Having a Holiday

Hello ladies, I completely understand we are all unique, so no offence intended. So, I’m through ‘active treatment’ come Wednesday (rads following surgery) and thinking a lot about ‘moving forward’ and getting over the worst 6 months of my life. Thoughts turn to a ‘bucket list’ holiday and certainly just mentally touring the world is nice to do. Realistically, cannot see having energy for a foreign holiday for a while, but maybe pay a small deposit to book a ‘goal in life’, say for a few months down the line? Good motivation. Got to go back to work too, but that’s a different subject. So, first up and really for fun where would you go? Fantasy stuff or practical tips, all welcome! For exotic places ( groan, C is always there in so many ways) anyone experience of compatability of Tamoxifen with anti-malaria drugs and ’ holiday jabs’? As typing this have a funny feeling I may be restricted in where is ‘safe’ to go. Single, no kids BTW and not a ‘sun-lounger’ more an explorer of architecture, nature, culture, iconic sites. W

See you in Pompeii, Wonks. My goddaughter has just got back and I was devastated to hear there was no evidence of a long-legged young man with a red sweater casually slung over his shoulders who crops up in most of the photos I took during a Sixth Form trip in the late 60s!! But there’s loads more to see, even if you’ve “been before” - that’s a dig at my friend who chose not to go because she’s seen it already!!!

Hi Wonky,

How about a tour? South east Asia’s fascinating. Thailand, Cambodia, Viet Nam, Myanmar, Laos - loads to see, good deals, safe & never had to bother with jabs or malarial meds. I’m on tamox & never had a problem, but was aware of the higher blood clotting risk on long haul, so made sure I drank plenty of fluids & moved around. 

ann x