having head shaved today

Hi everyone,
I’m so fed up with hair falling down in front my face and into my food that I am speeding up the process and having my best friend shave my head at 4pm today. I’ve got hardly any left now anyway. The crown is bald and so is round the back.
I’ve got some really funky hats and scarves and have decided that since im gonna lose it anyway I might as well speed up the process and half done with it.
My family and friends and all the kids at youth club where I work are really supportive and say that I will still be me and it’s what’s on the inside that counts.
onwards and upwards.

Go for it Diddly, you’ll be upset at first but ultimately it is soooo easy to keep like this, and it grows back in super fast once treatments stop!


Congratulations! The worst bit will then be behind you…



I did the same on Monday just past - the tears were absolutely running down my face when my boyfriend was doing it - it took me a couple of hours to look at it myself but since then have not looked back. I was really dreading it and thought I would hide away - but no - I have been out with beanies, and scarves on. If I can do it then absolutely anyone can - slap on a bit of make up and hold your head up high!!!

Hope you are ok

Ive done it!
I’ve had my head shaved and it’s not as bad as I thought it would be. Because I’ve still got a slight covering a bit like a 5 o’clock shadow it feels strange to touch. It also stung a little bit when my friend gently washed all the loose bits off afterwards. My 20 year old Son doesn’t want to see my bald head because he said it will take a while to get used to it.
My friend who has moved away from my area did the race for life this year and yesterday she sent me her medal in the post because she said she did it for me. I had quite a few tears when I unwrapped the tissue and saw it.
I’m going to do next years race for life even if I have to walk round.
Thanks for all the support on this site.


I am so happy that it wastnt as bad as you thought. My 14 year old daughter was not around when I did it and came home from her dads the next day - she knew I had done it and I left it up to her when she wanted to look - it only took her 5 mins - and she said it was ok!!

Onward and upward!!!


Oh girls,

I feel for you I really do!
Shaved my head 3rd jan ,2 days before 2nd Epi.
Felt so much better! Its quite a nice feeling when you are in a chemo sweat to rub your head on a leather couch!
Now its about 3/4" long, trouble is its tight curls.
So see it doesnt last forever, but I think all girls should shave their heads once in their lives! Its a lovely feeling in the shower and doesnt take 2 mins to get ready to go out!

love nicgum

Hi everybody - my d-day for head shave is tomorrow as my 2 girls (20 and 23) are at home and I want them to be part of it. Like you Diddly, I am fed up of falling out and getting up in the morning and feeling like there’s spiders all over my back. Leaving a trail whereever I go. I have started to wear my wig and met some friends from work yesterday and got that out of the way - they all liked it and said you couldn’t tell !! Still felt as though everybody was looking at "my wig " when went to supermarket !!

Spose it’s just time but in strange sort of way I am looking forward to getting rid of it.

Brenda xx