyway thank you again for your really helpful comments.
Love the sound of your juices, zippy. There’s a thread about food/diet/healthy eating on here somewhere, perhaps someone can bump it up as there are a few people who have recently got hold of a juicer so you could really do us all a favour and let us have your juice recipes on the recipes thread.
I’m off out for a juicer at the weekend as I’m dreadful at getting enough V in my diet at the moment (have had a couple of days recently where I’ve avoided eating anything at all!) so something quick like juice that will give me lots of good things would be fantastic.