Hi, I was very young when diagnosed, I’m now 32 and this year will be my 5th year following from completing treatment. I was considering after this years MRI to maybe try for a baby. I will need to have not taken tamoxifen for 6 months before trying, Has anyone been through this? I get mixed messages from my oncologist as to whether it’s the right thing to do.
Hi Lettie_parkes,
Thanks for posting about this. We actually have some information on our website which I hope will help: breastcancercare.org.uk/information-support/facing-breast-cancer/breast-cancer-in-younger-women/fertility-pregnancy-breast-cancer-treatment/planning-pregnancy If you use the tabs at the top to move around that section, there should be some useful information in there to help with the decision.
While you’re waiting for a reply from the community, you are also very welcome to call our nurses about this, you can reach them on 0808 800 6000.
Take care,
Becca at Breast Cancer Care.