Have Lobular Invasive Her 2 neg. why Removal Lymph node and BiG surgery seperate procedures

 Can’t bear thought of being lopsided and been refused a double masectomty so   an immedaitae reconstruction with silicon prosithes  was agreed with Plastic surgeon 10 days who said the operation would take place within 2-3 weeks.   Have  the pre-op assessment for  that  at another hospital where procedure will be carried out on Monday,     (can’t believe that I refused chance of using my tissue from tummy and hence a tummy tuck on NHS :-)  sensible thing to do given much big   op and other health pain issues ).


On Thursday Oncologist after poking around in my arm pit, whilst I was re-ordering my clothes asked if anyone had mentioned Lymph node removal to me — erm NO, who would have mentioned it? 


He explained that 1st Lymph node that Cancer attacks has been identified and I should have that it removed in Day Hospital under a general aneasthethetic. So a second pre-op assesment for that on Tuesday.   Puzzled as to why hadn’t been mentioned to me before and why can’t be removed/checked whilst he is doing his breast masectomy surgery before the Plastics take over,  saving me having to undergo 2 procedures and presumable health trust money.  Could he know sumut I don’t?  It also delays the main surgery!!!    Thank you for reading this, answers much appreciated.  Positive thoughts to all of you.


Have you had a first operation yet of wide local excision because they usually look at the sentinel node then and remove it. I am not sure why you would need 2 seperate procedures unless it is different surgeons for each procedure ?? Sometimes they need to inject blue dye to find the sentinel node and perhaps this could affect the reconstruction surgery , you will have to keep us posted, everyone seems to be having such different things done, it’s quite confusing


Sorry about this awful  experience…Firstly I can’t understand WHY  a double mastectomy was refused or why Lympth node removal was not suggested at the same time as the mastectomy…Maybe its to do with different Health Trusts?

I had a double mastectomy, at my request and ALL lympth nodes removed from my left armpit and the sentinel Lympth node removed from the right…ALL proceedures carried out at the same time. I hope you have resolved these probs since you posted on here.