Having a ball!


My lovely friends are organising a fundraising ball/dinner dance in my honour, in aid of the Lavender Trust, as I got so much from a Younger women’s forum I went on at the end of my chemo. I’m so thrilled and moved.

We want to name the tables something to do with bc - any suggestions?

Hi Kinder
How about emotional words such as hope, love, friendship and help. All things we get from the forum.
Whatever words you use, have a fantastic time.

Great idea, Margaret. I want it to be a really fun, happy evening, from which people can leave a little bit educated, but not too scared.


Granted I’ve had a glass of wine or 2 (or 5). To keep it lighthearted, maybe you could name the tables after comedy names for breasts- boobs, mams…

Em x

Hi Em

That’s a great idea too. Don’t know if I could think of 12 though!
Thanks for this suggestion


I’m sure between us all we can! My huband contributes the following!!!- Boobs, melons, mams, tits, bangers, bazookas, breasticals.

Em x

All contributed by my husband (he also came up with those already mentioned!) - gazongas, norks, nellies, top bo***cks, hooters, baps, rack, bosom (ok, I added the last one)

You can google breast slang names - I found a very entertaining list!



Great suggestions, should have a fun night.

Will be really hard not to be emotional when I make a short speak thanking everyone!


Just wanted to report that a fab night was had by all, and we raised £3006 - can’t believe it! We called the tables slang names for breasts.
Got through my speech fine, which went down well, and I managed to hold it together. However, once at home I cried my eyes out at the thought of everyone being there because I have bc.
Brilliant result though!

It sounds like a great night. Thanks to you (and your friends) so much for all your efforts - we really appreciate it.

Leah (BCC)

Congratulations Kindon sounds like you all had a great night and well done for the speech, must have been very emotional you deserved a wee cry when you got home. £3006 raised - brilliant.

Anne xx