Have I turned a corner?

I thought I would update on here how I am feeling physically and emotionally, as I think I have hit upon a series of things recently that have really helped me feel so much better. I hope it can help to motivate or encourage others who have done the same for me over the past 22 mths.

I had been on arimdex for 10 mths and the pain in my joints was so bad I could hardly walk upright. I have now been on Tamoxifen for 3 mths. For the past 3 wks I have had reflxology and reiki, Have stopped drinking alcohol and have so much more energy. I am having less hot flushes and sleeping better, though still not all night. The aches and pains are minor and I am losing weight and my tummy is less bloated.

I can’t pin point 1 thing that has helped but the reflexology was a catalyst to me eating much more healthily (my therapist has a very holistic approach). She even had me looking at my stools to check they were the right colour!!! And she is helping me be motivated for exercise.

The lack of alcohol has helped without a doubt. I am so weak willed usually, that I don’t know where I am getting the strength from to continue to abstain, especially when OH has his beers every night.

I am also managing to stay calm when OH winds me up and walk away instead of arguing. This is all rather unbelievable particularly when I think how cynical I was about reiki beforehand.

I really do feel like I have turned a corner, and I hope this little report on my health will help those who need it, to begin the process of healing that it has taken me 22 mths to begin. I feel life can maybe be more normal again.


Hi Irene

Wow, you seem so much happier! Something similar happened to me when I started to see a reflexologist during my radiotherapy. She was so enthusiastic and like your lady, had a completely holistic approach, she kick started me into taking much more care of myself. These therapists are usually so caring, they do inspire you to look after yourself more. There is no doubt that cutting back on alcohol makes you feel so much better and when you think of what your poor body has been through, shoving alcohol at it makes no sense! I have never experienced reiki but only heard positive comments about it, so might give it a try myself.

Good luck



This is great. I’ve been doing reiki and it definitely makes me feel more energetic and positive, Cathy. I have been thinking about doing reflexology and will definietly try it. I’m also trying to eat more healthily, more fruit and vegetable, nuts, green tea and so on. What advice has your therapist given you? I get achey knees and feet (am on herceptin, having finished cehomtherapy in May) and often hobble about…

I have thought about cutting out alcohol but have not taken the plunge yet, but have tried to be very moderate.

So glad you are feeling so well and so calm.


Still feeling good but have had to miss my session this week. My reiki session last week was truly amazing. I actually saw various bright colours bubbling up (my eyes were shut), a bit like a larva lamp. My therapist saw this too. She told me what she had seen and then I told her I had seen it too!!! Unbelievable. I only have about 3 mins of reiki at end of reflexology but she has advised that as my response was so strong, that we should have a whole body reiki session and I can’t wait! I really didn’t want to leave her room, it was soooo exciting!
