Hiya, feeling very emotional today and was doing so well following lumpectomy last Friday, could really do with a chat if anyone’s a round to give me a boost xx
Hello Kim68
Maybe whislt waiting for replies you could call our free helpline and talk through your concerns with one of the staff who are there to support you. The number is 0808 800 6000 and is open now.
Best wishes
June, moderator
Thank you both so much for replying, I’ve been so preoccupied with dealing with be getting my niece sorted today I’ve not had time to think of myself, she’s having a termination this week bless her heart and I will be with her every step of the way, I will get my results next Thursday but will deal with that then, I’m very lucky to have private health care through my employers which is now in place for any treatment I need, I’ve been treated very well via the NHS so far as it was the quickest option while all the paper work was being sorted for the private route but it gives me some comfort to know I have that back up now, I’m trying to just deal with one drama at a time, they do seem to be coming thick and fast in our family at the minute! I’m so very grateful to be able to have support here and thanks you so much again for taking the time to reply, love to you all Jo ️Xx