I am having strange temperature changes on CMF and wondered if anyone else gets this. My day temperature, with extra layers on is sitting at about 36.4 most of the time. However I have been really cold at night. Thought I would check it as I actually woke myself up shivering this morning, despite being in winter PJs and fully covered by winter duvet too. My temperature was 35.7 in bed wrapped up. Later in the cycle I get a bit hot but not flushes just a mediterranean tan and feel warm. Central heating is on big time.
Does this sound familiar to anyone or am I wierd?
Thanks Lily Iceberg
I went hot but I think that’s the epi. Tommy assures me that at night when sleeping the body does drop in temp a *lot* hence if you get up to early you are really freezing. I’d mention it to the onc but it sounds normal but slightly emphasised to me. My morning temp was always a deg or so cooler than afternoon when active (call me a sloth lol
Angie hot hands.
i was always hot on chemo in fits and starts - opposite to you!
now i am doing tamoxifen… I KNOW WHAT HOT IS!!!
if you feel ok then other than cool…don’t worry
Hi lily meant to answer you on this one on the other thread sorry. My temp at the beginning of each epi is quite high about 36.6 but after a few days it drops to about 35 and I get the shivers like you have a chill and cant heat up slightest chill and iam searching for my thermals lol funny think that you dont really check tyour temp unless you think you have an infection like me with the cold but it was then i noticed a fluctuation in it so I guess its another blooming side effect.
lol what you doing up at that time in the morning you turning into a vampire lol bouncy bouncy
Hi Lily
My body temp has gone mad whilst on chemo. By day I am freezing and wearing at least 2 more layers than everyone else in my house. My temp is usually around 36.7 although sometimes goes up to 37.3. At night I sweat and have to throw the duvet off and grab it back when the sweating has passed. Just another thing to deal with.
Hope you’re ok, and everyone else too
I’m the same too. Body feels really cold - but get hot sweats - bizarre !
thanks it is driving me mad. I went to bed last night with 4 extra thermal blankets over the duvet and was not shivering when I woke up this morning. Just out of curiosity checked my temp and 35.9. My OH is really struggling to cope with my need for heat!
Joanne do you mean epi or are you doing the chills on CMF?
Angie I don’t get up till 7.45 not an early start really.
Thanks anyway
Lily x
I too feel cold-although that’s not been too surprising this summer! But am aware of being much colder than I would expect, with hands and feet in particular being icy to the touch. Have rarely had less than a few layers on all summer.
Thanks Elaine,
i was shivering and under a blanket on Saturady when it was hot
Hate being cold
Lily x
Hi everyone
I have been lucky not to have chemo but my body temp seems so high!! but when it drops I shiver something awful! i I am on tamoxifen and never feel well no energy no interest really fed up
Soz to sound so neg xx
hi, have just had last chemo now, also on long e - cmf tact 2 and for the last month or so have been feeling very cold then the hot flush starts and hat blankets, fleece all thrown off. Asked onc and as periods have stopped flushes are normal. Its the cold thats getting me, maybe its the low blood count - but your not alone just need to keep snuggled up by the fire.
Lynda x
Thanks ladies. Kayty guess the hot tamoxifen bits will be coming my way before too long so will join you on that. I agree the shivering is way beyond normal and surprised when it woke me in bed. I might try putting a hat on as I suddenly thought I haven’t got much hair and you lose a lot of heat through your head. The only part of me out the covers!
Lynda so good to hear there is an end/finish to tact2 arm one, thought they might have tricked us and made it into a loop!!! LOL. I finished dose 6 last week so 2 weeks of fun, if I can sort my sensitive tummy out before facing the next double in October. When did you start yours? My counts are high when they test them but you don’t really know what happens in between. How did you find CMF compared to epi?
Thanks to everyone who responded and hope this finds you in a good place right now or improving.
Lily x
Oh Lily I hadn’t thought about the head. If my buff falls of during the night I wake up in mins. But they are nice to wear in bed, feels like having hair to me.
Hello Lily
My body temp seems all upside down. When its hot (sometimes its been 30 deg + here) I’ve been unable to tolerate the heat well. Couldn’t seem to get cool enough.
Now, although the temp is still pretty good 24 deg +, since my last chemo 10 days ago this time I have been really cold, much to the annoyance of everyone else in the family who keeps telling me “its not cold”! There am I sitting with winter clothes and thermals on, unable to get warm.
I’ve resorted to getting into bed with my electric blanket on, bliss…
Hope you haven’t been too bad since your last double dose, but take care
from one chilly person to another xxxxxxxx
going to bed in my night cap to try the theory out Angie.
Peacock, snap my husband will be back in shorts soon. I have the central heating on to wake up to already and that is really early for me. Also giant blankets double folded on my side of the bed at night. I wish being colder made you burn calories but not happening here.
Lily x
My temperature is all over the place.Veers from really hot to freezing.Driving hubby mad pulling quilt on and off at strange intervals during the night. Actually I think I’m just driving him mad Full Stop!
Hi, Lily started in April - seems a lot longer - wasnt too bad on the epi just the taste thing but the cmf has had more side effects. Sat here shivering now in a blanket but in the morning I wake up really hot. Will be going to bed with a fur hat on I have just found tonight. Had lots of tummy problems and the last lot has given me a lot of aches in legs but onc says its normal - I think this last one has really taken it out of me. You will get there its just one day at a time.
Have been for planning today for rads and all was fine just not looking forward to rest of it. Hard to believe it will be Christmas when all finished.
Take care everone Lynda x