I am waiting for the results of my biopsies to tell me the grade/stage/type of breast cancer I have. I have so many questions and no one to ask. anyone out there fancy babying me through the first few days and giving me the heads up on what to expect in the weeks to come?
Welcome to the BCC forums where I am sure you will find the support you are looking for, many users here will understand how you are feeling at the moment.
In addition, our helpliners are on hand weekdays 9-5 and Saturdays 10-2 on 0808 800 6000 with practical and emotional support for you so please feel free to call
The following link will take you to the newly diagnosed section of the site which may help when you find out your results:
Hello Frioa,
I would be happy to ‘baby’ you through the start of your BC journey. I am sure there will be others as well who will want to help you.
The BCC Forum was a ‘godsend’ to me when I found out I had BC. So many supportive ladies on here and the BCC helpline is excellent too.
It is five months since my original diagnosis but it feels like yesterday. I still sign into the Forum because I want to offer support and help to ladies just like those ladies who gave me support when I needed it.
Fire away with your questions.
Peace and Positivity,
M x
hi frioa . i only recently found out early march i have invasive ductal cancer. my operation is on 22nd april . unsure what treatment is after the operation . i can try and answer some things for you . like many ladies on here we will all support you and each other . stay positive xx
The biopsy result won’t tell you very much. If it is breast cancer, they will tell you if there are any receptors (Oestrogen, Progestrogen, HER2) and a rough idea of the size. But the grade and stage can only be known after surgery (WLE or Mastectomy). They might be able to tell you if there are lymph nodes involved, so any surgery could include a sentinel node biopsy. Ask as many questions as you need, we will try to help out if we can. But at this stage everything is speculation, as only the medics will know what is going on when they get your results.
it is so good to know there is someone there to help me through this. even though I haven’t had the results of the biopsy yet, I have been allocated a breast cancer care nurse and been told that a mastectomy is very likely.
at the moment, my main questions for now are how long is the recovery from a mastectomy and how soon after the surgery will chemo start…or do they do the chemo first and then the surgery?
all the really scary stuff like stage and type, I can’t bear to think about. I know I’ll have to deal with it soon but for now I’m just concentrating on how long it wil take me to get better.
I was diagnosed yesterday. The words remember are, ductal, chemo, mastectomy. I have been told I have to have chemo first, approx 10 cycles before op as tge cancer has been found in lymph nodes too.I have mri tomorrow and meeting with oncologist on Tues. Is anyone else in thus situation ie; chemo before treatment. Also does anyone have any tips for questions to ask on Tues…i’ve gone blank… Thank you x
Rachel understand how you feel I was only diagnosed in feb and was first told I would have surgery but as they found suspect node on lung and something on the right breast which they could not find to biopsy and the tumour is fast growing - long story short I found out 3 weeks ago I would undergo chemo first
Ask re the plan cycles and read re possible side affects understand everyone reacts different. I have had my first chemo on Tuesday sp only 5 more to go. Take someone with you when you see the oncologist as it hard to remember things. Don’t google. Ring the breastcare lovely ladies or search forum.
I have decided to process everything in chunks is stopped reading re surgery till I am 3/4 through chemo then I will read upon rads.
Ask for a prescription form when you see your BCN for free persvrptuons. You will be set up with a referral to the chemo centre and should be like mine and give you a tour and explain lots they are angels. Mine also gave me a wig referral.
Take it a step at a time
Do what is right for you
Get advice and support from the professionals
Also there is a chemo course day in london I booked on 10 may through mcmillan I think I booked. Plus not sure where you are based but Maggie’s and haven which while I have not been too yet seem to have drop in sessions. All the best